Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 179 Duel Boat

"Three duelists, please present your six chip cards."

Isono, who had the same idea as Kaiba, also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was great not to see Sock in the finals. After all, that guy is famous for beating up referees during games.

As the person in charge and referee of this competition, Isonomoto felt a lot of pressure. But now it seems that Sock may have found the game boring and left the game midway. Otherwise, even if others beat him, he would definitely beat him to death and then take the chip. You must grab all the cards...

With this thought in his mind, Isono stretched out his hand towards the three of them.

But the chip cards handed over to Isono were only twelve from Yugi and Jonouchi.


Isono was startled, turned stiffly towards Peacock Dance and asked: "This... this lady, please show your chip card..."

What worried Isono and Kaiba the most happened.

Peacock Dance waved her hands and said, "I have lost all my chip cards a long time ago. Now I am just responsible for sending them here."

In an instant, Peacock Mai's words were like a huge boulder weighing heavily on Kaiba and Isono's hearts, so tight that they could hardly breathe.

There are seven finalists, so do you still have to guess the last one?

Of course...


Kaiba suddenly shouted at Isono: "How long until the scheduled time!?"

Isono was startled, glanced down at his watch, and quickly replied: "The duel boat is scheduled to take off on time at seven o'clock! There are still twenty minutes before the arrival!"

"Twenty minutes...still so long..."

Kaiba frowned with some dissatisfaction, but in the end he said nothing and gave the order: "Isono! As soon as the time comes, regardless of whether the eighth duelist arrives or not, the duel boat will set off immediately! I understand. !?"

Isono was stunned after hearing this, and immediately stood at attention with understanding and shouted: "I understand! ...And, Master Seto, I just saw it wrong. It turns out that there are still five minutes until seven o'clock. It seems that the last duelist is It’s such a pity that I couldn’t come here in time!”

Kaiba glanced at Isono appreciatively: "It's really a pity."


After listening to Kaiba and Isono talking for a long time, Jonouchi raised his hand in a low voice and said, "I have a question... What is the duel boat you are talking about? And... isn't this the venue for the finals? Where are we going..."

"Please go to the gymnasium and describe the details one by one."

After the ID cards were issued, Isono walked in front to guide everyone: "Everyone, please come with me. There are already four other duelists waiting for you inside."

The group of people walked into the stadium, and at first sight they saw Malik and others sitting in the auditorium in the corner.

Inexplicably, the two groups of people seemed to have formed two auras, tit for tat.

After Kaiba glanced at Malik and the others, he fixed his gaze on Licid's face and said coldly: "Tattoo...are you Malik, the leader of Gurus?"

Licid stood up without hesitation, with an astonishing fighting spirit erupting from his body: "Yes, Seto Kaiba! The 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier' ​​in your hand and the 'Osiris' in the hand of the dwarf next to you." Sky dragons are all my inevitable prey, so be prepared to be slaughtered!"

"Hmph, what a great courage!"

Kaiba held his hands in front of his chest and looked at Licid with a sneer: "But I don't know if you can still say it after you learn that all the Gurus you arranged for the duel city have been captured. Such nonsense!"

After saying that, without waiting for Licid to retort, Kaiba immediately interrupted the conversation and shouted to Isono beside him: "Isono! Since everyone is here, hurry up and announce the rules of the final!"

"Yes, Master Seto!"

Isono stood up and said loudly: "Dear duelists, first of all, let me congratulate you for being able to stand out among countless duelists and become the top eight players in this duel city. We are currently gathering at the unfinished Tōmino Gymnasium. But the location of the final is not here! But..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge shadow suddenly floated above everyone's heads!

Everyone raised their heads in surprise and saw a huge airship floating in the sky dozens of meters high at some point!

"As you can see!"

Isono raised his hand and pointed to the airship in the sky and said loudly: "The stage for the first round of the knockout round is exactly what we need to board this duel boat and fight at an altitude of one thousand meters! There, the biting cold wind will cruelly test The courage and fighting spirit of the duelists! Please be prepared to face the upcoming challenges!"

The duel boat slowly landed in the stadium, and the duelists entered the battlefield one by one.

But when Yugi and Jonouchi entered the airship, Kyoko, Honda and others behind were stopped by Isono.

"Wait a moment!"

Isono blocked the door of the duel boat, stretched out his hand towards Kyoko and the others with a straight face and said: "People without ID cards are not allowed to enter the duel boat. This is the rule of the competition. Please return the way you came."


Everyone was greatly disappointed, and their dissatisfaction was palpable.

The seahorse in front looked back and sneered: "Let them in too, Isono! Having only duelists without an audience is very unsatisfactory for the winner, just like that guy Sok once said... ...There has to be a bunch of losers standing down there who can shout '666', huh..."

Honda clenched his fist angrily and said, "Damn it! Who are you calling a waste!"

Next to him, Kyoko quickly held him back to prevent Honda from being shot in the head by Kaiba's bodyguard Moth. She carefully whispered in his ear: "Don't be impulsive, Honda! It's enough that we can follow Yugi and Jonouchi to cheer them up." , don’t compete with that domineering President Kaiba..."

Now that Kaiba has spoken, Isono can't say anything more and can only let Kyoko and the others get on the airship.

Following them, Peacock Wu was the last to step into the airship, and looked back at the dark sky, but the person she wanted to wait for never appeared.

With a disappointed sigh, Peacock Dance stopped staying and walked into the airship.

The night is as cold as water.

After Isono glanced at the watch on his wrist one last time, he was about to turn around and leave.

But suddenly, a violent sound breaking through the sky came from the sky!

A huge flying fireball moved from far to near in an instant, and landed heavily on the field in front of it, creating a huge pit!

Could this fancy way of appearing be...

The smoke and dust cleared.

Two figures gradually appeared in Isono's sight.

It was Sok and Isis!

Putting Isis down from behind, Suok raised his eyebrows and looked at the huge airship in front of him, and said in a loud voice: "We arrived just in time, within a second!"

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