Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 167 The last straw


There was a loud noise in the smoke, and even the earth trembled.

The divine light goes out.

The giant god soldier's burly body gradually fell into pieces, and he knelt down on one knee in a miserable state, slowly turning into dust.

But the "Martyr Archangel of Nothingness" is still unscathed, standing in the sky, looking down at all living things with compassion and arrogance.

"Impossible! Why is this happening!?"

Kaiba held his head with both hands, his pupils shrank violently, he shook his head unwillingly and roared: "Even if the effect is ineffective, shouldn't the giant god soldier's attack power that has been increased to infinite due to the activation of the divine fist powder die together with the archangel? Why is the giant god? The pawn is destroyed, but your monster is intact!? Why? Thok!!!"

"Hmph, how embarrassing, President..."

Suoke sneered twice and said slowly: "First, your Titan Soldier is not in attack position, but in defense position... Have you forgotten the effect of the 'Martyr Hell War God' I just summoned?"

Kaiba suddenly realized it!


Because "Martyr Hell War God" is a 12-level monster, even a god will be affected by his effect for one turn and change to defense position!

Divine Fist Crush only increases the attack power of the Giant Divine Soldier, but its defense power remains unchanged at 4000!

Actually... was tricked!


Sok interrupted Kaiba's mental activity and said with a ferocious smile: "Even if your Titan Soldier is in attack position, it has no effect, because as long as there is a card with 'Martyr' in the name in the graveyard, my 'Martyr' ·The Archangel of Nothingness will never be destroyed!...Do you understand now, President! Even in a duel between infinities, my Archangel of Nothingness will definitely win! As you just said... "

"She is the infinity beyond infinity!"

"Surprisingly...it would be like this..."

Kaiba looked at the seemingly invincible figure in the sky with splitting eyes, feeling the pressure that was even higher than the phantom god, gritted his teeth and said with hatred: "There is such a monster that can break the balance..."

Suok raised his eyebrows and smiled ferociously: "How about it, do you want to surrender, president? If you surrender, you lose half. As long as you pay some mental damages, I will spare your life."

"I won't give money and I won't lose!"

Kaiba held tightly the last card "Wheel of Destruction" that he had just drawn from the "Future Pot" in his hand, his eyes shining with the will to never give up!

Even if you can't win, at least you have to die with him!

As long as you draw another monster with an attack power exceeding 1800 next turn, you can use the Destruction Wheel to return the health points of both parties to zero at the same time!

Although I still failed to defeat him in the end, this was a more acceptable ending!

"No money?"

Suoke's face was full of disappointment: "If you don't have money, just call Cai Guoqing. I really want to let you go, but I have no chance..."


Kaiba stared at Suok, gritted his teeth and said: "You don't have to pretend to be a good person! This time the duel should come to an end here. I didn't win, and I didn't fail... But one day... one day I will defeat you completely! Get back all the dignity I lost!!!"

"You didn't fail?"

Suok sneered: "What nonsense are you talking about, President? I'm going to end you right away!"

Kaiba was stunned: "But the battle phase is over..."

"Who told you that the combat phase is over?"

Sock interrupted Kaiba's words without hesitation, pulled out a card from his hand and inserted it neatly into the duel plate, shouting: "Activate the quick-attack magic 'Martyr's Asylum'! According to its effect, I can turn the field The last monster with 'Martyr' in its name is used as a sacrifice, and a monster with 'Martyr' in its name is Special Summoned from your hand!"

[Martyr's Asylum, quick-attack magic card, effect: Use a monster with the name "Martyr" on our field as a sacrifice, and special summon a monster with the name "Martyr" from the hand. This The summoning is treated as a sacrifice summoning, and you can then select a monster on the opponent's field to destroy. 】

Kaiba looked at Suoke in shock and said in disbelief: "Is it possible...do you want to..."

"That's right..."

Sok suddenly waved his hand and yelled: "I want to offer the 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness' on the field as a sacrifice, and special summon 'Martyr The Dramatist Hisoka' from my hand!...Hmph, hum, Didn't you expect that, Kaiba? The cards you gave me with the 'Future Pot' turned out to be the last straw for you..."

The wings on the back of the Archangel of Nothingness protect the body and return to the starting point of the light.

On the ground beneath his feet, an orange-yellow hexagram summoning array appeared again, summoning a great artist from hell.

Martyr Dramatist Hisoka, Attack: 2500, Defense: 2200

"Then it's all over!"

Sok raised his arms high, pointed at Kaiba, and shouted sternly: "Go! Dramatist Hisoka, launch a direct attack on Kaiba! Drama Roulette!"

As the attack command was issued, 'Martyr Dramatist Hisoka' suddenly threw the roulette wheel used to record the script in his hand towards Kaiba, who had no more cards on the field. Compared to the attack of the Archangel of Nothingness or the God of War of Hell, , his roulette wheel is simply not worth mentioning, but as Sock said...

This was the last straw that broke Kaiba's back.

Looking helplessly at the approaching Roulette attack, Kaiba's hand knuckles turned pale as he squeezed the 'Destruction Wheel' hard.

Obviously just one more round...

Obviously we can die together in the next round...


Kaiba's HP dropped to zero amidst his unwilling and angry roar, and he was completely defeated.

The virtual illusion system disappeared, and the surrounding spectators who were breathless after being oppressed by the war of gods felt their chests loosen, and they all covered their chests, gasping weakly, and even lay on the ground constantly because of the impact of the aftermath of the war of gods. Retching.

Sok strode up to Kaiba and sneered triumphantly: "I won, President! Now, hand over your rare cards and puzzle cards!"


Kaiba clutched his chest and threw the "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" and the puzzle card from the deck to Sok with difficulty. He snorted angrily: "I'm willing to admit defeat! But it's only temporarily in your hands. Soon I will win back the Phantom God! Just wait for me, Sok!"

Sok caught the two cards, but reached out and threw "Obelisk's Titan Soldier" back, sneering: "I don't want this! Hand over your blue-eyed white dragon to me!"

Kaiba was shocked, took two steps back, and said warily: "No! I will never allow anyone else to hand over only the Blue Eyes White Dragon! And Obelisk's value far exceeds that of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. With your greedy character, you actually have no idea about the value." Five billion divine cards come here to ask for the Blue Eyes White Dragon without even a glance, what are you planning on!?"

The fourth update today, let me take a nap before coding ==

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