Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 174 Death Fight

The phone call didn't last long. After a few words, Gurus put the phone to Shizuka's mouth so that her cry for help could be clearly transmitted to the other end of the phone, and then blocked her mouth with a rag again.

Sok probably understood the meaning.

After experiencing several times of brainwashing by the Thousand-Year Tin Rod and being cracked by Sok, Malik has become suspicious of the Thousand-Year Tin Rod's ability.

In the original book, in order to force the Pharaoh to die, Malik used the Thousand-Year Tin Staff to control the city and arranged for him to fight the game to the death. However, this time there was no Tapirang to help him infiltrate the protagonist's team, and he no longer trusted the Thousand-Year Tin Staff. In this Under the two conditions, he arranged for people to catch Shizuka, hoping to use this threat to force Jonouchi to fight Yugi to the death, and the relatives would kill each other...

Tsk, this kind of thing can really happen to me. Malik, are you too unlucky?

Although I don’t want to help the city, the Pharaoh cannot die yet...

So, Suoke sneered, squeezed the bones and joints of his hands to crackle, and stepped forward in two steps...

Honda and Yuga Ryuuji were gagged, but they still struggled.

Grus impatiently kicked Honda in the face and snorted: "Stop struggling. We, Grus, never fail when we go out. Now that you have been caught by us, it will never be possible again." Ran away!"


Honda used a lot of strength to spit out the rag stuffed in his mouth in embarrassment, glared at the leading Gurus and said: "What kind of man do you think you are when you attack in a group fight? If you have the ability, let me go. Let's be a couple." A one-on-one challenge!"

At this time, Oga Ryuuji, who was next to him, spit out the rag in his mouth and shouted: "That's right! And it has nothing to do with Honda that you arrest me, but bullying a girl is nothing? Let Shizuka go quickly!" "

"Hmph... What a pity. That little girl has a much greater role than you..."

Gurus, who took the lead, glanced greedily up and down at the young and delicate Shizuka, licked his tongue and said: "You should be lucky, Mr. Malik doesn't like us to handle hostages casually, so we will not treat this little girl for the time being. Do something...but..."

The black man next to him, Gurus, said with a sinister smile: "But if the outcome of the duel is determined and one party dies, then... this little girl will have no use value... but she will be left to our disposal. Hahaha……"

"You scumbags!"

Honda roared angrily and gritted his teeth angrily: "Hateful! Hateful! I'm not strong enough, I can't protect Shizuka..."

Next to him, Yu Jialong'er also lowered his head, secretly hating his own incompetence.

Shizuka is a kind girl. Although she is about to fall into the tiger's mouth, she still mustered up the courage to hear Honda's voice of self-blame and regret and gently held Honda's hand.

In an instant, it seemed that my soul was redeemed.

Honda raised his head feebly and smiled bitterly: "At this time, I suddenly missed that lunatic... If he were here, these little thieves wouldn't be worth mentioning at all..."


Next to him, Yu Jialong'er turned his head: "I have always heard you mention it, but I have never seen that guy... Is he really as powerful as you say?"

"It will only get stronger... He is already too strong to be considered human..."

Honda looked at the sky in despair and murmured: "No one can be his opponent, but we all hated him in the past because he acted wantonly like a monster... But now that I think about it... In addition to his bad personality, He's a pretty good guy, and he helped get Shizuka's surgery expenses back from that nasty capitalist Kaiba..."

"It would be great if he could be here now..."

"I heard the summons. Let me ask you, are you my Summoner?"

A familiar voice sounded in the alley!

Countless Gurus turned around and shouted sharply: "Who is it!?"

A resolute figure with a strong scowl on his body appeared at the entrance of the alley, slowly walking towards the Gurus...

He was wearing a shabby and dirty military uniform, holding a ghost-headed machete in his hand. With just a wave of his hand, countless heads of Gurus fell to the ground!

The blood flowed like a river, but the man's heroic appearance, like a god of war, was so powerful!


Honda seemed like he couldn't believe his eyes. He stood up excitedly, tears streaming down his face, and shouted loudly: "Is it you? Sock! That's great...that's great! Thank you, thank you so much Come on, Sock!"

"I'm not Suoke, I'm Li Yunlong, the leader of the independent regiment!"

Suoke pretended to put his machete on Honda's neck, and said angrily: "You are my summoner? Please tell me your name!"

The pungent smell of blood on the machete constantly stimulated Honda's sensitive nerves. Honda's cheeks twitched and he laughed dryly: "Sock... No, Captain Li!... I am Honda, Hiroto Honda! Don't you remember me? Yet?"


Suok frowned and said with an evil look on his face: "Summoner, why the hell did you have such a little devil's name?"

Honda almost cried: "I don't know what you are talking about, but my name is not something I can decide..."

Yu Jialong'er, who was standing next to him, saw this scene and cautiously said, "This... this gentleman, can you... please put down the knife first..."

Suok turned his head in displeasure, reached out and put the knife on Yujia's neck again and asked, "Who are you, this fake foreign devil?"

Yujia Long'er was also stunned at the time, and stammered: "I...I am an internationally renowned game designer...I have a very high status in the world. You can't...can't hurt me..."

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Suoke immediately became furious: "You have a bullshit status! Can games be a living thing? I'm a rough man, so don't try to pull off the tiger's skin for me. If you make me angry, I'll kill you with one knife!"


Jingxiang next to her finally couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She slowly stretched out her hand, hesitated a little, but still fumbled and held Suok's knife-holding right hand with both hands. Her pretty face turned red and she said: "This... Captain Li, although your tone is a bit vulgar, but... I can feel that you are a good person... Thank you for saving us, I am really grateful..."

Suoke sneered and slapped Shizuka's little hand away: "Don't do this to me, I won't fall for your beauty trap!"

Jingxiang was not angry either. She looked at Suoke sincerely through the gauze and said with a slight smile: "Captain Li, this is our first meeting. I know this is a bit abrupt, but now my brother is being coerced by a bad guy named Malik to do him." What I don’t want to do, you…can you help me?”

"Oh? Malik?"

Sock pretended to touch his chin and nodded: "I have heard of his name. He is indeed a notorious villain...Okay! I will do you this favor and poke Malik in the butt!"

Sunset dusk.

In front of Tongchenye Pier.

Yugi and Jonouchi's ankles were put in chains and connected to a high hanging anchor. As long as either party lost, the anchor would fall and sink the loser into the sea!

Here, an extremely cruel fight to the death is taking place!

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