Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 147 Martyr·Hell Summoning

With the activation of "Soul Liberation", all the cards in Sok's graveyard were displayed in front of Malik.

Except for the two immortal warriors, all the other cards were cards with the prefix "Martyr" printed on them, even the magic and trap cards were no exception.

Being far away, Malik couldn't see clearly the effect of each card, so he could only randomly remove three more monster cards from Sok.

The current duel disk does not have an exclusion area, so the five martyr monsters are ejected from the graveyard by the duel disk, allowing players to manually exclude them. (Put it in your pocket)

"Now, your undead warriors can no longer be resurrected!"

Malik pointed at the suspended beast on the Sok field and laughed loudly: "Go, Black Magician! Use your highest level of black magic to destroy that ridiculous monster! Black magic attack!"

Upon receiving the order, the Black Magician immediately jumped into the air and pointed the staff in his hand at the feigned death beast on the Sok field!

Suddenly, a violent black magic bullet shot out from the top of the staff, blowing the blue dinosaur behind the feigned death beast into flying ash, but the dog-headed kangaroo held in the arms of the blue dinosaur still stayed on the field. , letting out bursts of evil laughter.

not good!

Seeing this, Malik immediately sensed something was wrong!

Could it be that this monster, like the previous two martyrs, can be resurrected infinitely? ?

As if to confirm Malik's conjecture, the remaining dog-headed kangaroo suddenly sprouted countless blue bones and flesh from its back, once again giving birth to a new blue dinosaur!

The "Martyr Suspended Death Beast" that was supposed to have been destroyed actually returned to the Sok Field unscathed!

"The effect of 'Martyr Suspended Death Beast' is activated..."

Sok sent a card from his hand to the graveyard and sneered: "When this card exists in the graveyard and there are no monsters on our field, you can discard a card in your hand and specially summon it to me. on the field!... Malik, you should have eliminated him before launching the 'Soul Liberation'..."


Malik was secretly shocked and gritted his teeth in frustration.

Because Sok's monsters are too scary, he wants to get rid of those two monsters quickly!

Unexpectedly, the newly summoned guy was also unkillable!

Damn it, where did he get so many disgusting cards?

"Hmph...hahaha! Because of your negligence, you made a fatal mistake!"

Sok opened his arms and let out a deafening evil laugh: "There is only one Black Magician on your field, and your back field and the number of cards in your hand are zero! You have no room to turn around anymore, accept death. Punish!"

"Disgusting guy!"

Hearing the harsh laughter in his ears, Malik said angrily: "Even so, my 'Black Magician' attack power is still as high as 2,500 points! In just one turn, you cannot summon a monster more powerful than the Black Magician. !”


Suok smiled ferociously and said: "Then it's my turn. Because my 'Martyr Soul Eater' launched an attack in the last round, so I can't draw cards this round, but it doesn't matter... I have cards in my hand. The cards in the game are enough to defeat you!"

Malik snorted angrily: "Then come and try it!"

"I offer the 'Martyr Suspended Death Beast' on the field as a sacrifice!"

Sok suddenly pulled out a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "Come out, commander of the undead army, the ultimate warrior who summons the resurrection of the dead! 'Martyr Hell Summon', comes to my field. , call me the ultimate warrior!"

[Martyr Hell Summon, 6 stars, Attack: 2000, Defense: 1700, Effect: When this card is on the field, once per turn, select a monster from our or opponent's graveyard to be specially summoned to our field. This The effect of the monster summoned by the special effect is invalidated, and its attack power becomes 4000 points! 】

The huge six-pointed star summoning array flickered like never before!

A bald skull wearing a red cloak rose from the summoning array and landed on the battlefield!

The dark curse sounded as he raised the scythe in his hand.

The earth is shattered!

The inexplicable divine power gradually filled this small space, making Malik's uneasiness intensify.

what happened! ?

It's obviously just a six-star monster, so why does it have such power similar to the Sun God! ?

Sok raised the corner of his mouth and shouted coldly: "Are you ready to accept God's punishment, Malik?"

"Are you...are you kidding!?"

Malik became angry because of the uneasiness in his heart, and said angrily to Sok: "The attack power of the monster you summoned is only 2000! It is no match for my 'Black Magician'! Such a weak monster can also pretend to be a god. !?"

"Although he is not a god, even gods must obey his orders!"

Sok laughed wildly and said: "The monster effect of 'Martyr Hell Summon' is activated! Every round, he can specially summon a monster from both sides' graveyards regardless of conditions! Come on, with the chants of hell, be buried in Come to my field, O god of the graveyard!”

Before Suoke finished speaking, the ground suddenly completely collapsed!

The blue divine light illuminated the entire room, and the violent wind swept everything away!

"Come out! Obelisk's Titan Soldier!!!"


Malik stared at the God of Destruction who was reborn with the majesty of hell, and roared in disbelief: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I just checked your cemetery, Obelisk is not in your graveyard at all! What despicable tricks did you use? Did you hide the cards in your sleeves!? Or did you secretly force the cards in your pocket into the graveyard!?"

"Hahaha! Are you angry? Poor bedbug!"

Sok stretched out his right index finger in front of his face, and smiled evilly: "Because it is beyond the scope of your understanding, are you starting to make excuses for your failure? Hum hum hum... Throw Obelisk's Titan Soldier Of course there is a chance to be sent to the cemetery, just now..."

In an instant, a flash of inspiration flashed in Malik's mind!

This is the hand card that just resurrected "Martyr Suspended Death Beast" and sent it to the graveyard!

This guy actually threw God into the cemetery!

Obelisk's Titan Soldier, attack: 4000, defense: 4000

Face to face with the Phantom God, the Black Magician's body was as fragile as a candle in the wind!

"Then it's all over..."

Sok raised his right hand high and yelled: "In the name of the Great Evil God, I will command the Illusion God, Obelisk, and completely destroy the enemies that stand in front of me! Crush the Divine Fist!!!"

Blue energy gathered in Obelisk's hands.

With one punch, it was devastating!

Not only was the black magician annihilated in the divine light, but also Malik's remaining health!

Malik, LP: 800→0


After taking an attack from the Phantom God, Malik's spirit was greatly damaged and he screamed violently!

The virtual illusion disappeared, and all the surrounding electrical appliances were short-circuited due to God's attack.

The chainsaw under their feet also stopped rotating, allowing Pandora to retrieve the two dog legs.

Malik still did not give up control of Pandora's body. He gritted his teeth with sweat and said to Sok: "It turns out...it turns out that you were just lying when you said that 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​was in the hands of Kaiba! Could it be that you had already Do you see that Pandora is mine!?"

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