Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 173 Planning Creativity

Sock, who had collected six chip cards, already knew the gathering place for the final battle.

Tongminye Gymnasium.

After inserting the chip card into the Duel Disk, the glowing dot will be there.

By removing the doll from the Silent Doll, Thok released his control over him.

The Silent Doll was once a mime. He felt deeply guilty for accidentally killing his biological parents. He hid his soul deep in his heart and spent every day in extreme pain.

Malik took a fancy to this, controlled him, trained him into a murderous weapon, and used him.

Although cruel, it allowed him to survive to this day in disguise.

Now that Malik has abandoned him, if he is left alone, he may be dead on the street in a few days.

Looking at the Silent Doll with an unhappy face, Sok stretched out his right index finger and pointed it between his eyebrows, and said slowly: "Although you look ugly and are very mean, you can help me no matter what. Once you have done the work, I will be kind and help you wash away that painful memory..."

Before he finished speaking, Sok's fingertips flashed a little red light.

The silent doll's body suddenly shook violently, and then fell to the ground. His face was no longer as expressionless as a dead person, but shed tears for the first time.

"Tsk, maybe I am a good person!"

After that, Sok turned and left.

There is no rush to rush to the stadium for the final.

Because the Tongchengye Gymnasium is on the other side of the city, the distance is not too close, and it is still early, so it would be useless to wait, so Suoke simply took the little penguin around and treated it as a date.

Images of virtual monsters can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, and a large group of children are watching around to cheer on both sides of the duel, making it very lively.

Haima is indeed a genius in the business field.

Although he is a bit annoying as a person, his business acumen is very shrewd.

Holding this competition can not only obtain the remaining God Cards and eliminate the Rare Card Hunter Grus Group, but it is also a high-level promotion of virtual illusion technology and Duel Monster Cards.

It can be predicted that after the Duel City competition ends, Duel Monster Cards will definitely set off a new wave of popularity.

And Haima Group can also obtain financing from investment giants from all walks of life, thus becoming one of the top companies in the world, and it is not impossible to even stand side by side with Paradis Corporation.

Tsk, the president’s contribution to saving the world by playing cards is not small.

It felt pretty good to take a walk while chatting and laughing with the little penguins, buy some food and drink, and watch a group of noobs pecking each other.

"Hey, Penguin."

After taking a walk for a while, Sok sat on a bench in the park and said with emotion to the little penguin on his shoulder: "You said that if there could be such a shocking virtual illusion system in our world, Yu-Gi-Oh! Wouldn’t it be as popular as this world?”

"Well...it's not very realistic..."

Sitting on Sok's shoulder, the little penguin held a super cone that was a head taller than it, touched its chin and said: "If this kind of technology really exists, it will definitely be used in the military, just like Kaiba Gozaburo did. It is more in line with the current world, but...if the world is unified one day, this technology may be popularized for civilian use..."


Halfway through the words, Little Penguin seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned to Sock and said: "Dear, in the real world recently, our company has just agented the very popular 'PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' (commonly known as Chicken Dinner) game. The company leader We are soliciting planning ideas internally, do you have any good ideas?”

"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Oh, you mean Fengshenyanyi? I don't play that game very much... But since it is an internal collection of ideas, are there any prizes if you are selected?"

The chubby little penguin awkwardly scratched his head with his small arm: "Well... there must be a reward, but I don't know what it is..."

"It's easy to say just a reward."

Suoke patted his chest and said confidently: "I have an idea, and your planners will definitely adopt it!"

The little penguin immediately said with stars in his eyes: "Oh, what is it!"

"Humph, when PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds first started, didn't there be planes that transported players to an uninhabited island and airdropped them to kill each other..."

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Sok's mouth, and he tapped the armrest of the bench softly with his index finger: "That's simple. Players who don't recharge will not be given parachutes. I guarantee that you can get back the money you spent on agency fees in no time! How? So, is my idea very groundbreaking?"

The little penguin was stunned. It took him a long time to rub his eyes and said with a slight cry: "If I report this, I might be expelled..."

Suok touched his chin and said: "Well... Let's be polite. Only QQ members can register for the game. We can advertise to the outside world that members will receive free game beta qualifications. In this way, there will definitely be a lot of players willing to spend money. After all, in the past To play this game, you have to circumvent the firewall and buy an account. Now it just accepts you as a member and gives you a lot of privileges! Mr. Ma has already lost all his money, right?"

"Oh! That's a good idea!"

The little penguin immediately took out his small notebook and wrote quickly: "Remember, remember, this is a great idea to make money. My dear, if you return to the real world in the future, how about I introduce you to work at Tianmei?" Sample……"

Sok hesitated: "But I don't have the skills..."

The little penguin said happily: "It doesn't matter, just know how to cheat money!"

Time flies by.

Sok played with the little penguin until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Standing in front of Tongchenye Station, looking at the time on the platform, Sok said to the little penguin on his shoulder: "It's almost time, let's go to Tongchenye Stadium now?"

The little penguin held the small balloon in his hand, nodded and said: "Okay, but I don't know who the top eight will be this time..."

Suok thought for a while and said: "I have already killed Tapirang, so I took his place. The others should not change..." While speaking, Suok suddenly saw the entrance of the train station not far away. Several men in black robes surrounded two men and one woman, and all three of them were known to Suoke!

Honda, Shizuka, and one... seems to be named Oga Ryuuji.

"Oh? How did they get into trouble with Gurus..."

Suok watched Honda and Yuga Ryuji being subdued by several Gurus and dragged to a hidden place avoiding the crowd. However, he did not blink his eyelids. He just watched and listened quietly...

Dragons have very keen hearing.

Even in the noisy crowd, Sock could clearly hear the voice of Gurus who had subdued the Honda trio over there on the phone...

"Hello? Is this Master Malik?"

"Yes...the younger sister in the city has been controlled here..."

"Yes, I understand..."

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