Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 151 Gurus Hunter

"Can't run away?"

Ryuzaki and Yumo, who were about to start a fight, suddenly froze when they heard Sok's words, and then burst into laughter!

Feather Moth looked at Suok provocatively, and said in a strange tone: "Did you make a mistake, boy! You are our prey now!"

Ryuzaki also raised his fist in demonstration and snorted: "That's right! You should be the one who should be afraid to run away! Except for that violent maniac Suoke, no one is my opponent!"

"Two children..."

Suoke was almost amused by these two melons: "Don't you think my voice sounds familiar to you two?"

Yu Mo was stunned: "Huh? When you say that..."

Ryuzaki also touched the back of his head: "It seems that I have indeed heard your voice somewhere..."

While the two looked at Sok's figure, they thought about the owner of this figure and this voice in their memory.

As they thought about it, cold sweat started to fall on their foreheads, and their whole bodies could not help but tremble with fear. They looked like they wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry: "Should...could it be..."

"Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

Suoke reached out to take off his sunglasses, looked at the two men gloomily, and sneered: "But there is no prize, so you have to come up with something!"

"Ah! Appeared!!!"

Yu Mo and Ryuzaki were so frightened that they turned around and tried to escape with a scream.

But Suoke's hands were like iron pliers holding on to the two of them. After running for a long time, they were still spinning in place, without even taking a step out.

Yu Mo and Ryuzaki both cried blindly at that time.

He turned around and "thumped" and knelt down to Suoke, hugged his thigh and cried: "Hero, spare your life!"

Suok sneered, grabbed the skirts of the two people's clothes, and raised it in front of his eyes. He said angrily: "Why, weren't you very arrogant just now and wanted to attack me? Now I will give you a chance. It doesn't matter if you fight alone or in a group fight." Come on, it doesn't matter if you call for help. I can wait for you until nine o'clock. Do you need any weapons? How about I get two more guns for you to defend yourself?"

Ryuzaki was already scared out of his wits by Suoke, crying and shaking his head desperately.

But when Yu Mo heard Sok say this, he suddenly stopped crying his grandiose tears and quietly made a small calculation in his heart!

No matter how powerful a person is, he can never be more powerful than a gun!

If you have a gun in your hand, do you still need to be afraid of this lawless maniac?

Thinking of this, Yu Mo pretended to be weak and tentatively asked Sok: "You... can you really equip us with guns for self-defense?"

As soon as this guy sticks his butt out, Sock knows exactly what he wants to fart.

With a sneer, Suok suddenly took out a Type 54 pistol from behind and patted it into Yu Mo's hand. He said with a strange smile: "Of course, I always keep my word...but this gun has to be charged. The original price is ten dollars." Wan, I’ll give you a discount, let’s call it one million, hurry up and pay me!”

Before Feather Moth could be happy when he got the pistol, he was shocked when he heard what Sok said: "Didn't you say it was on sale!?"

"You heard it right, discount!"

Suoke suddenly changed his face, grabbed Yu Mo's clothes and said fiercely: "If you dare to bargain, I will break your bones. Do you hear me clearly? If you bargain, I will break your bones!"

Feather Moth was so frightened that he trembled, raised his pistol tremblingly, gritted his teeth and said: "You...you can't scare me! I...I have a gun in my hand!"

Sok raised his eyebrows indifferently and said, "Oh? So what? There are no bullets in it anyway."

This time Yu Mo was really crying. He let go of his hand and dropped the gun to the ground. He sucked his nose and wiped his tears and said, "Good man... Is it too late for me to say this is a misunderstanding?"

"Of course it's too late!"

Suok punched Yu Mo and pulled out the chip card from his duel disk.

Immediately afterwards, Suoke turned around and glanced at Ryuzaki lightly.

"I know!"

Ryuzaki took out his chip card and rare card very wisely, bent at 90 degrees, handed it to Suoke respectfully and said: "Boss, a little gift is not a sign of respect. I don't know what the boss just said." Are you satisfied with beating Yu Moth? If you are happy, you can kick him again, I have no objection."


Suok nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Actually, I'm not an unreasonable person. If you don't scold me behind my back, I won't beat you, right?"

Ryuzaki was deeply shocked by Sok's shamelessness.

If you were reasonable, there would be no bad people in the world.

Looking at the two cards in his hand that were about to leave him, Ryuzaki felt really full of snot and tears in his heart. The chip card was a pity, but the "Future Dinosaur" cost a lot of money to buy... …

But what surprised Ryuzaki was that Suoke reached out and only took the chip card from his hand!

Ryuzaki raised his head in surprise, secretly wondering if this guy had a sudden kindness?

When Suok saw Ryuzaki's expression, he knew what he was thinking of writing. He snorted coldly: "Poverty has limited your imagination. The cards you think are rare are worthless in my eyes. In my deck Any one of them is more valuable than your entire deck, do you understand?"

Ryuzaki suddenly realized: "So that's it! That's why you didn't take away my future dinosaur during the Duel Kingdom..."

Sok didn't answer him, put his sunglasses back on, then turned around and left.

But when Sok passed by a man who was also sitting on the seat drinking coffee, a greedy look flashed in the eyes of the man with a sickly face.

A rare card worthy of a deck?

Isn't that the fattest prey in dreams? Hehehe...

Standing up, the man followed Suok slowly and reported Suok's location to his companions.

After receiving the news, several rare card hunters were all approaching Sok's direction, like a big net, starting to shrink gradually...

Finally, it was nine o'clock.

In front of Suoke, three men wearing black cloaks also appeared, blocking his way.

"Hehehe... I saw and heard the guy in front of me who was hiding his head and tail just now..."

The sick man who was following Sok finally came out and sneered at Sok: "I saw with my own eyes that you used force to snatch away the chip cards of those two children. This is a serious violation... If If you don’t want to be reported by me and lose your qualifications, just be obedient and hand over all the rare cards in your hand..."


Suoke turned around and said angrily: "Who are you? Have you taken too many fake medicines? How dare you come to blackmail me?"

Seeing that Suoke still had such a tough attitude after being caught, the sick man frowned slightly.

This kind of person must be a ruthless character. No wonder he dared to use force to snatch the chip card without any scruples.

Of course, it is impossible to report to Kaiba, because the Gurus Hunter is already on Kaiba's blacklist. If you report to him, it is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. So now it seems that everything can only be determined by duel!

"I am the messenger of Gurus... It seems that you are unwilling to submit obediently..."

The Grus hunter narrowed his eyes dangerously, stretched out his hand to unfold the duel disk, and said with a sickly smile: "In that case, I will use a duel to take away your rare card! Hum... I also want to know, What kind of rare and expensive card is it? One card is worth the value of a deck!"

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