Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 145 Ace Little Spy

"I'm not polite to take the lead, Senior Sok..."

"Draw cards!"

After Pandora drew five cards from the deck, she quickly drew a new card from her hand. Looking at the newly drawn card, Pandora couldn't help but feel proud in her heart: "Hey, the Black Magician is already in my hand... I really didn’t expect that someone would start a duel without shuffling my deck, and the little tricks I had prepared were completely useless..."


"Although you have the legendary Evil God and the Blue-Eyed White Dragon in your deck, there is absolutely no way you can be my opponent, Pandora, the second strongest magician among the Gurus! Hahaha..."

After thinking about it, Pandora drew a card from her hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted: "First, I cover a card, and then, I want to activate the magic card to erase the card in my hand! According to its effect, both of us have to Discard all cards in your hand!"

[Hand card erasure, magic card, effect: Both players discard all cards in their hands, and then each draws the number they discarded from the deck. 】

Suoke was stunned, he didn't expect Pandora to activate this when he came up.

Looking at his hand with a strange expression, Sock sent five cards in his hand to the graveyard and drew five new cards.

On the opposite side, Pandora also changed her hand. Seeing Sok's expression, she sneered: "Hey, looking at you, it seems that you have lost a lot of good cards, but you don't have to be too sad, because the 'Black Magician' in my hand is 'I just sent the card to the cemetery with you! How about it? I take very good care of you, senior, hahaha..."

Seeing Pandora shouting like a clown, Sok was not even interested in beating him.

Turning his head to the side, Sok whispered to the little penguin on his shoulder: "Hey, Penguin, that guy threw the Black Magic into the cemetery. He must have wanted to specially summon the Black Magic from the cemetery. Go over and take a look at the cover on his field. What is the card, and then report it to me."

The little penguin got the order, and with his little feet, he ran from Sok's shoulder to Pandora's field in a hurry. He lay on the ground and looked at the folded cards reflected in the virtual image, then raised his head and shouted to Sok: "Sock Damn, this old guy wants to trick you! The card he set is the 'Coffin of Resurrection of the Dark Demon'. As long as you summon the monster, he can resurrect the black magic in the graveyard!"

Of course Pandora couldn't hear the little penguin's voice. He was still trying hard to suppress his excitement and try not to let Sock see the flaws in his face.

Pretending to draw a monster from her hand, Pandora put that card into the battlefield and said with a sinister smile: "Then, I'm going to summon the 'Dark Path Transformer-Zach', and add a cover card to end the round! "

[Dark Taoist - Zhaqi, 3 stars, dark attribute, attack: 600, defense: 1500, description: The Taoist who comes and goes without a trace, evades attacks with incredible movements. 】

He had just covered it, and the little penguin lying on the ground actively reported to Suokehui: "What he covered is the magic card 'Walking to the Dark'. The rules of the duel city are that if the magic card is covered, it can be activated in the opponent's turn. , Sok, you have to be careful!"

[The beckoning towards darkness, magic card, effect: Destroy a monster on the opponent's field. 】(comic version)

The first generation of cards were so simple and crude.

No wonder this Pandora is the second-ranked hunter in Grus. The deck is full of monster-exploding weapons like this. How can it not be powerful?

"Wait a minute! Before your turn ends, I'm going to Special Summon a monster from the graveyard!"

At this moment, Suoke suddenly snapped his fingers and shouted: "I activate the effect of the 'Martyr Soul Eater' in the graveyard. When it is in the graveyard, it can increase its attack power by 1000 points and specially summon it to our field. , come out! My immortal warrior!"

[Martyr Soul Eater, 3 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1400, defense: 1300, effect: When the card is sent to the graveyard, it can be specially summoned to our field with 1000 points of increased attack power (the increased attack (power can be superimposed), the round when this card attacks successfully, our next card drawing phase will be skipped. 】

Before he finished speaking, a huge six-pointed star summoning array appeared under Sok's feet, and an undead warrior holding a skeletal scepter slowly emerged from the summoning array!

Countless innocent souls surrounded him, making him come back to life and gain even more power!

Martyr Soul Eater, attack: 1400→2400


Pandora looked at the monster on Sok's field in shock and said in disbelief: "This...how is this possible!? How could there be such a terrifying monster that can be infinitely resurrected and continuously increase its attack power!?"

"Hmph... If this level of surprise surprises you now, then it will be very difficult for me..."

Suoke sneered twice, raised his right hand high, and shouted: "It's my turn. At this moment, the heroic spirits who are also sleeping in my graveyard will also wake up at the same time! I will use a card in my hand to Sent to the graveyard, come out, cavalry of hell, knight faster than lightning - 'Martyr Janus the Hellbeast!'"

[Martyr Hell Beast Janus, 7 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2600, defense: 2000, effect: As long as this card is in the graveyard, whenever our side is in the preparation phase, this card can be specially summoned by discarding a card in your hand On our field, the turn this effect is activated, the opponent cannot Special Summon monsters, and the monsters fighting this card are removed from the game. 】

The huge six-pointed star summoning array lights up again!

A burly warrior with a demon upper body and a horse lower body waved the mace in his hand and jumped onto Sok's battlefield, roaring with fighting intent!

"Haha! You were fooled, Sok!"

When Pandora saw Sok summoning a monster, she temporarily forgot about the threat of the martyr soul-eating monster and screamed excitedly: "Because you summoned the monster, the 'Coffin of Resurrection of the Black Demon Clan' covering my field is also activated at the same time! You The monsters will turn into nourishment, giving birth to the soil that I summoned the black magician!"

Before he finished speaking, Pandora opened the cover on the field, and a black coffin exuding an ominous aura appeared!

Two spheres symbolizing souls floated out from the bodies of the 'Martyr Hell Beast Janus' on the Sok Field and the 'Dark Path Transformer-Zach' on the Pandora Field respectively, and got into the black coffin. !

Pandora cheered and smiled sharply: "Awaken from the graveyard, my trump card - the Black Magician! Your infinite magic power will become my sharp blade to defeat all powerful enemies! Hahaha..."

"Oh? Are you tired of Wadokana?"

Suoke sneered and raised his arm, opened his palm towards the black coffin, and suddenly sent out a violent shock wave!


With a "boom", the coffin exploded!

The broken coffin was empty, and the two souls as sacrifices were returned to the monsters on both sides at the same time!

"What!? How is this possible!?"

Pandora shook her head in shock and said: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! My plan is perfect, why didn't the black magician come!?"


Sok finally showed the posture of the great evil god, and said with a ferocious smile: "Isn't it obvious? My hell beast Janus is the warden of the underworld, and no undead can escape from its hands! When it is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, you cannot Special Summon any monster... Your Dark Magician wants to return to the living world? Hahaha... Just dream, you idiot!"

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