Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 143 It’s Difficult to Ask God

Suoke took the duel plate, weighed it twice, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Is this free?"

"Yes, Mr. Sock!"

The shop owner rubbed his hands and smiled respectfully: "In fact, I can query the information of all the duelists in the country in the Haima Group's database. Based on the strength of the duelists' decks, competition results, and the stability of their performance, the Haima Group combines these The three of them have rated stars for all duelists. The highest duelist level is eight, and only duelists above level five can receive the duel plate from me."

Suoke said "Yes" with satisfaction and said proudly: "Needless to say, I must be at the highest level eight?"

No, in fact you are the only duelist with a negative star rating...

The corner of the shop owner's mouth twitched, but he would not say these words. He laughed and rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Isn't that natural? Mr. Sok, please take your duel plate and wish you success in advance. The winner of this competition.”

Sok put the duel disk on his arm, and while looking at the latest model of the duel disk, he hummed: "That guy Kaiba finally has some eyesight. I thought he would become swollen after getting the Titan Soldier." Get up and don’t take me seriously..."

Suoke just said it casually, but the shop owner was shocked!

Giant magic! ?

Isn't that the third God Card that Master Malik is looking for?

It turns out that card is in Seto Kaiba's hand! ?

I heard incredible news...

After Sok walked out of the store with the duel plate, the store owner narrowed his eyes slightly, immediately picked up the phone next to the cashier, and contacted Malik immediately!

The call is connected.

"Lord Malik! The whereabouts of the God Card have been found out!"

An icy cold light flashed on the lenses of the shop owner's glasses, and the excited expression on his face could no longer be suppressed: "The last phantom is in the hands of Kaiba Seto, the president of Kaiba Group!"

"Seto Kaiba..."

Malik's young but dignified voice came from the other end of the phone: "Where did you get the news, Pandora?"

The shop owner smiled proudly: "That's right, Lord Malik! Just now, a great big shot came to my shop...Sok Nenufa, and he also came to my shop to collect the duel plate. ! When he was trying out the duel plate, he accidentally let it slip, and that’s when he let me know this amazing secret!”

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a long time, Malik's voice came again: "Indeed... If it was said by that guy Sok, it does have a certain degree of credibility... But Seto Kaiba's capital is very strong, and his minions are all over Tongcheng. Nomachi, it is difficult for our hunter to find an opportunity to strike... It seems that we can only use the rules of card gambling to snatch the God Card from his hand after the duel city competition officially starts..."

In fact, there is one sentence Malik did not say.

That is, the seahorse that has mastered the "Obelisk's Titan Weapon" is far beyond what ordinary Leyaka hunters can handle!

Even if he uses force to rob him, Gurus' power is far from comparable to that of Kaiba, a big capitalist!

"But before that... there is another goal that must be solved..."

The corner of Malik's mouth on the other end of the phone raised slightly and he sneered: "In addition to the God Card in this hunt, I also want to get the Evil God Card! Pandora, do you know what to do?"

Pandora was stunned and immediately nodded: "I understand! I will arrange for Leyaka hunters to snatch the evil god card from Sok's hand now!"


Malik said coldly on the other end of the phone: "Sock's deck is extremely powerful. No ordinary hunter can be that guy's opponent! Pandora, as the No. 2 Guru, I want you to personally give the Evil God card to I'll take it back!"

The shop owner's face was distorted with excitement: "Thank you for your trust, Lord Malik! I will definitely snatch the Evil God Card back and present it to you! Hahaha..."

It's getting dark...

Under the cover of night, the rats finally showed up, haunting the streets and alleys, doing shameful things.

After dinner in the evening, Sock and the little penguin were taking their daily post-dinner walk on the street outside.

But when passing through a certain alley, three figures wearing black cloaks and hoods suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Suoke.

"We are the Hungika hunter Gurus..."

"Fuck you!"

Before the three cloaked men could finish speaking, they were all knocked to the ground by Sok's punch.

Clapping his hands, Suoke let out a sigh of disgust and said with a face full of displeasure: "Mom, you look so ugly and dare to come out at night to scare people. That means I am in a good mood today, otherwise I will hammer out the green shit for you!"

After a long time, it was dawn.

Pandora got up from the ground in a daze, looked at her two accomplices lying unconscious on the ground next to her, and scratched her head in confusion...

Didn't I come here to block Suoke last night? Why did the three of them suddenly fall asleep...

Because his brain was slightly concussed by Sok's hammer, Pandora couldn't remember what happened last night. In the end, he simply stopped thinking about it and planned to continue intercepting Sok tonight.

So, the next night.

"Sock, we are the Hanguikar hunter Gurus..."

"Mom, it's you old bastards again! If I don't beat your green shit out today, you haven't eaten leeks!"

The third night.

Pandora, with bandages and plaster all over her body, was unable to move, blocking the path that Sock had to take for a walk.

When Suoke just stepped into this alley and saw Pandora, he didn't have time to get angry!

Pandora immediately knelt down to Sok with a "plop"!


Pandora burst into tears, kowtowed to Suok several times and said, "Stop hitting me! I just want to play cards with you!"

Suok was stunned for a moment, then lowered his raised fist, scratched his head in confusion and said, "You...you want to play cards with me?"

Pandora sobbed with runny nose and tears: "Yeah, if you beat me again, I'm afraid I won't even be able to hold the cards. I'm just making a living in Gurus. Why? What a chance, hero!"

Seeing how pitiful he was crying, Suoke still had some conscience after all, and he couldn't bear to say: "No! What kind of status do I have? If you want to play cards with me, you can play cards with me. Then I will lose face! Why don't you get out of here?" I will break your legs, hang them on a five-speed electric fan, and beat you while you are spinning!"

Pandora cried blindly at that time, turned around and ran away with a crutch.

Unfortunately, he was caught up by Sok and beaten violently.

The three Grus hunters who were hiding in the alley to look out for Pandora heard Pandora's shrill screams outside, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up in fear.

The three of them looked at each other and discussed quietly with each other.

"What should I do? Master Pandora seems to be being beaten... Do you want to go out and save him?"

"But we tried it last night, and the three of us couldn't beat Sok alone!"

"Then... how about pretending not to hear?"

The three of them looked at each other and reached a tacit consensus. They raised their heads seriously and began to admire the moon.

Gee, the moon is so full tonight!

Unfortunately, things didn't work out as they wished. They had just watched the moon for a while when suddenly Pandora was smashed into the alley from a distance by Sok like a cannonball!

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