Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 142 A tacit understanding

Suoke nodded with deep understanding: "Indeed, I am invincible in the world."

This sentence made Peacock Dance laugh out loud, and Suoke didn't know what she was laughing about.

"Tell me about you, Sok..."

After Peacock Wu smiled, she suddenly said: "I seem to be very familiar with you, but I seem to know nothing about you. You are strong and different. Nothing in this world can restrain you... I feel like I am with you." It feels good, because when I see you, I suddenly feel that nothing in this world is impossible..."

The moonlight is like water, and two long shadows are reflected on the ground, leaning against each other.


Suoke said inexplicably: "I'm living a good life, I'm worried about you."

But after Suoke finished speaking, he found that Peacock Wu had fallen asleep on his shoulder, with his whole soft body leaning against him.

Sok reached out and picked her up by the waist, and flew directly back to the apartment.

When I opened the door, the house was dark, and the familiar black and white figure was gone.

There was only a piece of paper left on the table, with a crooked line written on it: "I'm going out. I'll be back tomorrow morning. You... don't make the room too messy."

This is the handwriting of a penguin. Just by looking at these words, you can feel the sadness and sorrow it holds in its heart.

Putting the note away and looking at the drunken Peacock Dancer in his arms, Suoke carried her to the bed in the room, helped her take off her shoes, stretched out his hand to pull the quilt to cover her, and then laid down half of it. A glass of cold water is placed by the bedside.

The beautiful woman is so close that we can smell each other's breath. After being drunk, there is even a hint of charming charm that attracts people's soul.

But Suoke turned off the light, exited the room without hesitation, and gently opened the door.

There was the sound of the door opening outside the house, and it was obvious that Suoke had already gone out.

In the dark room, Peacock Wu, who was originally drunk and unconscious, slowly opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling with a sense of loss, not knowing what she was feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, I guessed right...

That's not your elf at all...


My love rival.

On the roof of the apartment building, the little penguin sat on the edge of the platform, holding his head and staring blankly at the moon.

The moonlight is beautiful, but the penguins cannot calm down and appreciate it.


After a long time, the little penguin sighed in frustration: "Why am I so generous..."

Just after it finished saying this, a figure suddenly appeared from behind, sat down next to it, and said with a sad smile: "Yeah, do you think you are stupid?"

"I'm so stupid..."

The little penguin kicked his feet, and it took him a long time to react. He turned to look at Suoke, who was looking at him with a smile, and said in disbelief: "Oh!? You... you are not..."

Sock smiled and patted the penguin's little head: "That's not what I'm talking about."


Penguin looked up and down at Sok hesitantly: "So fast?"


Sok's face darkened at that time and he said angrily: "Idiot! Who's so quick! I'm a three-dimensional character. Do you really think I like the two-dimensional paper man?"

"You are not allowed to call me stupid, you are the stupid one, huh! Little stupid boy!"

The little penguin pouted and snorted, but in less than a second, his little face burst into laughter. He hugged Sok's thigh and cheered: "But I'm so happy! How did you know I was on the top of the building?" ?”

Suoke grinned and said, "TV dramas are all shot like this, so I came to look for them."

The little penguin jumped on Suok's shoulder, touched the top of Suok's head with his small arm, and said with a smile: "You are lucky!"

Suoke pushed the little penguin's arms away angrily, shook his head and sighed: "Okay, let's go home."

The little penguin cheered excitedly: "Oh! Go home!"

Looking at its cheerful appearance, Sok smiled and did not tell it. In fact, he found this place immediately based on his intuition.

The connection between hearts has always been so wonderful.

It can be said that there is a clear understanding.

At dawn the next day, Peacock Wu had already taken her luggage and disappeared.

In fact, Suoke had already clearly rejected her when they were drinking last night. Later, on the way back, it was her last effort, but unfortunately it failed.

Peacock Wu's departure was also expected.

When Sok got up, the little penguin had already made breakfast and was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

Suoke picked up the noodles on the table, walked to the sofa and sat with the little penguin, and asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

The little penguin spread out the newspaper, pointed to the front page news and said to Suok: "Well, Suok, look, the newspaper says that starting from today, it will be the day when duel disks are distributed, and the collection point is where we went yesterday. In a store on that street!"

Sok took a bite of the poached egg on the noodles and raised his eyebrows: "This duel disk looks much more advanced than the last one. This should be because Kaiba specially modified and upgraded it in order to make the duel disk able to withstand the data flow of the Phantom God. Right? We’ll go check out that store after dinner."


Pushing open the store door, Suoke saw the store owner laying out the newly arrived duel plates.

Pointing to the dueling disks, Suoke said to the shopkeeper: "Hey, how much does that thing cost? I want to buy one."

"Oh! Guest, are you also a contestant in the duel city in a week? You came so early..."

The shop owner was a mustache wearing round glasses. He came to the cashier and turned on the computer. He smiled at Sok and said, "I also want to use these duel plates to make a lot of money, but unfortunately, Haima Company specially asked, These duel disks are not for sale and can only be obtained through special methods... By the way, guest, can you tell me your name?"


Suoke suddenly remembered that the duel disks were issued according to the duel level this time, so he directly reported his name: "My name is Suoke Nenufa. Check it out. I am a great man. Duel The level will definitely shock you!”

"Oh! It turns out that you, my guest, are so powerful. How rude..."

The shop owner laughed along and entered Sok's name on the computer.

Soon, the query results came out. It was true that Sock's duel level shocked the shop owner.

Because this was the first time he saw someone with a negative duel level!

The shop owner was shocked at the time. He rubbed his eyes several times, only to find that the computer screen showed that Sok's duel level was still -1!

The names of the photos are all correct. Could it be that the Haima Group's database made a mistake?

The store manager was sweating profusely and was about to explain to Sok, but suddenly, he saw the description under Sok's photo on the computer screen...

"This person is addicted to cheating. He beat the audience at the game, intimidated the referee, and used force to intimidate his opponents many times. His bad record is unworthy of being called a duelist!"


Why does this introduction sound so familiar?

Sok Nenufa…

The store manager, who is a hidden member of Gurus, suddenly remembered that every time there was a meeting in the organization, Malik would ask everyone to learn more from him. The Leyaka Hunter should be as despicable and shameless as him, using all means to seize rare cards. !

After hearing about Sok's legendary deeds, everyone in Gurus worshiped Sok like a god.


Beating Pegasus at the game!

What a thrill!

Who else would dare to do this except him?

Thinking of this, the store manager was in awe, and without saying a word, he changed Suok's level to just qualified LV5. Then he took a duel plate from the shelf, handed it to Suok respectfully, and said piously: "Please You must accept it, senior!"

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