Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 146 Liberation of the Soul

"Well, now it's my turn, draw cards!"

After Sok drew a card from the deck, he turned over the card and showed it to Pandora, shouting: "I drew 'Martyr: Suspended Death Beast'. As long as I use it to defeat your defensive monster, this round, you The health value will completely return to zero! Pandora! Are you ready to die!?"

[Martyr·Fake Death Beast, Attack: 1900, Defense: 1800]

"Damn it! If that's the case, I'm going to open the cover!"

Pandora immediately pressed the button on the duel plate without hesitation and shouted: "I want to activate the Gaika's 'Wand to the Dark' on our field! Depending on its effect, I can activate the one on your field. The monster is pulled into the darkness! The monster I chose is——'Martyr Hell Beast Janus' on your field!"

Following the successful activation of the magic card, a huge claw suddenly stretched out from behind the prison beast Janus and crushed it to pieces!

"Wise choice."

Sock waved his hand nonchalantly and summoned the "Martyr Suspended Death Beast" from the hand card. He pointed at the "Dark Path Transformer-Zach" in the defensive position and shouted: "Go, 'Martyr Suspended Death Beast' Beast', destroy that ridiculous clown! The beast tramples it!"

Suddenly, a blue dinosaur monster that looked like it was holding a kangaroo appeared on Sok's battlefield, swung its tail and charged towards the opponent's field!

"Secret Path Transformation-Zhaqi" was trampled into a piece of paper by the feigned death beast without any suspense, and was instantly shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Sok once again issued a battle declaration: "Go! My undead warrior! 'Martyr Soul Eater', launch a direct attack on Pandora! Soul-draining!"

Following this command, the soul-eating monster immediately raised the scepter in his hand high, emitting a dazzling and fierce light!

A green spell suddenly wrapped around Pandora's body, and a white light was extracted from his body and sucked into the soul-eating monster's scepter, as if his soul had been stripped away!

Pandora: LP4000→1600

It's obviously just a virtual image, but the pain that penetrates deep into the soul is as painful as if it were felt in one's own body!


Pandora let out a shrill scream, and her whole body was twitching continuously!

He thought that the mental attack punishment given by Malik was already the most vicious punishment in the world, but he did not expect that today, he would receive even more devastating pain!

Covering her head, Pandora panted violently for a long time before she finally recovered.

But his fighting spirit had been exhausted by the painful torture just now. He huddled up in fear, shivering, and did not even dare to look at Suok again.

Even when Sok announced the end of the round, Pandora still seemed to have heard nothing and huddled on the ground, swaying pitifully.

Seeing that this duel could no longer go on, but at this moment, a shining golden eye suddenly lit up on Pandora's forehead!

He no longer trembled, stood up from the ground like a puppet, and said to Soke in a completely different voice: "This is the first time we meet, I have heard the name for a long time... Soke Nenufa!"

Sock has read the original work and of course knows that Pandora is now controlled by Malik's thousand-year tin staff.

With a sneer, Suoke had time to hold his hands in front of his chest and said to Malik: "Who do I think he is? It turns out to be my brother-in-law. Why, don't you dare to come out if you don't continue to hide your head and tail?"

"brother in law?"

Malik couldn't understand the sentence because Sock spoke in Chinese.

But his instinct told him that this was an insulting word to him.

"Hmph! Don't be too arrogant, Sok!"

Malik's voice became colder: "We also have the Millennium Artifact, but the users are different! Pegasus is just a poor man controlled by fate. He can't use even one percent of the Millennium Artifact's power. Power! He can't do anything to you, but I can easily make you my doll, just like the body I control now!"

Suok sneered and raised his eyebrows: "There was a retarded man who thought the same thing last time, and now the Millennium Eye he snatched has fallen into my hands."

"Ota Soichiro...did that guy really fail..."

Malik made a sound and seemed a little unhappy: "It seems that you should also know my identity. I thought Pandora was enough to deal with you, but now it seems that I looked down on this incompetent person." Trash, he is no different from the trash we hunt..."


Suoke suddenly laughed three times, pointed at Malik's nose and said provocatively: "Actually, there is no difference between you and Pandora... In fact, in my eyes, there is always only the difference between the living and the dead!"

Malik's pupils shrank slightly and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Suoke laughed wildly: "Those who follow me will live, and those who go against me will die!"

One sentence, resounding throughout the world!

That invincible heroic spirit surges like a stormy sea!

Malik, who had countless lives and deaths at his fingertips, felt an inexplicable fear in his heart at this moment!

This guy……

It’s really not that simple!

No wonder he can control the evil god card!

The evil spirit and arrogance in him are simply unheard of!

"I underestimated you..."

The expression on Malik's face gradually became serious, and he said slowly: "It just so happens that this game is not over yet. Now, let me take over this body and test your strength personally!"

Under Malik's control, Pandora, who was as dull as a puppet, suddenly showed a weird smile on her face!

Mechanically drawing a card from the duel plate, Malik, who was mentally possessed by Pandora, shouted in a deep voice: "It's my turn, draw a card!"

Taking a look at the newly drawn card in his hand, Malik sneered: "My luck doesn't seem too bad. Next, the highest-level black magician is about to come to my field! I want to activate it from the cards in my hand. The magic card 'Curtain of Dark Magic'! According to its effect, I pay half of my life points to special summon 'Dark Magician' from the deck!"

[Curtain of Black Magic, Magic Card, Effect: The turn this card is activated, you cannot use effects other than this card to summon, reverse summon, or special summon monsters. You must pay half of your life points to activate it. From the deck Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician". 】

Malik, LP: 1600→800

As the life points were paid, the most advanced magician broke through the curtain and descended on Malik's field.

Perhaps under the influence of his master, the dark wizard's original cold and arrogant appearance became ferocious and evil, becoming the legendary terrifying dark wizard!

[Black Magician, 7 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 2100, description: As a magician, both attack and defense are at the highest level. 】

Immediately afterwards, Malik drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk: "Then, I will activate the magic card 'Thousand Knives' from my hand! Destroy the 'Martyr Soul Eater' on your field! "

[Thousand Swords, Magic Card, Effect: This can only be activated when there is a face-up "Black Magician" on your side of the field. Destroy 1 opponent's monster. 】

Countless sharp blades appeared out of thin air beside the "Black Magician". Following the Black Magician's order, they poured down like rain, completely tearing the 'Martyr Soul Eater' into a sieve!

Seeing the soul-eating monster being sent to the cemetery, Sok sneered: "Idiot, have you forgotten that my 'martyr soul-eating monster' is a monster that can be resurrected continuously. Even if you destroy it, I will It can revive him immediately and increase his attack power by another 1,000 points!"

"It's you who are stupid, Thok! I won't let those monsters come back to life again!"

Malik suddenly pulled out another card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk, shouting sternly: "Activate the magic card 'Soul Liberation'! I will remove all the martyrs in your graveyard!"

[Soul Liberation, magic card, effect: The total number of cards selected from both sides' graveyards is up to 5, and those cards are excluded from the game. 】

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