Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 140 Goodbye Peacock Dance

Walking out of the door of the game console room, the illusion changed back into a penguin and sat on Sok's shoulder.

Sok turned to the little penguin and asked: "Hey, penguin, where should we go to play next? Or should we go eat something and then go shopping?"


The penguin cheered and agreed, biting his small arm and tapping his little feet: "Hmm... I want to eat rice noodles, preserved eggs, chicken fillet, and stinky tofu..."

Suoke's head was full of black lines: "How can there be such a thing in Japan?"

The little penguin looked disappointed and said: "Huh? No? Then let's go eat cake! I want to eat green dumplings and a super large cream cake!"

Suok snapped his fingers in a relaxed and comfortable manner: "No problem, let's go!"

After taking the little penguin around two streets and almost reaching the cake shop, Suoke suddenly felt a murderous aura spreading around him!

Suoke frowned and looked around, only to find that this murderous aura was not directed at anyone, but that the entire street was filled with this smell!

Just as I was wondering if there was any club that had arranged a group fight here, suddenly a slightly surprised female voice came from not far away.

"Hey! Thok!"

Suoke turned around, and before he saw anyone, there was already a gust of fragrant wind blowing on him.

A mature and sexy woman put her arm on Sok's shoulder without any scruples, and said with a charming smile in her unique charming voice: "Hey, we meet again! I just guessed that you would show up in a place like this. , you still look as energetic as before!"

Suoke saw her appearance clearly and was stunned: "Peacock dance?"

That's right, it's Peacock Dance.

Seeing Suoke's mediocre reaction to the reunion of the two, Peacock Dance frowned slightly and said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "Why, aren't you happy to see me? I came here specially from another country, but I am very much looking forward to meeting you. We meet you again!"

Sock smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm just curious. Aren't you traveling around the world? Why did you suddenly come to Domino Town again?"

"Huh? Do you even need to ask?"

Peacock Dance looked at Suoke strangely and said, "You came here because you heard the news, right?"

Suok blinked blankly: "News?"

"...Did you come here without knowing anything?"

Peacock Dance was a little surprised. She pointed at the group of stern-faced teenagers around her and said, "Then, you should also feel the murderous aura unique to duelists emanating from them, right?"

Suoke nodded: "I felt it. I thought they were going to fight in a group."


Peacock Dance sighed helplessly: "You are obviously the champion of the All-Japan Duel Competition and the winner of the Kingdom Duel, but you don't pay attention to the news of the Duel? Just last night, the Duel Monster Card of Pegasus The official website and the official website of the Kaiba Group suddenly released an announcement at the same time, saying that there will be news about a large-scale duel competition here!"

Duel competition?

Suoke was stunned and remembered the Duel City Competition in the original book.

That was the final battlefield where the Pharaoh regained his memory.

After carefully scanning the surrounding crowd, Suoke discovered a few acquaintances that he had just ignored.

Dinosaur Ryuzaki, Insect Feather Moth, Kajiki Yuta, and Onimozuka's party.

Tsk tsk, they were all defeated by his own men.

"I see."

Suoke raised his eyebrows and said, "This group of salted fish came here because they saw the news, right?"

Peacock Dance nodded, then looked at Suok attentively, and said with a smile: "But it really surprises me. You clearly don't know the news, but you still come here. Is it because the aura of the duel attracted you here?"

Suokexu waved his hands and said, "No, it was the smell of the cake that attracted me here."

At this moment, a sound of braking suddenly came from behind Sok.

Turning around, I saw Haima and Trojan horse walking out of their Porsche seats!

Trojan horse looked at the crowded crowd and happily said to Kaiba: "As expected, duelists came from all over the country!" But just as he finished speaking, Trojan saw him standing with Peacock Dance again. Suoke, who was shocked at that time, whispered to Kaiba with a slightly trembling voice: "Brother...brother, that madman is also here..."

Kaiba gave Sok a cold look and sneered in his heart.

Just last night, Kaiba, who had just obtained the "Obelisk's Titan Soldier", had already tested the power of the Phantom God!

All the electronic instruments used for testing were destroyed, and even the company employees who simulated the battle with him were severely traumatized. That was no longer the terrifying power that the virtual illusion system could bring!

But even though the loss was huge, Kaiba was still so happy that he almost went crazy!

Because that's exactly the power Kaiba needs!

As long as he has the Phantom God, even Sok may not be his opponent, and he will never have to be humiliatingly blackmailed by that guy again!

This ultimate terrifying power must be completely in your own hands!

Three phantom gods...

You are bound to win!

"Duelists, listen carefully..."

Kaiba scanned the audience condescendingly like a king and shouted coldly: "In a week, in this city, a duel monster card competition will be held!"

A group of minions with the word "cannon fodder" written on their faces behind them, led by Kaiba's pre-arranged envoys, cheered: "Great!"

The sounds were like thunder, rising and falling one after another.

"There are two conditions for duelists to participate!"

Seeing that the atmosphere had been stirred up, Kaiba continued: "First, we need to prepare a participating deck containing forty rare cards!" Then, Kaiba took a new type of duel disk from Trojan and put it on his arm. , shouted: "In addition, there must be this next-generation duel disk!"

Duel plate?

A group of people around him didn't realize it, and they all muttered what the hell this was.

But Suoke and Peacock Wu, who had already seen this thing in the Duel Kingdom, seemed extremely calm.

"All duels are based on card gambling! The loser has to hand over the most precious card in the deck to the winner!"

It was only then that Kaiba finally revealed his truest purpose, and said with a ferocious smile: "In other words, the winner will get more powerful cards and become stronger! Come on, duelists! The competition is here One week later, the stage for the duel will be the entire Doujinno Town! At that time, this city will become a city of duels! Hahaha..."

When Sok heard this, he suddenly said to the little penguin on his shoulder: "I finally know where the name of this mobile game came from. It turns out that this is where it comes from."

At the same time, Gurus, who was hiding in the crowd at the scene, had told Malik, the leader of Gurus in a foreign land, about the duel city through the telepathy of the thousand-year tin staff!

"Duel City... interesting!"

Malik tapped his knuckles lightly on the surface of the thousand-year-old tin staff and sneered: "Haha... the prey can gather together on their own initiative. This is really the best news for us. Give me all the rare cards." All the hunters are gathered together, the next target is Domino Town!"

The Gurus hunter immediately responded: "Yes, Lord Malik!"

Malik nodded, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked: "By the way, does the guy who took the initiative to seek our cooperation last time have any news from him?"

"Since last night, no messages have been sent back."

The Gurus hunter replied: "Maybe he failed and was killed, or after he succeeded, he hid with the evil god card..."

Evil God Card...

Possessing super power that surpasses the three illusory gods!

Even the Sun God he holds is no match for the Evil God!

"Hmph, that bastard Pegasus actually dares to create something like an evil god to invade the domain of God..."

Malik gritted his teeth and snorted: "Whether that guy succeeds or not, the Evil God Card must be controlled by me!"

After saying that, Malik stood up from his seat, looked out the window and fell into deep thought.


If he becomes the new Pharaoh, the Evil God would be a good new totem...

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