Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 178 Cooperation

Malik sneered: "Light of Destruction? What the hell is that? Isn't it something you just made up?"

Saiou was not angry because of Malik's tone, but said very calmly: "At the beginning of the birth of the world, chaos separated and turned into two sides of light and darkness, and I am the will born from the fluctuation of light, and its purpose is, It is precisely to eliminate all darkness that exists in the world..."

"This is the strong support I spent a lot of effort to bring in!"

Tairiang Tianyin looked at Saiou, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, he was obviously a companion, but he was extremely cold and said: "If it weren't for Sok's dark power being too powerful, it would even exceed the sum of all the dark sides in the world, threatening me. The meaning of my existence is that I will not join forces with my lifelong enemy."

Saiou replied calmly: "After destroying Sok, it will be your turn."

"Hey, you're much easier to deal with than that monster Sok..."

After saying that, Tapirang Tianyin turned to Malik and said: "That's the general situation. You help us kill Sok, and then we help you eliminate the nameless Pharaoh and free yourself from the tragic and desperate fate. How about it?" "Having said this, Tairiang Tianyin sneered in his heart and added: Then he fell into another abyss of despair!

Malik was slightly moved, but still doubtful: "Just you?"

"Don't underestimate me..."

Taixiang Tianyin stretched out his hand to hold his slightly bulging chest, bit his silver teeth and said: "If I hadn't been seriously injured by Suok last time, with my own strength, it would be very easy to destroy the Pharaoh! ... But this time I won't. Likewise, with the three of us working together, we will be able to completely eliminate Sok and bring the world back into our hands!"

Malik narrowed his eyes and said, "It's hard for me to believe what a loser says."

"Don't worry, your fate has already been decided..."

The Saio next to him suddenly said: "Although Sok is incredibly strong, he is still not invincible, because at the beginning of the birth of the universe, it was already destined that all things would be interdependent! The future I foresee is exactly the combination of the three phantom gods. Annihilate Suok's ambition, and completely destroy his body and soul! In other words, if you want to destroy Suok, someone must gather the three illusory gods and lead them."

"Although we are powerful, we cannot control the phantom god."

Tapirang Tianyin looked at Malik with a sly smile and said: "But you are the 'whetstone' chosen by fate. You hold a thousand-year tin staff and have the authority to control the three illusory gods. Therefore, if you want to defeat Suoke, you must It is the most indispensable part!...Now, the 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God' is in your hands, the 'Sky Dragon of Osiris' is in the hands of the Pharaoh, and the 'Obelisk Titan Soldier' ​​is in your hands. In the hands of Kaiba..."

"They will all enter the finals, and we will seize all the phantom gods in their hands and hand them to you as the ultimate weapon to destroy Sok!"

Having said this, Taixiang Tianyin suddenly smiled strangely and said: "This is a win-win deal. You can get the Three Illusion Gods, and we have also eliminated the terrifying and powerful enemy. I think... you have also seen Suoke for a long time." Is it pleasing to the eye? Don’t you want to tear that hateful bastard into countless pieces? Hahaha..."

Listening to the sickly laughter of Tapiriang Tianyin, Lixid instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Although Sock is not a good person, these two guys look more dangerous!

Now that Suok exists, they cannot act recklessly. If Suok is really eliminated, maybe the world will be overturned!

At that time, what would happen even if we broke away from the fate of the tomb-guarding clan?

"Malik is great..."

Licid just opened his mouth, wanting to persuade Malik not to cooperate with these two guys, but Malik had already nodded in agreement!

"Ah, no problem!"

All the humiliations that Sock had done to him in the past few days came to Malik's mind!

Mixed with hatred for the Pharaoh and Thok, Malik's reason has gradually disappeared.

Malik's pupils shrank violently, and the grin on his lips became more ferocious: "After I chop off the Pharaoh's head, it will be Sok's turn! But I can warn you in advance, if you dare to play tricks with me, I’ll kill you too! Do you understand?”


Tapirang Tianyin smiled strangely: "Happy cooperation, Mr. Malik."

The roar of the helicopter came from overhead, and everyone knew who was coming without even looking.

After all, currently, apart from Pegasus, the only person in the duel monster world who can fly a helicopter is Kaiba.

The moment Isono, who was responsible for receiving the duelists who came here, saw the Kaiba helicopter, he had already jogged all the way to the place where the helicopter was scheduled to land, waiting for Kaiba's arrival.

The helicopter landed, and the figures of Kaiba and Mokuba came out of it.

After looking at the sky, Kaiba asked Isono, "How many people are here?"

"Reporting to Master Seto, four duelists have arrived so far!"

Isono quickly and respectfully replied: "There is a man with tattoos on his face and a boy named Namu. Just now, two more mysterious duelists with their faces covered entered the gym. Look at their heights. He should still look like a junior high school student."

"The man with the tattoo on his face..."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is it Malik...or are these four people from Gurus?" Having said this, Kaiba immediately turned to Isono and said: "Isono! How are the security arrangements on the airship going? Already?"

"Master Seto, please rest assured!"

Isono stood at attention and said seriously: "Dozens of experienced international mercenaries have been arranged on the airship, and weapons have been distributed. As long as we are willing, no one except Sok can get off the airship alive!"

"Tsk, Sok..."

Hearing this name, Kaiba was inexplicably agitated: "...Forget it, it's still some time before takeoff. I'll adjust my deck again. This time, I won't lose to that hateful bastard again!"

After saying that, Kaiba turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, there was a sudden sound of braking from behind!

Kaiba turned around and saw a red Porsche leaving a trace several meters long and parked firmly next to his helicopter!

A beauty with blond curly hair stepped out of the driver's seat and shouted to a few shabby guys behind her: "Hey! Get up! You guys are obviously boys, why are you so useless?"

"Ha ha……"

Jonouchi laughed dryly, staggered out of the car, and said with a pale face: "I... we are fine... ugh... thank you, Miss Mai, for taking us... ugh..."

At this time, other people also walked out of the car, and their expressions were not much better than Jonouchi's.

"Hmph, don't get me wrong, I'm just doing a favor for little sister Xingzi, not for you boys!"

Having said that, Peacock Dance looked back at the gymnasium that was still under construction, and said with disappointment: "Oh!? Is the final held here? How sloppy! I thought that the Kaiba Consortium should not be short of money..."

After hearing this, Haima in front turned around and snorted: "The final venue is not here, just wait and find out, woman!" As soon as he finished speaking, Haima was suddenly stunned! Because he saw Mai, Yugi, and Jonouchi all holding duel disks!

There are only eight places to enter the finals, and with them, there will be no one else!

In other words, Sock was eliminated! ?

Kaiba was absolutely ecstatic!

Haha, retribution!

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