Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 172 The Traitor Dragon of Osiris

"The Destruction Warrior defeats the regenerated slime!"

An Yuxi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took out another card from his hand, and inserted it into the duel disk: "Next, this card is my trump card 'brainwashing'! Although I don't understand what 'King of Mouth' means, but I learned from you that you can forcibly activate normal magic during the battle phase, and it can be faster than the monster resurrection effect!"

[Brainwashing, magic card, effect: You can gain control of a monster on the opponent's field until the end of this round. 】(comic version)

The scenes are so familiar.

It seemed like I was back to the excitement and excitement I felt when I read the "Yu-Gi-Oh" manga for the first time in junior high school.

It is not bound by any rules and regulations, and most sincerely marvels and cheers for the incredible combination of the game that breaks the infinite chain!

Master rules?

Real card or fake card?

Isn’t it that I fell in love with Yu-Gi-Oh in the first place because of these thrilling and exciting plots?

Why are we now using those so-called "master rules" to show off that inexplicable sense of superiority to the fans of the first generation?


Sok opened his arms, looked at the sky with an extremely incredible posture, and laughed wildly: "Interesting! So interesting! The game, these wild ideas and solutions, made my blood boil! But...it's useless ! It’s useless! Your ‘brainwashing’ has no effect on me!”

"Tired of Wadokana!"

A confident smile appeared on Yami Yugi's lips: "The person I want to brainwash is not the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' in the first place. This round, the person I want to brainwash... is the 'Regenerated Slime' on your field! I I want it to be reborn on my field!”

"It's useless, it's useless! I'm confident that I won't lose to anyone in terms of speaking nonsense!"

The corner of Suoke's mouth revealed a sinister smile that showed his muscles reaching the limit, and shouted wantonly: "The slime-like low-level monster is the original image of slime! You said you want to brainwash?... Hum hum hum, ha ha ha! It's useless. Yes! Because...slime has no brain at all!"

"Masaka!? Impossible!"

Muto Yugi looked at the slime that was about to be reborn on the Sok Field in shock. He gritted his teeth and made a last effort (the last mouthful), and shouted: "Don't judge others by yourself! The life forms are different, and the slime and Our structure is also different! You think it is an inferior creature just because of your arrogance! In fact, it should also have a core, and that core is the 'tofu brain' that has the same function as our brain!"


Can you order a B-face?

Even tofu pudding is out, do you really know what tofu pudding means? ?

But the most important thing is not this, but after Yami Yugi finished talking nonsense, the slime on Sok's field was actually successfully brainwashed, and at the last moment of his resurrection, he was transferred to Yami Yugi's field!

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

In Suoke's heart, it felt like ten thousand grass and mud horses were rushing past. He watched helplessly as the Sky Dragon, which had been unwilling to obey his orders just now, suddenly opened its bloody mouth and headed towards the 'Regenerated Slime' on the dark game ground. Fire a summoning thunder bomb!

He really deserves to be the traitor dragon of Osiris, and his undercover skills are perfect!

As the 'Regenerated Slime' continues to regenerate, Osiris's thunder bombs continue to be fired, and the 'Survival Treasure' on Sok's field continues to be effective!

Sock had no choice but to keep drawing cards from the deck...

Finally, the deck is empty...

The infinite chain is broken!

An Yuxi pointed at Sok, with a unique "king" spirit bursting out from his whole body, and shouted sternly: "The power of God is indeed unlimited, but your deck is limited! The moment you finish drawing your deck, That's the moment you lost! I won this duel (Kouhu)!"

"Hey, don't be too proud of me, nameless Pharaoh..."

Sok shouted loudly, and suddenly pulled out a deck of cards from the package that the Silent Doll carried, and inserted it into the duel plate: "Drawing out the deck? It doesn't exist! Look, I will continue it for a year and a half. I believe that one day, Osiris will be too tired to summon thunder bombs, and then, it will be your death, Muto Yugi!!!"

Muto Yugi was shocked: "What a brilliant strategy! But is the deck you carry with you enough to last you for a year and a half!?"

Hearing what An Yugi said, Suoke subconsciously reached out and touched the package of the Silent Doll...


Only the last deck is left.

If we keep this rate, all these cards will be drawn in ten minutes!

After thinking about it, Suoke gritted his teeth and said: "It's absolutely impossible for me to lose!... Hey! The dwarf on the other side! Give me ten minutes, I will buy a card now and come back to renew it. There is no need to buy a card that can last for a year and a half. Cards, as long as I buy enough cards to starve you to death, I will win! Don’t run, don’t run! If you dare to run, I will cut your starfish head into a crew cut next time I see you!"


This familiar sense of sight and tone...

This kind of threatening words that are as far-fetched as ever...

An Yugi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Wait a minute! You...are you Sok!?"

Suoke paused, turned around and said seriously: "No, I am Wang Lufei, you can call me by my nickname 'Old Wang', and then I will move next door to your house..."

"You...what are you talking about...?"

An Yuxi blinked blankly at first, then looked at Suok attentively, and said in a deep voice: "You can't be wrong, that tone and unscrupulous arrogance... Even the dark aura that just emanated from you is not the same as Suok's. Ke is exactly the same... You are Soke, right?"

Seeing this, Sok no longer denied it and shrugged indifferently: "Okay, it's me, so what?"

"Not very good... Although I am very grateful to you for helping Jonouchi-kun, but..."

An Yuxi took two steps forward and said to Sock: "But Rebecca is just a child. She likes you very much. I hope you won't deceive her feelings or hurt her..."


Suoke looked unhappy and said: "I have told you ten thousand times that I am not interested in elementary school students. Otherwise, why would I avoid her?"

"I hope so, but your reputation in school is really bad..."

Yami Yugi sighed: "If you like her too, I hope you can make some changes for her and stop being as... frivolous as before."

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to listen to you!"

Having said that, Sok directly pulled out the "Sky Dragon of Osiris" from the deck and threw it to An Yugi from a distance: "Consider this thing as the hush money I give you! Take it well, I'll see you in the finals." ,Hahaha!"

Yami Yugi subconsciously caught Sky Dragon's card and said in disbelief: "You...you are actually willing to give me this card?"

Suoke raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sinister smile: "You won, isn't it normal for me to lose the card to you? Hum... Could it be that I am the kind of person who doesn't admit defeat when he loses?"

You are.

Yami Yugi originally wanted to say this, but he just took someone else's Phantom God Card, so he felt a little embarrassed to say this.

In the end, Yami Yugi just said softly: "Thank you."

"Hey, you're welcome, I'm running away!"

After saying that, Sok immediately turned around and got on the back of the Black Crow Knight and soared into the sky!

From An Yuxi's invisible perspective, the evil smile on Sok's face became even more ferocious.

Hum hum…

Of course you're welcome, because if that card is not delivered to you as the Pharaoh, it will have no meaning...

The traitorous dragon of Osiris...

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