Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 144 Pandora

The bruised and swollen Pandora covered her bleeding nose, lying on the ground twitching all over, and stretched out her hand tremblingly towards the three of them: "Help...save me..."

The leader of the three made a quick decision, raised his hand suddenly, and shouted: "Brothers! There is nothing in front! Let's retreat!"

Pandora was about to cry without tears as she looked at her three men rolling and crawling away in embarrassment. She closed her eyes in despair, the hatred in her heart!

I hate myself for provoking this violent maniac Suoke.

I hate these three bastards for not saving me and being ungrateful!

If I can go back alive tonight, I must report to Lord Malik and have the three of them sentenced to death!

But it seems he has no chance.

Sock's footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, like a desperate countdown to hell.

After exercising for a while after the meal, Suok's mood improved. He walked to Pandora and squatted down. Suok raised his chin towards him and said, "Hey, you wretched man, do you really want to duel with me?" ?”

Pandora hunched over, huddled pitifully, and waved her hands tremblingly: "No... no, I don't dare anymore... I can't beat you at all, please forgive me..."

"Oh, you can't beat me. It's like I'm bullying you."

Suok touched his chin and said: "Well... let's see that you are quite resistant to being beaten by me for three consecutive days, so I will give you face and play two cards with you... By the way, you said you are Gurus? Did Malik send you here?"

"Yes, it is……"

Pandora forgot about the pain before her scar healed, and asked with great expectation: "You...are you really willing to duel with me?"

Sok first looked at his fist, which startled Pandora, then took out a deck of cards from his pocket and said, "I agreed when I said yes. The Great Evil God doesn't need to lie to you, a mortal!"

"Ah! Really!? Great!"

Pandora was so happy that she almost shed tears. It was really bitter and tearful. How difficult it was. After being beaten for three days in a row, she finally got a chance to duel!

Sajia’s life is worth it!

Pandora stood up on crutches with joy, and said to Sok: "Sir Sok, you are the idol of all our members in Gurus, and you are also the industry benchmark for which we have worked hard all our lives. How can you be so great? Are you able to duel at will in a place like this? I will take you to the special duel room I have prepared for you now, and entertain you well. I wonder if you are willing to reward me..."

Soko made an "OK" gesture and said proudly: "Totally O, Popeye Pikachu, Bald Jellyfish Fat Basilisk K, hurry up, lead the way!"

Pandora accompanied Smiley and limped forward, leaning on a stick.

But when he turned around, a malicious look flashed across his eyes!


How dare you humiliate me like this!

I must use the mechanism I prepared in advance to cut you into pieces to relieve the hatred in my heart!

After twists and turns, Pandora brought Sok to the store where he received the duel disk on the first day.

Pushing the door open, Pandora turned on the mechanism, and a gap immediately appeared on the floor, with stairs leading to the depths below.

Walking all the way down, Pandora opened a door with a question mark on it, and showed Sok the duel venue where the match was about to take place - Pandora's room!

Trickster props are scattered throughout the room, like a real nightmare brought to life.

Pandora walked to the table in the middle of the room and sat down. She stretched out her hand towards Suok and said, "Sir Suok, please sit down opposite me..."

Suoke didn't care that this was Pandora's lair. He sat down opposite him and said to Pandora: "Okay, let the duel begin now!"

"Please wait a moment. Before that, I hope you and I can shuffle each other's decks..."

A strange smile flashed across Pandora's swollen pig-headed face: "After all, Mr. Sok, your reputation for 'killing the archmage without shuffling in one turn' is well-known in our organization, and as rare card hunters, I believe you should too. You are a little worried about us... There has been a proverb among gamblers since ancient times: Trust your friends, but never forget to shuffle your cards..."

"Friend? You have no right to be my friend!"

Suoke casually shuffled his deck twice, inserted the duel plate and shouted: "It doesn't matter whether you shuffle your deck or not. Anyway, if you dare to beat me, I will kill you! Now, the duel begins!"

A cold light flashed in Pandora's eyes, and her face was no longer as cowardly as before. She suddenly pulled the hidden mechanism beside him and laughed wildly: "You can only go so far with your arrogance, Sok! Hahaha..."

Before the laughter stopped, two pairs of shackles suddenly popped out from under Sok's seat, locking Sok's ankles tightly!

Two rapidly rotating chainsaws suddenly protruded from the circular frames on both sides!

"Quack...Sock, you've been fooled!"

Pandora pointed to the shackles under her feet and laughed wildly: "These are shackles made of steel! Without a key, no one can escape from this specially made death arena! And the tracks on which the chainsaws move on both sides are carved According to the numbers, as long as the health of either party reaches zero, the chainsaw under his feet will cut off the loser's feet! Hahaha... But don't worry, this game is very fair! My feet are also locked, if If I fail, I will suffer the same fate!"

Having said this, Pandora sneered secretly in her heart: Of course the last sentence was a lie to you. I had already hidden the spare key on my body. Hum...

Suok lowered his head and tapped the shackles on his ankles, raised his eyebrows and said, "You little bitch has a lot of tricks up his sleeve."

"There is a box under our feet, and the key to unlocking the shackles is inside. But our box will not be opened until the other party is broken into pieces! In other words, only the winner can escape!"

Pandora ignored Sok's provocative rubbish and continued to smile ferociously: "Pandora's box is a terrifying box brought to this world by the god Zeus after sealing all disasters in it! Once the taboo is broken, the disasters in the box will They will swarm out and destroy mankind until they become extinct... But there is still a last hope left in the box, which is the key hidden in the box under our feet! Hahaha..."

"Sock, feel the despair!"

On the opposite side, Suoke clasped his hands on his chest and said to Pandora with eyes wide open: "You have been beaten to such a bad extent by me. Where did you get the confidence to be so arrogant in front of me?"

The wounds on Pandora's face from being beaten by Sok began to hurt again, and she gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "You are only powerful with force, but I have absolute confidence in my dueling skills!"

"Come on! Duel!"


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