Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 152 Exodia Card Group

"Oh? You mean duel?"

Suok rolled up his sleeves with a grin: "No problem, I'll be here right away. Don't run away if you dare..."

But before Suok could take action to hit someone, Rebecca's figure suddenly flashed past at the corner of the street ahead. Suok was so frightened that he quickly put away his fists, for fear of making too much noise and attracting her.

Damn, why would I, the great evil god, hide from a primary school student?

Unhappily, he inserted the deck into the duel plate, and Sok shouted at Grus Hunter: "Okay, your fortune is good, I reluctantly play a card with you, hurry up, let's fight quickly!"

Seeing Sok's arrogant attitude, the Grus hunter sneered in his heart.

Feel free to be arrogant, boy!

Wait a minute, and I will let you know how powerful my strongest "Exodia deck" is!

Throwing away his cloak, Grus Hunter inserted his deck into the duel plate and shouted sternly: "Duel!"


Gurus Hunter, LP: 4000

Sock, LP: 4000

"My turn, draw a card!"

Grus Hunter drew a card from the deck, looked down at the cards in his hand, and showed a proud smile on his face.

Just from the beginning, he had already collected two parts of the Archmage, the "Sealed Right Hand" and the "Sealed Left Foot" in his hand. As long as he draws another three parts, he can directly obtain the results of this duel. victory!

"Hey, I'm really lucky..."

Gurus Hunter drew a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and sneered: "First, I want to activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms'. Depending on its effect, I can draw three cards from the deck. , and then discard two more!”

[Angel's Alms, Magic Card, Effect: Draw 3 cards from the deck, then select 2 cards from your hand and discard them. 】

After drawing three cards from the deck, the third "Sealed Right Foot" has also come to the hands of the Gurus Hunter!

Without hesitation, he threw away the other two cards. Grus Hunter drew a card, inserted it into the duel disk, and shouted: "Then, I will summon the 'Stone Statue of the Aztec' in back-guard position to end the turn!"

[Aztec Stone Statue, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 300, defense: 2000, effect: When this card is attacked, the combat damage received by the opponent's player is doubled. 】

"Then it's my turn...to draw a card!"

Sok took out a card from the deck and did not do anything for the time being. He pretended to think and whispered to the little penguin on his shoulder: "Penguin, if I remember correctly, the deck of this consumptive ghost should be Exodia’s deck, go over and help me check his hand to confirm it.”

The little penguin nodded, quickly ran to the shoulder of the Gurus Hunter on the opposite side, and shouted at Sok: "You guessed it! He is using the 'Exodia' deck, and he has already assembled Now that you have three parts together, you have to fight quickly, Sok!"

"Hey, it'll be easier if you know this!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sok's mouth. After throwing a card from his hand into the graveyard, he put another card into the duel plate and shouted: "I discard a card from my hand to special summon this monster! Come out, gatekeeper of hell." Death - 'Martyr Sky-Winged Mebat'!"

[Martyr Skywing Magic Bat, 5 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 2200, effect: discard a monster card in our hand, you can special summon this card from your hand to play, use this effect The attack power of this specially summoned monster increases by the amount of the attack power of that monster card. When this card attacks, the opponent can choose to send the top three cards of the deck to the graveyard to invalidate the attack of this card, and the opponent activates On the turn of this effect, we draw a card from the deck. 】

An orange six-pointed star summoning array emerged at Sok's feet, and a demon with a bat appearance flew out of the summoning array, flashing bat wings at an extremely fast frequency!


The Grus hunter wrinkled his head.

Why is this prefix so familiar, as if I have heard it a few days ago...

"Hmph, even though it's a five-star monster, its attack power is only 1900 points. It's really pitiful." (Prince's Knight: MMP)

Grus Hunter sneered and pointed at the monster on his field and said: "My Aztec stone statue has a defense power of 2,000 points. This monster of yours cannot destroy my barrier!"

"Then, I will now activate the special effect of 'Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat'..."

Sok reached out and tapped the duel disk, and sneered: "According to its effect, the attack power of the monster card I specially summoned and threw into the graveyard will be added to him! And the monster card I discarded is this one ...'Martyr, Hell's Necrophile'!"

[Martyr Hell Necrophile, 7 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2300, defense: 2200, effect: After this card is successfully summoned, special summon a monster with the name 'Martyr' in our graveyard. When When Dika leaves the field, send the top ten cards of our or opponent's deck to the graveyard. 】

A phantom of a strange insect with countless spikes suddenly crawled out of hell, overlapping with the 'Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat'!

In an instant, the attack power of 'Martyr Sky-winged Magic Bat' increased from 1900 points to 4200 points!


The Grus hunter looked at the demon bat on the Sok field in horror and said in disbelief: "Damn it! Is this monster too powerful? Won't it be defeated if it is accidentally touched!?"

"Your hunch is spot on, consumptive ghost!"

Suoke grinned and drew another card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted: "Then, I will activate the magic card 'Martyr's Heavenly Downgrade'! According to its effect, the cards in my hand, deck, and graveyard will The level of all the monsters in the game will be permanently reduced by 2 stars! In other words, I can directly summon the originally high-level monsters to my field without sacrifices!"

[The Heaven of Martyrs downgrades, magic card, effect: Choose one of the following two effects to activate, 1. The level of all monsters in our hand, deck, and graveyard will be permanently reduced by 2 stars, 2. The opponent's hand, deck , the level of all monsters in the graveyard will be permanently increased by 2 stars. 】

"Because the star rating has dropped, I can directly summon the 'Martyr Skill Absorber' directly!"

[Martyr·Skill Absorber, 6 stars, dark attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 2100, effect: Once per turn, you can equip a monster card with 'Martyr' in the name from the graveyard to this card , this card after being equipped gains the effect of that monster, and the equipment effects can be superimposed. 】

"This is the end!"

Sok waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "Stupid ant, accept the punishment of the martyr! The 'Martyr Skill Absorber' attacks and destroys the 'Aztec Stone Statue'! The 'Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat' is against that tuberculosis man. The ghost launches a direct attack! Martyr's double magic attack!!!"

There will be two more updates in the afternoon, and there will be two more updates tomorrow - I can do it, thank you jgggt for the reward

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