Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 175 Crow takes a plane

Malik possessed a Guru with a black hood, stood beside him, and said with a cold smile: "What's wrong inside the city? Hurry up and attack! You heard it just now, right? Your sister is in my hands." , if you don’t obey me, I don’t guarantee that my men will do anything outrageous to your sister, hahaha..."


Jonouchi's eyes almost burst out with fire. He glared at Malik and roared angrily: "Malik! If you dare to hurt Shizuka, I will definitely kill you!"

Malik was not at all intimidated by Jonouchi's ridiculous threat, and sneered: "You'd better take care of yourself first, Jonouchi! Time is running out. If you don't decide the winner, then the anchors on both sides will fall." If you enter the sea, you and the game will be buried in the sea together! Hahaha..."

Next to him, An Yuxi was also furious. He gritted his teeth and glared at Malik: "You are such a despicable villain!"

"Despicable? A good term..."

Malik looked at the game with cold eyes and said angrily with deep hatred: "But compared to the three thousand years of pain you have caused us, the tomb-keepers, Pharaoh, what I gave you today is nothing!? I want to control My own fate, I will also take revenge on you, a king who claims to be great but is ruthless!"

"Fight with all your strength and win my mercy, Pharaoh!"

"If Jonouchi loses, he will lose his sister, and if you lose..."

A ferocious smile gradually appeared on Malik's lips: "You will lose your lover - Masaki Kyoko! Hahaha..."

In a dilemma, no matter what the choice is, one party is destined to suffer a heavy price that is unbearable.

As a king, Yami Yugi is always calm despite the pain.

As a container, Omo Yugi had already shed tears, not wanting to see himself and Jonouchi hurt each other again.

At this moment, the game's personality changes.

The sea breeze from the port blew against my face, and the setting sun lengthened the shadow of the game.

Omo Yugi slowly took off the duel disk in his hand, and looked at Jonouchi with a weak but strong expression: "Jounouchi-kun... I used to be very cowardly, but you let me know that I was no longer alone, and gave me courage... You are my most cherished 'treasure'..."

Cheng Zhixin was shocked, already feeling something bad!

Tears filled the corners of Omo Yugi's eyes, and he smiled brightly: "Jounouchi-kun, I like you... Please, you must save Kyoko!"

Jonouchi shouted in shock: "Wait a minute, Yugi! Are you trying to..."

Slowly closing his eyes, Biao Yuxi opened his arms, calmly welcomed the coming death, and said firmly: "I... give up..."

As these words fell, the game's life value instantly returned to zero.

The lock box at Jonouchi's feet was also opened at the same time, which was the key that could remove the chains from his feet.

But Malik was stunned.

He never thought that the Pharaoh who ordered the tomb-guarding clan to bear three thousand years of blood debt would be willing to sacrifice himself to let others live!

The anchor head connected to the game fell heavily into the water, dragging the game into the sea.

The city roared like it was collapsing, but to no avail.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in the heart of the city, and he suddenly roared at the "catapult turtle" on the opposite field that had not had time to disappear: "Quick! Catapult Turtle! Fire at me! Use your flame bombs to return my health to zero. !”

The fate in the dark had already decided that the Pharaoh should not die here. The ejection turtle's eyes instantly lit up with red light. Taking advantage of the last chance before the virtual illusion system disappeared, he sprayed a huge fireball from behind, directly hitting everyone in the city. The life value is completely wiped out.


Regardless of untying the chains under his feet, Jonouchi jumped to the opposite game field, bent down as quickly as possible and picked up the key.

But at this moment, the anchor head bound to Jonouchi also fell heavily into the water, dragging him into the sea together.


I will never let you die!

With such a firm belief in his heart, Jonouchi swam desperately towards the bottom of the sea, and finally caught up with Yugi.

After using the key to open the chain on Yugi's hand, Jonouchi inserted the key into the handcuffs on his own hand, but he couldn't turn it at all.

Oops, I forgot to get my keys...

The air in Jonouchi's chest was getting less and less, and he tried desperately to break the chains, but was still unable to do anything.

Is everything going to end here...

At least……

You have to be strong to survive in the game...

Yugi's body floated up from the bottom of the sea. After coughing violently for a few times, he lay on the deck in embarrassment.

At this time, a black shadow that covered the sky and the sun suddenly crossed across the sky!

An extremely familiar voice resounded in the sky!

“Crows fly!”

The Martyr Black Crow Knight jumped out of the passing plane with Sok and others, and stepped hard on the face of Gurus who was possessed by Malik!

Malik was caught off guard and was kicked directly into the concrete ground. Even his leg bones were crushed by the Black Crow Knight's kick!

Although it was a possessed body, the same pain was inexplicably transmitted to Malik!


Malik let out a trembling scream, his whole body twitching continuously.

Sock, who was wearing a tattered military uniform, got off the Black Crow Knight, put a machete on Malik's neck, and sneered: "Malik, what's your Italian magic trick? Show it to me!"

As soon as he heard this familiar voice, Malik knew that he was in trouble.

Secretly hating his misfortune, Malik cut off contact with the Gurus without hesitation and left him to fend for himself.

Honda and the others who had just gotten off the Black Crow Knight also saw Muto Yugi lying on the deck with no idea of ​​his life or death. They quickly ran over, hugged Yugi in his arms, and shouted anxiously: "Yugi, are you okay? Where is Jonouchi? ?How is he?"


Yugi coughed out a mouthful of seawater and weakly said to Honda: "Jounouchi-kun... is in the sea... go quickly... ahem... save him..."

Shizuka heard this and exclaimed: "Brother!?"

"Don't worry, Yugi! Leave it to me!"

Without saying a word, Honda jumped into the sea without even taking off his clothes.

But at this time, Sok had already walked to the deck opposite where Jonouchi was standing, bent down and took out the key of Jonouchi's chain from the box, tossed it gently, and said in a loud voice: "This is a famous scenic spot. Thank you for not forgetting this episode..."

Yujialong'er looked up and saw the key in Suok's hand, and felt something bad in his heart: "Could that key be..."

Suok raised his eyebrows and sneered: "The reason why mediocrity can't swim up on his own is because he is tied to the anchor by a chain, and this thing is the key to unlocking that chain..."

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