Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 177 Saio ponders

duel city

G area 422 location

Reservation site for the construction of Domino Stadium.

The roar of construction could be heard outside the spacious stadium, with cranes and excavators coming and going incessantly.

Malik, who had already arrived at the gymnasium, sat on the cement floor and critically examined the deserted construction site.

"Tsk, that guy Kaiba, there must be something wrong with his brain, right?"

Malik crossed his legs and said with disdain: "After all the massive early publicity, the venue for the final was actually in a place like this... But as a cemetery where the pharaohs are buried, the venue being built here will definitely be very solid in the future. , hum…”

"I said Licid..."

Malik glanced sideways at the burly man with tattoos on his face and said slowly, "You haven't forgotten the contract you made with my father, have you?"

Licid looked into the distance in ecstasy: "Yes, I dare not forget it for a moment..."

"That's good……"

A hint of hatred flashed in the corner of Malik's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The king's soul is floating in the world, and the mission of the tomb-keepers is to hand over the king's memory to him... But after our mission is completed, according to the rules, the tomb-keepers will The bloodline of the Tomb Clan will be cut off...how cruel!"

"I want to... put an end to the tragic fate of our vampire family for three thousand years. Not by completing the mission, but by using the Sun God to bury him completely and bury him in the deepest depths of darkness!"

Malik slowly stood up from the cement floor and stared into the distance with extremely firm eyes: "Only by killing Yu Yu can my sister, me, and our bloodline survive and be truly free! If I lose, Lee West Germany... I want you to kill me and destroy my body so that the soul of the ruthless Pharaoh will never rest in peace, and you will personally experience the pain a hundred times or a thousand times of the tomb-keepers' pain over the past three thousand years!"

Licid was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "Yes, Lord Malik."

"I must concentrate on dealing with the Pharaoh now. Everything else can be put aside for the time being..."

Malik gently pressed the thousand-year-old tin staff on his waist, turned to Licid and said: "But that guy named Sok is really my biggest variable in dealing with the Pharaoh. Not only is his force almost invincible in the world, but he also acts recklessly. , even the Millennium Artifact can't deal with him! So just in case, I hope Lycid you can disguise yourself as me to attract and disrupt Sok's sight, so that I can go all out to deal with the Pharaoh!"

Attracting attention is just a pretense, and the true meaning behind his words is nothing more than to find a scapegoat and throw it to Suoke, letting him do whatever he wants to vent his anger.

Malik and Lycid both knew this.

But even if this mission had a narrow escape, Licid still accepted it calmly: "...I understand, Sir Malik."

"I'm sorry, Lycid..."

Malik looked up to the sky and sighed, but his heart was full of unwillingness: "... Damn it! If it weren't for that guy named Sok, I might have destroyed the Pharaoh by gathering the power of Gurus! That guy... in the end It’s a monster that came out of nowhere!”

The night wind blew by, and two figures wearing cloaks and hoods quietly came behind Malik.

"Ah, ah, I seem to have heard something extraordinary..."

One of the shorter figures said softly with a hint of teasing: "...I also want to know where that monster came from."

"who is it!?"

Licid turned back suddenly and stood in front of Malik.

But Malik just turned back and looked coldly at the two figures wearing cloaks and hoods, and slowly pulled out the thousand-year-old tin staff from his waist.

The moonlight shines on the two mysterious visitors.

The hood of the slightly short figure revealed a head of smooth lavender hair: "First time meeting, leader of Gurus... My name is Tapirang Tianyin, please give me your advice..." The voice was as clear as a silver bell, The tight-fitting robe outlines her beautiful figure that has just grown, but if you look into her eyes, you will never believe that this is a little girl that people can take lightly.

"Tairang Tianyin?"

Licid said coldly: "I have never heard of a nobody like you."

Tapirang Tianyin smiled softly and stretched out his robe with his bare hands: "I can stand here now, doesn't it already explain a lot of things? Maybe my reputation was not prominent in the past, but for now, the starting point of both of us is same."

Malik looked at her coldly, the thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand glowed with a faint golden light, which was not relieved at all by her cute and pretty appearance: "I don't like others to eavesdrop on my conversation. You are too rude, so I just I can give you the sanctions you deserve..."

"Hate yourself for being weak, you idiot!"

Before he finished speaking, the thousand-year-old tin staff in Malik's hand immediately sent out a violent impact and sent Tapirang Tianyin flying away!

The petite body rolled on the ground several times in a panic.

But Malik frowned.

The shock just now actually caused some pain in my arm!

Who are these two guys who suddenly appeared?

"Ahhh...you are such a rude man, Mr. Malik..."

Tapirang Tianyin slowly got up from the ground and dusted himself off as if nothing happened.

But the originally kind expression on her face suddenly turned gloomy, and she sneered: "It seems that if I don't show a little strength, you won't talk to me properly! Then..."

Before he finished speaking, Tapirang Tianyin's eyes suddenly stared!

Malik and Licid were also both rushed away by a huge momentum!

"Damn bastard!"

Malik jumped up from the ground, raised the thousand-year-old tin staff and fired another shock wave, shouting angrily: "Go to hell!"

At this time, another young man wearing a cloak and a hood who had been standing silently next to him finally took action!

A barrier glowing with faint white light stood in front of Tapirang Tianyin, completely intercepting Malik's shock wave!

"Stop it, Malik!"

The young man shouted sternly: "We are not enemies, and it is completely meaningless for us to fight among ourselves here now!"

Malik sneered: "Oh? You don't seem to be a nobody if you can stop the dark impact of the Millennium Artifact... But you approached me with purpose and eavesdropped on my conversation without permission, but you made me already in a bad state. My mood has become even more unhappy... Tell me your background, otherwise when I kill you, I won’t know what to write on your tombstone!"

The man lifted his hood, revealing a slightly childish face.

But around him, a glistening white light suddenly appeared, rivaling the darkness emitted by the thousand-year-old artifact.

"I am the light of destruction..."

The young man stroked his chest and said calmly: "But for now, if I borrow this young man's body, you can call me..."

"Saio Takuma."

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