Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 150 The day of the duel

On the morning of the duel city competition, the front of the Doumino Town Clock Tower Square was densely packed with duelists holding duel plates in their hands.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit and the murderous intent unique to a duelist, making passers-by look sideways.

The Duel City Competition will begin soon, and this city will turn into a tragic battlefield.

At this time, outside a coffee shop, Suok was wearing a windbreaker, a hood, sunglasses and a mask, sitting on a chair in front of the shop, looking around carefully.

I saw a lot of familiar figures.

Yugi, Castle, and Peacock Dance are all there.

But the most important one is the elementary school student who is still childish, Rebecca.

Sok disguised himself like a stalker today just to avoid her.

"It's really a big headache..."

Suoke looked at the little penguin on his shoulder in confusion and said: "Hey, Penguin, what do you think is so good about me? I can't even stand my bad temper. How come there are still elementary school students who like me?"

The little penguin also held his chin in confusion and muttered: "Yeah, I'm thinking about this too... What exactly do I like about you..."

At this moment, Rebecca seemed to notice something not far away, and suddenly turned around and glanced here.

Suoke was startled and quickly shifted his gaze, pretending to whistle casually.

Rebecca looked at it for a long time and didn't find anything strange. She could only think that she was too sensitive and looked back.

Seeing that he had been fooled, Suoke patted his chest easily and breathed a sigh of relief.

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder scratched his head and said: "Actually...why are you avoiding her like this? She is just a primary school student, and liking someone is just a temporary hobby. Maybe she will forget it in two days. What about you? Just play house with her, and it’s okay to take her to play for two days..."

Suoke squinted his eyes and said: "It starts in three years, and the maximum penalty is the death penalty. How dangerous it is."

Just as he was talking, the image of Haima suddenly appeared on the big screen in the square, and the loud stereo sound instantly spread throughout the square.

"Dear duelists, welcome to the city of duels!"

Kaiba looked down at the crowd as coldly and arrogant as ever: "Next, I will explain the rules of this competition... Those gathered here are all duelists certified by the Kaiba Group as Level 5 or above. The duel plate in your hands is proof of this. The venue is the entire Doujinno Town. At any time and anywhere, as long as we meet, we can initiate a duel!"

"The duel adopts the card gambling system and the new master rules formulated by Kaiba Company. The loser must hand over a rare card in the deck to the winner..."

"In addition, there are a total of forty-eight contestants in this competition, but there are only eight places that can advance to the finals. Moreover, the location of the finals is confidential, and even I don't know."

The group of duelists below were in a panic.

"How is this going?"

"Why should the location of the final be kept secret? I still want to watch the game after losing!"

"Then where should I go if I win?"

Kaiba on the big screen seemed to have heard the questions of the duelists on the scene. He sneered and picked up a duel plate from his side and turned it to the back: "Look at the duel plate in your hands. There will be a transparent plate on the back. !”

Suoke was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the original work did have this plot, but too much time passed, and he only just recalled it.

Damn, what a big loss!

I killed a Pandora myself, but I forgot to pick up his transparent plate!

"This is called a puzzle card. Stack 48 puzzle cards together to get a complete duel city map..."

On the big screen, Haima pulled out the puzzle cards from his duel plate and showed it to everyone: "As long as you collect six puzzle cards and insert them into the duel plate, the location of the final will be revealed, and this time the competition Another rule is that the puzzle cards are also part of the bet, and only those who collect six puzzle cards can come to the final battleground!"

The place of decisive battle!

A group of young men and women were so excited by what Kaiba said that they wished they could challenge five puzzle cards and be the first to reach the final stage!

Later, Suoke smacked his lips and shook his head in disapproval. The young man just couldn't hold his breath and was easily deceived.

It's just a game of cards, not sex, why are you so excited?

The duel officially started at nine o'clock, still half an hour away.

The duelists dispersed one after another, taking advantage of this last moment to select some weaker opponents to ensure that they could enter the finals.

Sock watched Rebecca's little figure leave, then stood up from his seat, patted his clothes and sighed: "Okay, the troublesome little girl is gone, it's time for me to show off my talents. It’s time!”

But before Suok finished speaking, two little men dressed almost exactly like Suok suddenly appeared next to the coffee shop.

Watching the duelists disperse one after another, the two of them took off their disguise masks and sunglasses with relief, and said with a sigh of relief: "Okay, that troublesome guy must have gone, we can finally Show up and show off your skills!”

Suoke looked at the two children with a strange look on his face, wondering why he didn't see them just now. They were hiding here.

It was the insect Feather Moth and the dinosaur Ryuzaki.

Ryuzaki reached out and took off his windbreaker and said to Yu Mo beside him: "I said, maybe we are making a fuss out of a molehill. I didn't see that crazy figure of Sok just now. Maybe he didn't participate in this competition at all? "

"But I clearly saw him when the duel was announced..."

Feather Moth was also a little confused, but then he smiled evilly and said: "Isn't this better? As long as that guy who is addicted to cheating and likes to hit people doesn't participate, the two of us will definitely win the championship and second place!"

Ryuzaki nodded in agreement, clenched his fists and swore: "God bless me, I must not meet that bastard Sok this time. As long as I play cards based on my strength and not be coerced by violence, I will not lose to anyone." Human!"

"Okay, let's quickly pick our first opponent, hehehe..."

Feather Moth's little eyes turned around, and he smiled slyly: "There are lone prey everywhere, who should I attack? My insects can't help but want to drink blood. Hee hee hee……"

Suddenly, Feather Moth saw the heavily disguised Sok and the duel plate on his arm in front of him. His glasses lit up, he pointed at Sok and shouted: "Hey! That guy over there who is hiding his head and tail, wait a minute at nine o'clock. Do you dare to duel with me?"

Suok turned around with an unhappy face: "Huh?"

"Hehehe... Although you pretend to be very mysterious and not easy to mess with, you can't deceive me!"

Yu Mo adjusted his big round glasses and smiled evilly: "Really powerful people don't need to increase their deterrence at all. I have seen a rare villain in this world. He even dared to do it in front of thousands of viewers. Beating Pegasus without concealing his identity, being so lawless that just hearing his name can scare countless duellists. You are truly a ruthless character who cannot be provoked, and you... This seemingly mysterious dress is actually just that. It’s just a disguise used to cover up the fact that I am weak. I’m not wrong, hehehe..."

After hearing this, Ryuzaki suddenly said: "What you said makes sense, Yu Mo! If he is as powerful a fanatic as Sok, there is no need to hide it at all, because everyone is afraid of him! This person must be I want to use this costume to scare off powerful duelists and pick on the weak ones!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Feather Moth smiled evilly and shouted at Sok: "Hey! Boy! I want to use you as the first blood sacrifice of my insect deck!"

Next to him, Ryuzaki suddenly stood up confidently and said arrogantly: "No, let's use my dinosaur deck to tear this guy apart!"

Feather Moth glared at Ryuzaki unhappily: "I'll do it!"

Ryuzaki also glared tit-for-tat: "I'll do it!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight in order to duel with him, Suoke smiled coldly, stepped forward to hold their shoulders, and said with murderous intent: "Stop fighting, neither of you two can run away anyway..." …”

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