Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 170 Give the God Card to the King

After making the wrong call, Malik gradually calmed down and remembered his original purpose.

That’s right!

Didn't he originally want to give the "Sky Dragon of Osiris" to Sok so that he would be crushed by the weight of the god?

Now that the goal has been achieved, why should I be unhappy?

Finally feeling much better, Malik straightened out his somewhat embarrassing clothes and hairstyle, looked at the duel city just around the corner, and cursed Sok with malice in his heart: I will jam your hand and kill you!

Osiris was taken away, and of course the silent puppet lost its function. It was ruthlessly abandoned by Malik and stood motionless.

But not long after, Suoke, who had gone away, ran back again.

Walking in front of the Silent Doll, Sok raised the corner of his mouth: "Since Malik doesn't want you, then I will reluctantly pick up the rags..."

After saying that, Sok reached out and wiped out the energy of the thousand-year tin rod in the Silent Doll's mind, completely freeing him from Malik's control.

Immediately afterwards, Suoke conjured a strange doll with his left hand and attached it to the back of the Silent Doll.

That is the ability of "Dark Doll-Niccolofia", "Evil Puppet". As long as the person is choked by this doll, that person will be manipulated by Sok like a puppet on strings.


As soon as the doll attached itself to the Silent Doll, it immediately let out a weird scream, its eyes glowed dangerously red, and it stuck the Silent Doll's neck!

The Silent Doll's eyes also turned blood red, and he turned around and knelt down on one knee towards Suok: "Lord Suok!"

"Well, be good!"

Sok reached out and handed the deck containing "Sky Dragon of Osiris" to the Silent Doll, and said condescendingly: "This is a second-dimensional card. I can't use it, but you are different. You are originally a low-dimensional person, so This deck is best for you to use, accept it!"

The Silent Doll took the deck and said with some hesitation: "But originally I was able to control the Phantom God because of Malik's possession. Now that I am not the holder of the Millennium Artifact, I'm afraid I won't be able to use this deck... …”

"Hey, don't worry!"

Suoke sneered and said: "Although you hold the deck, the specific manipulation is still controlled by me. With the power of my great evil god, I can press a sky dragon on the ground with one hand and rub it!"

"Okay, silent doll..."

At this point, Sok frowned a little: "It feels a bit awkward to call you that, how about I help you change your name?"

The Silent Doll lowered his head without hesitation and said, "Please give me a name, Lord Suoke!"


Sok thought for a while, then clapped his hands suddenly and said: "From now on, your name will be 'Pirate King Luffy'! How about it? Isn't it very fashionable?"

Silent Doll: "...Yes, very fashionable, Lord Sok!"

"Okay, next, it's time to find the king suitable to receive 'Osiris'..."

Suok looked back at the street intersection not far away, showed a strange smile, and whispered: "Muto Yugi, I will send the Phantom God to you soon. How can you thank me for this great gift? ,Hum hum……"

According to the Black Crow Knight's report after searching the sky, Sok easily located the location of the game.

Maybe there really is destiny in the dark, Muto Yugi is currently at the place where he got Osiris in the original work!

Area E West

350 directions.

The dazzling sunlight fell on the ground, and the Silent Doll blocked the path of Yugi Muto, who was wearing an anti-gravity cloak school uniform.

Like the calm before the storm, the breeze blows gently.

"Muto... Yugi!"

The Silent Doll raised the duel plate in his hand and shouted at Yugi: "I want to challenge you! Do you have the guts to accept it?"

The moment he saw the Silent Doll, Muto Yugi's eyes immediately became sharp, and his whole temperament also changed. He shouted in a solemn voice: "Who are you? There seems to be an incredible card hidden in your deck. , even I feel lingering fear..."

"My name is 'Pirate King Luffy', and I was originally affiliated with the hunter 'Gurus' of the rare card..."

The Silent Doll said his name solemnly, then pointed to the duel disk in his hand and said: "It's not surprising that you can feel the power of 'god', because that book is the ancient Egyptian trilogy that was born to protect the Pharaoh. One of the phantom gods, 'The Sky Dragon of Osiris'... Nameless Pharaoh King, let me test your strength and measure whether you can become a king enough to control the 'god'!"

"The Sky Dragon of Osiris!?"

Yami Yugi's eyes widened and he clutched his chest.

This familiar name, why does my heart beat so hard?

Feeling the violent beating of his heart, An Yuxi asked in a deep voice: "You said you were once affiliated with 'Gurus'? Do you want to hunt for my rare card?"

"That was once upon a time..."

The Silent Doll slowly said: "Now I serve another adult. In front of that adult, Malik is just a clown..."

The leader of the Grus is called Malik, which Yugi already knows from defeating several Grus who wanted to take away his Leyaka.

But...that adult?

who is it?

Is he a higher-level person than Malik?

An Yuxi's mind was racing, but there was no expression on his face: "What's the purpose? I don't think you came to me for no reason, right? Or do you think I have something you want?"

"You have a lot of questions. If you answer them one by one, I don't think it will be enough until dark..."

The Silent Doll said coldly: "In that case, why not bet everything on the duel and use the duel to spy on my purpose? If you win, you can take away the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris'. If you lose, Of course I will also take what I want, and when the time comes... everything will be revealed!"

"I see……"

Muto Yugi raised the duel disk in his hand and shouted: "In that case, let's duel! But let me explain in advance, even if you hold an extremely powerful 'god' in your hand, I will not be easily defeated!"



The duel below started in full swing, just like Malick's manipulation of the Silent Doll in the original work. After a few rounds, the Silent Doll summoned the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris'...

At this time, Suoke, who had been watching from a distance, finally replaced the Silent Doll's will, possessed his spirit, and started a head-on showdown with Muto Yugi!

The sky dragon summoned by the puppet kept rolling in the clouds, unwilling to land on the battlefield and accept the orders of mortals.

Not only that, it even struck lightning at the Silent Doll in the clouds!

I want to use divine punishment to kill this mortal who dares to fool God!


Suoke, who was possessed by the Silent Doll, narrowed his eyes slightly, jumped up, and rushed directly into the sky against the lightning and thunder!

At the moment when lightning was about to hit the Silent Doll, a crow-like knight suddenly flew out of nowhere, carried the Silent Doll, avoided the lightning strike, and flew into the clouds to confront Osiris!

Thok stretched out his hand, and countless huge chains suddenly sprang out from the clouds, binding Osiris tightly so that he could no longer fly freely!

The chain lights up with an orange hexagram pattern, constantly absorbing the divine power of Osiris.

After a tragic cry, Osiris was finally unable to struggle anymore!

Reaching out and grabbing the other end of the chain, Thork dragged Osiris' dragon head forcefully and pulled it into the battlefield!

"Feel sorry……"

Suok raised the corner of his mouth and showed an evil smile towards Muto Yugi: "My phantom god didn't seem to be too obedient, so I gave it a little lesson. Now... our duel continues. If you lose, you have to Obediently hand over the dark magician girl, hahaha..."

There was lightning and thunder, and endless evil energy erupted from the Silent Doll's body!

no the same!

This person has become completely different from before!

Muto Yugi suppressed the inexplicable feeling of uneasiness and familiarity in his heart, and shouted angrily: "Then come on! I will never lose!"

The last update, completed——

Okay, I finally don’t owe any more chapters, I’m so tired--

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