Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 148 Rookies pecking each other

Suoke casually broke off the shackles, raised his head and clapped his hands and said, "You think too highly of yourself. I don't need to be scheming to deal with you bunch of sewer rats."

Malik gritted his teeth and said, "But the Obelisk in your hand..."

"You mean this?"

Sok reached out and took down the Titan Soldier of the City of Duel from the duel plate, strode up to Malik, and waved it in front of his eyes: "Look carefully, what is written on it is Chinese, not Paga." Do you understand that card made by Soth?"

Suddenly, Malik seemed to understand something, and suddenly said: "It turns out that you are also making counterfeit cards like our Gurus..."

"With your IQ, it's difficult for me to explain the reason to you, so just take it as such."

Sok reached out and patted Malik on the shoulder and said: "Hey, boy, I have reached some kind of deal with your sister, so I will stand here and talk to you today. At any other time, someone like you would Little ruffian, I can kill seven to eight hundred people a day...Okay, stop talking nonsense, where are you white-haired boy now!?"

Malik warned: "Why are you asking about my whereabouts? I won't tell you!"

Without saying a word, Sok reached out and slapped Malik on the back of the head.


It was obviously Pandora's body that was being beaten, but Malik, who was far away, felt a burning pain in the back of his head at the same time!

Turning around suddenly, Malik said angrily: "Who hit me!?"

Suoke slapped him back to his senses again, and hummed: "It's me, your brother-in-law! Idiot, do you really think it's safe to possess the spirit of a thousand-year-old tin staff? I can take this body with you at any time if I want. Do you believe that all his souls were burned to ashes?"

In the past, Malik would have scoffed at this threat.

But after actually meeting Sok, Malik had a bold idea in his mind that he couldn't even believe.

The Thousand-Year Tin Rod probably won't be able to deal with this guy in front of me!

Narrowing his eyes dangerously, Malik said in a deep voice: "Sock...you are indeed a very powerful person. The level Kaiba set for you looks like a joke now..."

Suok was stunned for a moment, and heard something in Malik's words, and asked curiously: "What, am I not a duelist of the highest level?"

"No...in fact you are the lowest level duelist..."

Malik seemed to want to laugh: "Any duelist, no matter how poor his skills are, will still have a star, but you are the only duelist with a negative number of stars... If Pandora hadn't changed your level, you would have even Not even qualified for this competition..."

Sok used his magic eye to check Pandora's memory and found that what Malik said was true!

I am really the lowest level one!

mom! light!

Sok let go of Malik and first warned him: "You bastard, don't run away. Wait until I make a call first..." After that, Sok took out his mobile phone from his pocket, dialed a number and put it to his ear. : "Hello? Is this a crematorium? Book an incinerator and an urn for me... Well, yes, the urn must have a blue-eyed white dragon pattern..."

After making the call, when Sok turned his eyes to Pandora, he found that the golden eyes on his forehead had disappeared and he fainted on the ground.

Obviously, Malik had cut off the spiritual connection with Pandora while Sok was on the phone.

"Have the guts!"

Sok laughed angrily, and took out his mobile phone to dial the number of the crematorium: "Hello? It's me again! Add one more urn to the reservation, and it says 'Died of mentally retarded, Egypt's Tomb of the Unknown'!"

At this time, Malik, who had just severed the spiritual link, suddenly sneezed.

Lycid behind him quickly stepped forward and asked: "Master Malik, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Malik breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "I still underestimated that guy named Sok... Not only does he possess the evil god, but he can also use forged god cards. Without being punished by God..."


Licid said in shock: "There are already dozens of members of our Gurus who have been killed by divine punishment for using forged divine cards. How did he avoid divine punishment!?"

"I don't know... maybe he has some secrets that I don't know about..."

Malik had a gloomy face, stood up from his seat, and walked back and forth: "If there is a way to use forged god cards without being punished by the gods, then we Gurus will have more powerful power and even unify the entire underground. It’s not impossible in the card world... No way! Sok still can’t let him go, we must continue to test him!”

After Lishid heard this, he immediately responded: "I will arrange for other Hanguika hunters to snipe him!"

"No, those guys are no match for Sok!"

Malik smiled gloomily and said: "I have already asked a hunter to lurk into Tōmino Town with the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris'. Let's let that guy compete with Sok! The collision between gods and gods. , I think I can always find something! If I can force Sok to use the Evil God, that would be great!"

Licid said with some worry: "But it is said that the evil god is a terrifying monster specially created by Pegasus to restrain the phantom god. If the hunter fails, won't Osiris's sky dragon also be taken away by Sok?"

"Just take it away!"

There was a sly smile on Malik's lips: "I was hoping he could take away the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' and add it to his deck! The weight of gods is too heavy, and adding one to a deck is already the limit. , even I can only add the 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God' to the deck as a fantasy god card! If I invest in the evil god and giant god soldier and then invest in the sky dragon, then he will definitely be affected by the weight of the god. Crushed to death! Hahaha..."

Licid suddenly realized: "So that's it, you are worthy of Sir Malik!"

"Hmph, no one would be able to resist adding a card as powerful as Phantom God to the deck. Even if he knew it was wrong, he couldn't resist it. This was a trap that was laid out in the open, and he had no choice but to take the bait..."

Having said this, Malik lowered his head and looked at the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand in concentration, and said in a deep voice: "However, what worries me is that Suoke seems to have reached some kind of agreement with my sister... Although I am not afraid , but it’s better to take precautions before they happen…”

"Licid! Get the car ready, I'm going to Domino Town now!"

After walking out of Pandora's basement, Sok and the little penguin continued to walk and chat.

Sock smiled and asked the little penguin on his shoulder: "Hey, Penguin, is the one I just played cool?"

The little penguin squinted his eyes and said, "It's like novices pecking each other."

Suoke was unhappy at the time and snorted unconvinced: "My operation just now was perfect. If you can find any mistakes, I will grab the starfish's head and crush your chest with a big rock!"

"That's what you said!"

The little penguin clasped his non-existent fingers and counted while thinking: "First, your 'Martyr·Suspended Death Beast' battle destroyed Pandora's 'Dark Channel Transformer-Zach' and did not specially summon Zaqi. On your field, failure!”

"Second, the resurrection effect of your 'Martyr Soul Eating Monster' is faster than the normal magic 'Soul Liberation', so Malik's use of 'Soul Liberation' to eliminate your Soul Eating Monster should not actually be true. ,fail!"

"Third, after the attack of 'Martyr Soul Eater', there is a negative effect of not being able to draw cards in the next round. You can completely pretend that you don't remember the past. It is so obvious that you don't talk nonsense. This is the most unacceptable thing. The failure within the tolerance of failure! Make sure to remember the key points!”

Suoke was sweating profusely after hearing this. Seeing that the little penguin wanted to say more, he quickly covered its mouth and said: "Okay, okay, I won anyway, just forget about these things tonight..."

The little penguin nodded and said in an old-fashioned manner: "Young man, your oral skills have declined. You need to practice more in the future!"

the next day.

After class time.

Sock pulled Muto Yugi to a rockery that looked to weigh hundreds of tons next to the playground, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Short, I have something to ask you for help..."

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