Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 166 Infinity VS Infinity

"Attack...the attack power is actually infinite!"

Kaiba looked at the ghost and god born from hell with splitting eyes, and said in horror: "There is also this ominous aura and the violence that seems to destroy everything... What kind of monster is this guy!?"

"It's not a monster, it's a god!"

Sok clenched his fists and revealed a malicious smile on his lips: "He is the God of Hell, one of the three supreme gods of martyrs! His infinite attack power can cut off everything he can see!" Humph... We are still in the battle stage now, are you ready to wake up, President!"

After saying that, Suok waved his hand suddenly and shouted: "Go! God of Hell, use the sharp sword you hold to judge the gods! Kill the souls of ghosts and gods!"

Following Sok's order, the Hell God of War suddenly ignited with raging demonic fire!

Sweeping thousands of divine powers, the 'Martyr Hell War God' swung his sword towards 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​with an unstoppable attitude. The two sharp blades of 'Judgment' and 'Qing Ming' in his hands also emitted dazzling red and The fierce cyan light devours souls!

Obelisk sensed the aura of his old enemy and swung out a divine light in an attempt to counterattack!

However, the Hell God of War actually used the sharp sword in his hand to chop the divine light all the way from the beginning to the end, and could not even delay the ferocious momentum of his attack!

Close combat!

The Hell God of War jumped up and flew to the chest of the Titan Soldier...

Slay the gods with your sword!


The attack power of the Hell God of War is infinite!

No matter what kind of monster it is, no matter how much health it has left, after being attacked by him, it will be defeated in an instant!

Kaiba finally couldn't bear it anymore, waved his hand suddenly, and roared with all his strength: "Don't even think about succeeding! Obelisk's special ability is activated! I will offer the 'giant virus' and 'bloody Warcraft' on the field as sacrifices , recharge Obelisk!”

In an instant, an invisible stream of air armor covered Obelisk's body, blocking him from the Hell God of War's fatal blow!

Taking advantage of this gap, Obelisk's huge claws grabbed hold of the 'giant virus' and 'bloody Warcraft' like chickens, extracted their souls, and turned them into destructive energy and sucked them into his eyes. !

The giant divine soldier's original blue body gradually turned into a dangerous red, and white smoke began to appear on the angular body!

"Sock! Obelisk is the god of destruction! No matter how powerful the enemy is, it can destroy it!"

Kaiba roared with great momentum: "As long as you offer the souls of two monsters, you can activate Obelisk's special ability to destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field! If your monster's attack power is infinite, then Obelisk will Risk is the infinity above the infinity!"

"fight back!"

"God's Energy MAX - God's Fist Crushes!!!"

Obelisk's Titan Soldier, attack power: 4000→∞!

The giant god soldier, whose energy was about to overflow from his body, suddenly punched the 'Martyr Hell God of War' with a fierce punch!

Not to be outdone, the God of Hell's War came out with both swords and struck the giant god soldier's fist violently, making a harsh sound and sparks!

Time seemed to have stopped at this second.

Maybe it was the next second, or maybe it was ten thousand years later, the body of the 'Martyr Hell War God' was suddenly pierced by an invisible and formless divine power, and an incurable fatal wound was opened on his chest!

The two swords fell to the ground with a bang, and the body of the Hell God of War turned into ashes under the special ability of the giant god soldier.

Destroyed together with him were two other martyrs on the Sauk field.

All the monsters in the field were wiped out instantly by the Giant God Soldier's Crushing Divine Fist!

The situation has been reversed again!

"How about it, Sock!"

Kaiba sneered: "The purpose of covering the 'Future Pot' is precisely to activate this special ability of the Titan Soldier. Originally, it was a gift prepared for you, the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris', but I didn't expect that it would happen at this time." It has an unexpected effect... Now, your field is empty. Even if you summon a defensive monster as a barrier, I can clear your life points to zero in the next turn..."

Raising his head, Kaiba sneered arrogantly and proudly: "I won, Sok!"

"Hehehe...well done, President!"

At this time, Suoke, who had been silent on the other side, suddenly laughed strangely: "I have to congratulate you, your strength has been improving... From the very beginning, you were killed by me, until now you can have back and forth with me. The fight is really amazing, President!"

Kaiba frowned and said, "Your tone is still so annoying!"

"Hmph... Duel Monster Cards are just a dispensable pastime for me..."

Suok pointed at Kaiba and said with a ferocious smile: "I remember I said when we first met, even if you beat me, nothing will change... What's more, you may not really have the chance to win..."

Kaiba sneered: "Are you talking crazy here because you are about to lose? The battle phase is over. Even if you summon the monster as a barrier, when it is my turn next time, I will completely wipe out your health points. You have no chance of winning, Sock!"

"Tired of Wadokana?"

Suok pulled out a card from the deck with a grin and slowly inserted it into the duel disk: "The battle phase is not over yet... Now, I want to call out the second god at the top of the martyrdom from the deck... …”

"I'm calling your true name here, come out 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness'!"

A thin light suddenly broke through the dark and cold sky, and the sharp divine spear fell into the world from the shining point of light, piercing deeply into the reinforced concrete ground under your feet!

Divine light shines.

In that divine light, a female war goddess crossed her hands on her chest and slowly fell down!

She has long fiery red hair, and two heavenly wings spread out on her back. Each feather exudes sharp metallic light and is as indestructible as a steel knife!

In the void, there seems to be an angel singing, showing off her endless divine power!

Martyr Archangel of Nothingness, 12 stars, attack: infinite! Shou: Infinite!

"When three or more monsters on our field are destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you can special summon this card from the deck!"

Suok raised the corners of his mouth, opened his arms, and let out a harsh and wanton laugh: "President! Thank you for destroying all my monsters with the Divine Fist Crush. If you only activate the effect of the Giant Divine Soldier to increase the attack power, you will be forced to kill him. The giant god soldiers changed to attack to show death together with my hell war god. Maybe you still have the possibility of making a comeback, but now..."

"Are you prepared to be slaughtered!? Hahaha..."

"Another infinite monster..."

Kaiba gritted his teeth and said angrily: "It's useless! Obelisk can destroy you once, but he can destroy you twice or three times! There are still two sacrifices on the field. If you dare to attack, I will immediately Activate the special ability of the Titan Soldier again! Die her too!"

"If you can do it, then come and try it!"

Sok suddenly pointed at Obelisk and shouted sternly: "Go, 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' attacks 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier'! Soul Judgment Spear!!!"

Following Sok's command, the Archangel of Nothingness suddenly threw the divine spear in his hand towards the giant divine soldier!

The divine spear destroyed everything and made a harsh sound of breaking through the sky!

At the same time, the Titan Soldier also held the two remaining monsters on the field in his hands. After completing the energy accumulation, his power increased to infinity!

"Energy MAX! Divine Fist Crush!!!"

Two infinite forces collided in the air, causing a violent explosion. The air waves of the collision spread throughout the duel city!

At this moment, everyone in the Duel City subconsciously looked towards the battlefield between Sok and Kaiba.

So, the outcome is...

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