Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 153 One day, I will be as strong as you

There was a "boom"!

The Aztec stone statue was blasted into powder by the skill absorber!

And the terrifying and ferocious figure of the Sky-Winged Magic Bat was also swooping down towards the Grus Hunter, its sharp claws tearing the air and making a harsh sound of breaking through the air!


The Gurus hunter looked at the sky with eyes wide open, his pupils shrinking violently!

If this attack is hit, your health will immediately return to zero!

Exodia's combination has not been completed yet, will he be completely wiped out at the beginning of the duel? ?

hateful! ! !

The Grus hunter gritted his teeth and lowered his head, bracing himself for the upcoming defeat!


After a long time, the expected virtual impact still hasn't arrived.

The Gurus hunter carefully raised his head and opened his eyes, only to find that the bat-winged demon was stopping less than one meter in front of him. The cold murderous intent in those eyes made him shudder, but the demon's sharp claws remained. Without falling, his health will be wiped out!

The reminder sound from the duel disk brought the Grus hunter back to his senses.

When he lowered his head and looked at the duel plate, the place that originally displayed the health value has now become two English words "Discard, three" (discard three).

Gurus Hunter was a little confused about what this option meant, but he still tried to press the confirmation button.

At the moment he confirmed, three cards popped up from the top of the Grus Hunter deck. "Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat" roared unwillingly and returned to Sok's field without making any attack.


Seeing this scene happening, Sock immediately remembered what Kaiba had told him about the Duel Disk anti-cheating system.

I originally wanted to kill the Sky-Winged Magic Bat without telling him the third effect on purpose, but the duel disk automatically popped up an option box. It was so unnecessary!

Gurus on the other side also reacted at this time, and asked Sok angrily and loudly: "Hey! You hide your head and show your tail! Did you just deliberately hide the negative effects of the card!?"

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely refuse to admit it even to death.

It's a pity that Suoke is a man who lets himself go like the wind. He nodded and admitted at that time: "Yes, you are not convinced?"

"Damn it! You are simply more despicable than us Gurus!"

The Grus hunter said angrily: "I will not let you go! I will use the tactics best used by the legendary madman and the benchmark of Grus' dreams, 'Soknenufa', to completely defeat you! Wash your neck clean Just wait, you brat!"

Sok was stunned and said in amusement: "Sock Nenufa? He has nothing to do with your Gurus!"

"Of course it matters!"

Grus Hunter sneered: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my deck is based on the 'Exodia deck' most commonly used by 'Sok Nenufa'. He is the one I admire the most. is a cheating master, so I use the same deck as him! Unfortunately, I am not as powerful as him. I can start without shuffling the cards and not be afraid of anyone. But one day, I will be like him, and I will be the best in the world. In the competition, I cheated openly! That is my dream! I will never allow me to fall down here!"

The astonishing courage erupted from the Gurus Hunter. It was definitely not like the terrifying fighting spirit that a young man could possess!

Suoke never thought that after traveling through time, he would be worshiped by a Gurus hunter, and that in order to be as powerful as himself, he would burn his fighting spirit!

Damn, this guy looks so wretched, why am I so moved for no reason...

"It's my turn, draw a card!!!"

The spirit of Gurus Hunter was rising, and his luck in drawing cards was also rising sharply at this moment. The will of the world responded to his call, and he pulled out the card from the deck with all his strength, which was " Sealed Exodia"!

Just one last one left!

The Grus hunter opened his hands, embraced the sky, and was so excited that he shed tears: "Lord Suok, thank you for giving me the power! I will not lose, I will definitely win!"

Suoke on the other side felt his hair stand on end when he heard this, and said uncomfortably: "Mom, this is disgusting. You should hurry up!"

"Hmph! Your end is coming soon!"

Grus Hunter sneered and nodded his deck and said: "The five parts of the fantasy rare card 'Sealed Exodia', there is only one set in the world, and it is in Sok's hand... Then Originally, they were the strongest cards that could not be obtained, but there are three of them in my deck! Because in the hands of our Gurus, any rare card can be copied infinitely, hum hum… I have a hunch, In the next round, I will draw all the parts of 'Exodia'!"


After hearing this, Suoke said angrily: "You actually used a fake card!?"

The little penguin opposite looked up at Suoke with empty eyes, and whispered softly: "You are the most unqualified person here to say this..."

"Hmph, this is the power of Gurus!"

Grus Hunter laughed sickly three times, suddenly pulled out a card from his hand, and inserted it into the duel disk: "Next, I will summon the 'Gear Giant of Mobile City' in defense position and end the turn! Now it's your turn. , a nobody! I accepted all your cards with the prefix 'Martyr' without mercy! Hahaha..."

[Mobile City's Gear Giant, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 800, defense: 2200, effect: pay 800 health points, this card can directly attack the opponent this round. 】

Suddenly, a huge mechanical monster with thorns all over its body appeared on the field of Gurus Hunter, like an iron wall!

"Well, it's my turn!"

Sok drew a card from the deck, drew a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel disk, and shouted: "Because of the effect of the Heavenly Drop Level, I can normally summon a five-star monster directly from my hand! Come out, artist of the demon world 'Martyr Dramatist Hisoka'!"

[Martyr, Dramatist Hisoka, 5 stars, wind attribute, attack: 2500, defense: 2200, effect. When this card is summoned successfully, special summon a monster with 'Martyr' in its name from your hand. During the turn this effect is activated, your opponent cannot normally summon monsters in the next turn. 】

“Then, I will also activate the special effect of ‘Martyr, Dramatist Hisoka’ and special summon ‘Martyr, Soul Eater’ from my hand!”

Two six-pointed star summoning arrays lit up at Suok's feet. An extremely handsome young sage and an ugly skeleton holding a staff appeared on Suok's left and right respectively, forming a strong contrast!

"Go! my martyrs!"


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