Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 176 Phantom Demon

Yuga Ryuuji was shocked: "Oh no! Honda didn't bring the key, so even if we find Jonouchi, we can't do anything!"

After hearing this, Shizuka begged Suoke helplessly: "Captain Li, please save my brother!"

Suoke looked at the key in his hand, suddenly raised a strange smile, reached out and threw the key into the sea!


Yujia was shocked: "You!...What are you doing!?"

"You're saving people, can't you see, you fake foreign devil?"

After Sok said this, he turned around and left without hesitation: "I believe that with mediocre luck, I will definitely be able to seize the key."

as expected.

After a while, many bubbles appeared on the sea surface, and Honda led Jonouchi to swim up from the bottom of the sea.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with lingering fear, and Honda let out a relaxed "Shhh": "It's really dangerous. I just suddenly found Jonouchi chained up in the sea. I didn't know what to do at first, but it happened to be floating. Come here with a key..."

Before he finished speaking, Honda noticed that Yuga was looking at him as if he had seen a ghost. He touched his cheek blankly and asked, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this..."

Yujia Long'er was startled, then came back to his senses, and quickly turned around, trying to find Suoke's figure.

But looking around, the black crow on the horizon has flown far, far away...

Jonouchi has been rescued, so the next step is Kyoko.

In order to awaken Wang's memory, not one of the four people who formed the "smiling face" puzzle in the original work was missing!

Closing his eyes and searching for Kyoko's breath, Suok finally found Kyoko being held hostage by Gurus in an abandoned factory.

But what surprised Suoke was that the two Gurus who were responsible for guarding Kyoko there had all been knocked unconscious, and the one who rescued Kyoko was actually another acquaintance of his!

Peacock dance!

Suoke returned to his original appearance and attire, jumped off the Black Crow Knight, and landed in front of Peacock Dance and Kyoko who were chatting.

Raising his head, Suoke raised the corners of his mouth and waved: "Hey, long time no see, you two."



Xingzi and Peacock Dance both called out Suoke's name in surprise at the same time. Then they looked at each other and said hesitantly to each other: "You..."

"Kyoko Masaki, my classmate."

"Peacock dance, my friend."

Suoke first clarified his relationship with the two of them without any hesitation.

Then looking at the two Gurus lying on the ground, Soko asked Peacock Dance with some surprise: "Were they all knocked unconscious by you?"

"Hey, what do you mean by that suspicious look in your eyes?"

Peacock Wu crossed her waist in annoyance, waved her little fist at Suok demonstratively and said: "I have been wandering alone outside all year round, no matter how I think about it, I can't be a weak little girl. Right? To deal with this kind of man, I only need one hand!" Her expression was as usual, as if she had completely forgotten her confession to Sok that night.

Suok nodded, then smiled and said: "It is important to have a strong mind, but the strength of the body is fundamental. It seems that you understand this deeply."

"It's not all thanks to your influence!"

Peacock Wu snorted angrily and said: "Nowadays, many people are learning fighting skills for card duels, in order to use force to force their opponents to submit when they can't beat others at cards... Really, since you took the lead in breaking the spirit of fair duels, now everyone has started to act recklessly..."

"Even so, I'm still the one who can fight the best."

Suok smiled proudly, not ashamed but proud, and then asked Peacock Dance: "By the way, it's time for you to collect all six chip cards, right? Do you want me to take you to Tongchenye Stadium?"

Speaking of this topic, Peacock Wu's original expression suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a helpless decline.

Peacock Dance sighed softly, raised his head, and said with a relieved smile: "No... I have lost the qualification to enter the finals... Just now, I lost all the chip cards, so I went for a ride to relax, and accidentally saved I fell in love with this little sister Xingzi... Although I no longer want to prove myself to anyone, but... I am really unwilling to accept it, but I am convinced that I have lost..."

Peacock dance...


Suoke was stunned and frowned slightly.

This is completely different from the plot in the original work. Did he change history because of his appearance?

But didn't he just take the vacant seat of Tapirang? Logically speaking, others should not be affected.

Thinking of this, Suoke frowned and asked Peacock Dance: "Peacock, who did you lose to? Is it Yugi or Kaiba? Or is it the lucky gambling god in the city?"

"Yugi? Jonouchi?...Who are they?"

Peacock Dance glanced at Suoke strangely, and then thought: "Well... the person who won me is a mysterious little sister. She is about thirteen or fourteen years old, right? Her body and face are hidden under the hood and Under the windbreaker, the only thing I can see is that her hair color is lavender..."

A girl with lavender hair?

Sok's eyes narrowed slightly.

The first time he remembered it, he thought of Tairiang Tianyin who once appeared in front of him as DARKNESS!

Tsk, the injury has healed, so I can’t help but go out again.


I have to find a way to fuck my special girl!

"By the way, Sok..."

Peacock Dance asked Sok curiously: "How did your duel go? Did you get the six puzzle cards?"

Suoke took out six chip cards from his pocket and shook them: "Well, it's all ready already. I even spent the whole afternoon playing outside to avoid leaving too early and having to wait."

"Wow, you are so awesome!"

Peacock Dance looked at the chip card in Suoke's hand with envy, but then she seemed to remember something, and said with empty eyes: "But you couldn't have snatched these chip cards by force, right?"

Suoke patted his chest proudly: "Isn't this natural?"


Peacock Wu first slapped her forehead helplessly and sighed, then rolled up her hair and looked up at Suoke, with something inexplicable in her bright eyes.

"If you enter the finals, you will definitely meet that little girl..."

Peacock Dance blinked, pursed her lips and said: "Although you are very strong, if you meet her, you must be very careful! Because there is some kind of monster in her deck that is beyond our imagination. That monster It’s almost invincible because I can’t think of a way to defeat that monster…”

Opening her red lips lightly, Peacock Dance said the name of the monster.

"Godly Flame Emperor Uriah!"

The Phantom's name was read out.

The name of the phantom, which could have made countless duel monster elves frightened, could not stir up the slightest ripple in Sok's heart.

Because in front of the evil god of the underworld who rules all darkness, they are really weak and pitiful, even ridiculous.

I see.

Because he gained the power of the phantom, he dared to show his face again.

Suok nodded lightly and said seriously: "I understand, leave that Salamander to me to punish, and let me use true infinity to teach it not to brag and compare."

Peacock Dance smiled and stretched out her palm: "I believe in you, the invincible Mr. Sok!"

The two palms crossed each other, making a clear sound.

"Isn't that natural?"

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