Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 169 Dark Duel, Let’s Start!


Malik suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "...Think about it again, there is a fantasy rare card 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' in my deck! Don't you want to get this card? !?"

Suok shook his head with eyes wide open and said: "I don't want to at all. I have an infinite deck, and I can no longer look down on the mere Sky Dragon." After that, Suok turned around and left: "Then, that's it. I will withdraw first, you go find the Pharaoh and have fun slowly, goodbye!"

"Wait a minute!"

Malik quickly controlled the Silence Doll to stop Sok, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Do you want to escape, Sok!"

Suoke knocked him out with one punch, and sneered: "Just take it as such, do you have any objections?"


Malik climbed up from the ground with difficulty, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Sock... Although I still want to tear you into pieces, but... can we sit down? Come down and talk?”

Seeing his miserable look, Suok's heart finally softened, and he sighed: "No!" Before he finished speaking, Suok raised his foot and was kicked away by the Silent Doll more than ten meters away.

At the same time, Malik himself, who was thousands of meters away, was kicked and flew up, rolling on the ground holding his stomach.

The severe pain caused the corners of his eyes to blur, and his white hair gradually stood up.

A golden light glowed on his forehead, and Malik's eyes instantly became extremely evil, but then changed back to normal.


He coughed out a mouthful of blood. Malik almost bit his teeth to bleed, and his knuckles turned white. He roared angrily: "Sock! I know you and my sister have reached some kind of agreement, so you deliberately targeted our guru. Si... But I can't figure it out. Your power is so powerful, what else can't you get? If you are willing to cooperate with me, I can give you double whatever my sister promised you! How about it? "

"You can't give it."

Sok glanced at Malik and sneered: "She promised to be my little wife, and you...with all due respect, you are like this, even if you give her to me for free, I won't take it for free."



"Big bastard!!!"

Malik's body erupted with extremely powerful black energy, and he roared: "You are not allowed to insult my sister!"

The black energy burst out simultaneously on the Silent Doll, and the surrounding environment was instantly swallowed up by the black energy. The huge anger actually made Malik successfully activate the Dark Game even though he was thousands of meters away!

The golden eyes on his forehead became more and more dazzling, and Malik's face gradually began to distort, and he laughed wildly: "Quack...Sock! The dark game is activated, you can no longer escape from here! Come on, pick up your duel disk, and I'll fight to my heart's content, hahaha..."

Sok looked at the darkness around him. It was very similar to the scene in the original comic.

Malik, the outer personality, should not be able to activate such a dark game. In other words, after his unremitting efforts, he finally let out the hidden inner personality, huh...

However, through the puppet, Sock couldn't confirm whether Malik's personality was really switched successfully, so he rolled his eyes and decided to add more fire.

After putting on the duel disk, Suok spread his hands in a pretense of helplessness and said: "Oh my, I really can't do anything to you. If that's the case, then I'll have fun dueling with you!"

"Gaga... This is a dark duel. If you lose, you have to sacrifice your soul for the darkness!"

Malik showed a twisted smile that reached the limit of his muscles, and said strangely: "But the conditions between us are equal, so it is fair, hahaha... I can't wait to sacrifice your blood, Sok! Come on, duel! "


That’s weird!

Malik sneered in his heart. If he loses, then the silent puppet will only be swallowed. But if Sok loses, hum...

"Bridge's sack!"

At the moment before the duel started, Sock suddenly reached out and shouted: "Since it's fair, should we shuffle each other's cards? Otherwise, how would I know if you put five Exodia cards on top of the deck? Parts?"

Malik groaned inwardly.

Who else would be so shameless except you? Do you have the nerve to say that others don’t shuffle their cards?

However, since the opponent made a reasonable request, he could not object in the dark game, so Malik walked impatiently to Sock, took the card deck out of the duel plate, handed it to Sock and said: "Hurry up and wash it. Card……"

But before he finished speaking, he saw Sok smashing the Dark Game Space to pieces with one punch, turning around and running away with his deck, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

At that moment, it was as if time had stopped.

A crow flew across the sky, shouting, "Fool, fool."

Malik was stunned!

He stood there for a long time without coming back to his senses.

After a long time, the Silent Doll sucked in the nosebleed that had just been caused by Sok's hammer, and looked down at the empty duel plate. He wanted to cry without tears: "It's gone... Such a thick stack of cards is gone..."

The shameless Malik has seen enough, after all, only bugs can survive in Gurus.

But he had never seen someone like Sock steal someone else's deck while the cards were being shuffled, and he had never even thought that there would be such a shameless person!

I, Gurus, just grab the cards one by one, but this guy Sok is better, he grabs forty cards in one go!

Is this restocking?

Gurus, who was standing opposite Malik, saw Malik standing there with blood on his face and not moving for a long time. He couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with concern: "Ma... Sir Malik, are you okay?"

Malik came back to his senses and said blankly: "My 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' was taken away. Do you have any ideas?"

Gurus hesitated for a long time and then said hesitantly: "Otherwise... how about we try calling the police, Sir Malik?"

Malik thought for a while, but he still couldn't afford to lose this person, so he pointed at the Guru and said, "You come and fight him!"

The Gurus nodded at first, but after taking out the phone, he felt awkward thinking about it.

The call went through.

The Gurus Hunter quickly shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and said to the phone: "Hello, Mr. Police, I want to report a crime! ...The thing is like this, I am a robber, and I was robbed by other robbers. …”

The person on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then asked out of curiosity: "A robber was robbed by a robber? What are you talking about as a tongue twister?...Aren't you guys traveling together?"

The Gurus hunter sighed sadly: "Only those who are peers show naked hatred!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a long time, a voice finally came: "I...I sympathize with you...but you dialed the wrong number. This is McDonald's..."

There is one more update, I will write it after I have dinner 0 0

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