Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 155 The First Victory

"Then, I will accept the last piece of 'Sealed Right Hand' without any courtesy..."

Sok reached out and pulled out the "sealed right hand" from the Gurus Hunter and added it to his hand.

At this moment, the Exodia deck has completely collapsed.

There is no chance of a comeback for the Grus Hunters anymore.

With his arms hanging down feebly, the Grus hunter knelt on the ground with his eyes blank, and said dryly: "I...I lost..."

The three-dimensional images around him all disappeared at the moment he admitted defeat.

Sok opened the duel disk of Grus Hunter, took away the chip card, and raised his chin towards Grus and said: "Hey, consumptive ghost, do you know why you lost?"

The Grus hunter raised his head blankly: "...Why?"

Suok patted the Gurus Hunter on the shoulder with emotion and said: "Because you are obviously not the protagonist, but you still imitate the protagonist's blood lock. Who will lose if you don't lose? Since you are my admirer, I won't embarrass you. Okay, I'll go ahead and play with the others." After saying that, Sok stood up, slapped away the other three Gurus who were blocking his way, and strode away.

But at this time, the somewhat sickly Gurus hunter suddenly realized, turned around suddenly, and stared at Sok's back!


I am...his admirer! ?

Isn’t it Sok Nenufa whom I admire? ?

Could it be that he is...


Suoke heard the Grus hunter's scream, turned around and frowned: "Is there anything else?"

That’s right!

Such an arrogant tone!

And all the decks that contain the prefix "Martyr", I have indeed heard Sir Malik mention that they are the decks used by Sok!

The object of his crazy worship was right in front of him, and he had just fought against a legendary figure in the underground card world. What an incredible experience it was!

"Lord Sok!"

Gurus Hunter suddenly spoke, his expression no longer morbid, but he said to Sok with great seriousness: "Although I am Lord Malik's subordinate, you will always be my spiritual leader! Next, please be careful of silence "The puppet', that's the Rakanika hunter sent by Lord Malik specifically to snipe you!"

Suok raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Why, Malik's white-haired guy still wants to come and die again?"

Gurus Hunter was silent for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "...I know you are very powerful, but in the deck held by the 'Silent Doll', a dreamy and rare card known as infinite power - 'Osiris' was placed in the deck. Sky Dragon'! I shouldn't have told you this, because it would be equivalent to betraying Lord Malik..."

But before Hunter Gurus finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank violently, he covered his head and screamed in pain!



"Here he comes...Master Malik...he comes!!!"

An eye-shaped crest appeared on his forehead, and his twitching body gradually calmed down. Malik had completely taken control of the Gurus hunter's body in an instant!

"Tsk, you know it's betrayal, but you still do it? You're so brave..."

Malik's voice came from the mouth of the Gurus hunter, and he sneered at Sok: "I didn't expect that using you as a behavioral benchmark for our organization seemed to have some bad negative effects... This guy has brainwashed himself into becoming your crazy believer, which is really making it difficult for me..."


Suoke was stunned for a moment, and then said ecstatically: "I haven't settled the accounts with you last time, you white-haired boy, for escaping without permission last time. How dare you appear in front of me now? Hahaha... You're doing this on your own." Seeking death!"

The possessed Malik had a bad feeling in his heart and warned: "You...don't act rashly! Now that we are so far apart, I can completely remove the spiritual link between me and him before you take action..."

But before he finished speaking, he found himself being uncontrollably sucked into Sok's palm by a huge suction force!

Before Malik could react, he was pushed to the ground by Sok and beaten with a blaster until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

Originally, this didn't matter, because it was the host body that was injured, not Malik's actual body.

However, Sok punched Malik, who was riding a motorcycle thousands of miles away, and knocked him and the car over. He rolled on the rough cement floor for more than ten times, but the Gurus Hunter's body was intact!

"Damn it!"

Malik covered his bloody nose and said angrily: "Just wait for me, Sok! My hunter with the divine card will be there soon... Oops!"

Halfway through his words, Malik got punched again.

This directly caused serious damage to his spirit, making him unable to use the power of the Thousand-Year Tin Staff for a short period of time.

The spiritual link was passively severed, and a twisted haze flashed in the corner of Malik's eyes, lying on the ground covered in injuries, as if another dark personality flashed across him.


Apart from Pharaoh, there is only you whom I cannot forgive!

At the same time, in the technology department of Haima Company, a group of staff were processing and retrieving the huge flow of data fed back from Duel City.

A staff member shouted to Kaiba, who was watching various surveillance cameras in Domino Town: "President Kaiba! The outcome of the first game has been decided!"

Kaiba Seto didn't look back and said coldly: "Oh? Are there God cards in both sides' decks?"

Originally, Kaiba just asked casually, but unexpectedly the staff actually nodded and said: "Yes! And there are more than one!"


Kaiba's expression immediately changed, and he shouted sharply at the staff: "Is it Malik!? Immediately show me the reading pictures of the other two God cards in his deck!"


The staff member quickly entered instructions on the computer and said to Kaiba: "But President Kaiba, there are not only two god cards in this duelist's deck, but one of the god cards and President Kaiba The data of your 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​are very similar... Okay!"

With the crisp sound of the final enter key being pressed, several card patterns appeared on the large display screen of the technology department!

The Titan Soldier of Obelisk, the Sky Dragon of Osiris, the Puppet of False Illusion, the False Prophecy, Old Man Satan, the Evil God, the Incarnation of God...

There are actually six God Cards!

what happened! ?

Kaiba's face was ashen as he pulled out "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" from his deck, and the knuckles of his hands gradually turned white.

Why does my "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" appear in someone else's deck?

Is it a counterfeit card?

But what about the other five God Cards?

Except for "The Sky Dragon of Osiris", he had never heard of the other four from Isis!

Is Isis deliberately concealing it, or did the guy with the god create a phantom god that didn't exist in the first place?

Feeling surprised and uncertain, Kaiba shouted to the staff in a deep voice: "Besides the picture, can you read the specific data of the card?"

"I'm sorry, President Kaiba..."

The staff shook his head regretfully: "The data flow of these cards is too strong, so strong that it is almost no longer the weight that the card can carry. Unless the holder of the God Card has used it in the game, otherwise our machine It’s impossible to read at all...Huh? The data of ‘Obelisk’s Titan Soldier’ was read successfully!?”

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