Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 154 The painful blow of the martyr (four updates completed today)

"Martyr Skill Absorber" rushed in front of "Mobile City's Gear Titan", jumped up, and his small body floated lightly. Then, he suddenly waved his staff and chopped the Gear Titan from head to small with one stick. Tintin!

"Boom!" There was an explosion, and the gear giant shattered to pieces.

The last barrier of the Gurus Hunter has also been eliminated!

Suok clenched his fists and shouted violently: "Go! The remaining martyrs, launch a direct attack for me! Soul-splitting slash, drama magic disk, magic wing dive attack!"

Martyr Soul Eater (Attack: 1400)

Martyr and Dramatist Hisoka (Attack: 2500)

Martyr·Sky-winged Mephit (Attack: 4200)

The attacks of the soul-eating monster and the dramatist hit the Gurus hunter without any suspense. Even the virtual illusion sent him flying dozens of meters away and hit the wall behind him!


The huge pain made him couldn't help but scream, but before the final attack came, he used his last strength to pull out three cards from the deck and sprinkle them into the sky!

Grus Hunter hissed and roared: "I...I am going to discard three cards from the top of the deck to invalidate the attack of your 'Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat'!"

In an instant, the shadows of three monsters stood in front of the Gurus hunter!

It is the "Black Forest Witch", the "Three-Eyed Monster" and the "Sealed Right Hand"!

The magic bat's claws tore apart the shadows of the three monsters, and returned to Sok's field in vain. Only then did the Grus hunter fall to his knees heavily on the ground as if he was exhausted, sweating profusely, and kept Gasping!

Grus Hunter, LP: 4000→100

"whispering sound……"

Grus Hunter braced himself, took a look at his hand, and secretly rejoiced: "Fortunately, I have already drawn the 'Sealed Right Hand', and..." He turned his attention to the first card at the top of the deck. Card, a pale smile appeared on the face of the Gurus hunter.

I can see...

I have already applied special paint on the back of the card, which can only be seen with the contact lens I am wearing...

The card at the top of the deck is the last part of Exodia, the "sealed left hand"!


Regardless of the pain and tragedy in his body, the Gurus Hunter laughed until he was crazy: "Hurry up and end the round, nobody! The moment it's my turn in the next round, it will be the end of your fate! Hahaha..."

"Oh? Looking at your arrogance, your next card seems to be very crucial..."

Sok looked down at the cards in his hand, sneered, pulled out a card, and inserted it into the duel plate: "But fortunately, I have a card in my hand to solve this situation... If I let you succeed so easily, it would make it worse." I had to use violent means to win, which would be too monotonous... I activated the effect of 'Martyr·Skill Absorber' and equipped the 'Martyr·Hell Necrophile' in the graveyard as an equipment card, and Get its effect and then..."

"The magic card 'Martyr's Blow' is activated!"

[Martyr's painful blow, a continuous magic card, effect: Once per turn, liberate a monster with 'Martyr' in its name on our side of the field, choose one of the following effects to activate, 1. From Both sides choose a card from their graveyard and add it to our hand. 2. Check the opponent's hand and select a card to add to our hand. 】

"I offer the 'Martyr Skill Absorber' on the field as a sacrifice and activate the second effect of the painful blow!"

Sok jumped directly in front of the Gurus Hunter and looked at him with a sneer: "I can check your hand of cards and choose one to add to my hand! Okay, hurry up and add the cards to your hand. Spread it out and let me pick one and take it away!”


The Gurus hunter was trembling all over.

The most critical point of the sealed Exodia deck is that you must collect five of them before you can exert unlimited power to win directly!

But if one card is taken away directly, then the other four cards are just pieces of waste paper!

But there is still a chance...

The Grus hunter gritted his teeth and glanced at the "Resurrection of the Dead" in his hand, making secret calculations in his heart.

No matter which part is taken away this time, there is still a replacement card in the deck. As long as you use the resurrection of the dead to resurrect the Black Forest Witch next your turn, and wait for it to be destroyed by Sok's battle, you can use it in the deck. Take out the stolen parts from the deck before the life points return to zero, that way you win!

Yes, it doesn't matter!

I'm not at the end of my rope yet!

After thinking about it, Grus Hunter calmed down his trembling mood, spread out his cards, showed them to Sok, and said with a grim smile in a cold sweat: "Huh! It doesn't matter which one you take, the victory I have won will not change. of!"

"Oh, you are very confident."

Sok glanced at the card in Grus Hunter's hand, but did not reach out for the card. Instead, he snapped his fingers and sneered: "But before the effect of 'Martyr's Painful Blow' is activated, I have to first Activate the effect of the 'Martyr Skill Absorber' that was sent to the graveyard... Because he is equipped with 'Martyr Hell Necrophile', he inherits the effect of the Necrophile. When he leaves the field, he can choose to kill you. The ten cards at the top of the deck are sent to the graveyard!"

What! ?

Grus Hunter looked desperately at the last component at the top of his deck, his mind empty.

It’s over…

Everything is over...

Unless the next eleventh card is still the sealed left hand, there is no room for a comeback!

But how could there be such a coincidence in the world! ?

Watching Sok pull out the top ten cards from his deck one by one, the Grus Hunter's eyes became darker and darker.

it's over……

It is no longer possible for me to win...

But when Sok finished drawing ten cards and revealed the back of the eleventh card, Grus Hunter couldn't believe his eyes!

The eleventh picture turned out to be the "sealed left hand"! ! !

A miracle happened!


The Gurus hunter's face was ferocious, revealing a terrifying face twisted to the extreme of human beings. He laughed miserably and changed his voice: "God's will! This is God's will in the dark! I will win! I will become the strongest, and no one can Defeat me! Exodia is about to be gathered in my hands! Hahaha..."

Wild laughter spread throughout the street.

But at this moment, Sok looked at the ten cards he had just drawn from the Grus Hunter deck, and suddenly asked: "...I remember, just now you were trying to block the attack of the 'Martyr Sky-Winged Magic Bat' At that time, one of the cards in the deck, 'Sealed Right Hand', was already sent to the graveyard, right?"

Grus Hunter stopped laughing and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, but so what? I have three of each component in my deck, and it doesn't hurt at all if one is destroyed!"

"So what?"

The corner of Sok's mouth raised, and he turned over the ten cards and showed them in front of the Grus hunter: "You still have a 'sealed right hand' in your hand, then... if among the ten cards sent to the graveyard , it happens that the last one, 'Sealed Right Hand', is also among them, what will happen?"

What will happen?

The Gurus hunter came back to his senses, and his face suddenly turned pale!

Then there will be no "sealed right hand" in my deck...

And the "sealed right hand" in my hand will also be taken away by the "martyr's painful blow"...

I already……

It is no longer possible to collect all five parts of "Exodia"!

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