Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

A little bit of knowledge

The settings of the original Yu-Gi-Oh manga and animation are different. The plots written at the beginning of this book all exist in the original manga. Friends who are interested can check it out.

Then there is the setting of Dark Tapiron.

In the animation, the true identity of Yami Tapiryo is the great evil god of the underworld who is hidden in the thousand-year wheel of wisdom.

However, in the comics, the game clearly points out that the identity of An Tapirang is the great priest of darkness, namely "Akhnadin" (the holder of the Millennium Eye three thousand years ago, Seth's father). In order to make Seth the king, Ah Knadine tried to borrow the Millennium Artifact to steal the ultimate dark power, but in the end he awakened the Great Evil God of the Underworld, causing the Pharaoh and the Great Evil God of the Underworld to die together, and were sealed together in the Millennium Cone. Then the Millennium Cone shattered and became the later Millennium. Building Blocks.

Aknadine's evil will is lurking in the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, and he will continue to use the body of the reincarnated "Tapirian" of the King of Thieves three thousand years later to continue to plot the power of the Great Evil God.

Throughout the story, the King of Thieves and Aknadin are both stage BOSSs and have no affiliation with Sok. (Akhnadin temporarily surrendered to Sok in the later period, so he became the Dark Priest)

The protagonist of this book is the reincarnation of the evil god, so of course the animation setting cannot be used.


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