Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 183 The Judgment of Anubis

"The Phantom's exclusive environment magic card is activated!"

Tairiang Tianyin opened the environment magic field on the duel plate, drew a card from his hand and inserted it suddenly, shouting: "Because 'Thunder Lord Harmon' exists on our field, I can activate the field magic 'Loss'" paradise'!"

"Because the new field magic is activated, your Pharaoh's Temple will also be replaced!"

"O earth, wither!"

[Paradise Lost, environmental magic card, effect: As long as this card exists in the field area, "Uria the Divine Flame King", "Thunder King Harmon", "Phantom Demon King Rabiel" and "Chaos Phantom Demon" in your own monster area "Armitel" will not be the target of the opponent's effects and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effects. Once per turn, it can only be activated when any of the "Godly Flame King Uriah", "Thunder King Harmon", "Phantom Demon King Rabiel" or "Chaos Phantom Demon Armitel" exists in your monster area. Draw 2 cards from your deck. 】

Accompanied by the shouts of Tapir Liang Tianyin, the originally sacred and solemn Wang Family Temple was suddenly broken by the weather and turned into dry soil. A withered sapling gradually grew up from behind Tapir Liang Tianyin and turned into a dilapidated tree. Indescribable towering trees.

But the strange thing is that the tree is obviously dead, but on the branch of the tree, there is an extremely bright and blood-red apple growing!

"Hmph, it seems that your deck is almost entirely composed of trap cards..."

Tairiang Tianyin smiled sickly and licked his lips. He glanced at the cards in his hand with some pity and said: "Although I haven't drawn the natural nemesis of the trap card yet, due to the effect of Lost Paradise, my 'Thunder Emperor' ·Harmon' will not be the target of magic, traps, monster effects, nor will it be destroyed by effects..."


Tapirang Tianyin's entire face turned dark, his pupils turned around irregularly, and his originally beautiful face was now extremely distorted. He breathed out in a yandere manner: "Shouldn't I be able to kill you in the first round? Kill him? This is so boring, hahaha..."

Harsh laughter echoed in the arena.

The sound of panting like a beast also made everyone feel chilly in their hearts.

Kyoko couldn't help but hugged her arms tightly, and said with some horror: "She...her laughter is so scary..."

After hearing this, Suoke subconsciously glanced at Malik next to him, waved his hand and said, "If you're really scared, don't watch. There's an even more powerful Yan Yi who didn't show up."

"You won't get what you want."

Faced with the spirit of the phantom demon, Licid still calmly pressed the trap activation button on the duel plate and shouted: "I am not a weakling who will be defeated so easily! The counterattack trap 'Anubis' Judgment' is activated ! Based on its effect, I can invalidate and destroy the activation of your 'Paradise Lost'! Fanatics who are disrespectful to the Royal Temple, please hear the punishment of the God of Death!"

[Anubis's Judgment, counterattack trap, effect: It can be activated when the opponent activates a magic card, invalidating and destroying that card, then destroying all monsters on the field, and inflicting damage equal to half the total attack power of all enemy monsters. 】(comic version)

The earth shattered, and endless black smoke emerged from the cracks, condensing into a ferocious jackal head.

Its eyes glowed with a dangerous red light, and it tore into pieces the 'Thunder Emperor Harmon' on the Tapirian Tianyin Field with just one mouthful, and then swallowed the dead old tree behind her with another mouthful. Turn everything into nothingness!

The lost paradise disappears, and the royal temple stands again!

"The guide of Anubis's soul and the patron saint of the Pharaohs, you cannot act arrogantly in front of the royal temple, Tapirian Tianyin!"

Licid stretched out his finger and said solemnly: "Furthermore, because Anubis's anger destroyed the 'Thunder Emperor Harmon' on your field, you will also bear half of the monster's attack power, which is a full Two thousand points of damage!”

Tapiriang Tianyin, LP: 4000→2000

Malik in the audience squinted his eyes, gave Licid an appreciative look, and said telepathically: "Well done, Licid, now her field has been cleared, and there is only one card left in her hand. , you can kill her next round, hum..."

Licid also responded in his heart: "Don't worry, Master Malik, I will not let the name Isildar be shamed!"

"Hmph, it's really effective, Lycid..."

Tairiang Tianyin didn't care about his injuries at all. He looked down at the last card in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and inserted the card into the duel plate: "Although one phantom demon has been eliminated, it doesn't matter, then Let’s start all over again...I want to activate the magic card 'Treasure from Heaven' from my hand! According to its effect, my hand will be replenished again! Hahaha..."

[Treasure dropped from the sky, magic card, effect: Both sides draw six cards from their hands. 】


Licid was shocked in his heart!

She originally thought she had cornered her opponent, but suddenly she filled her hand with cards again!

And the most important thing is that "Thunder Lord Harmon" is a special summon and does not launch an attack. In other words, this round is like starting over!

"Your expression has become ugly, Lycid..."

After Tairiang Tianyin drew six new cards from the deck, he raised his eyebrows at Lishid and said with a sly smile: "Since you are good at using trap cards to fight defensive counterattacks, then I will also set up traps and wait. You took the bait...hum, I'm going to cover two cover cards, and then cover a monster card to end the turn!"

Both sides had the same three coverage cards on the field, which made the audience feel extremely uncomfortable watching this.

Especially this straight-blooded young man in Jonouchi, his head was about to explode. He thought to himself that it was a good thing that he was not facing these two lunatics who were desperately fighting for each other. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

I really can’t figure it out. What’s the point of playing cards like this?

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Lixid took out a card from the deck and added it to his hand. He looked at Tairian Tianyin on the opposite side and said slowly: "There was nothing on my field just now, but you didn't summon a monster to attack me. Are you attacking directly because you are afraid of the trap I am hiding?"

Tapirang Tianyin licked his lips, smiled slyly and said nothing.

"You must think that all the trap cards I cover are defensive counterattacks, right?"

Licid pressed the trap card activation button on the duel plate and said solemnly: "Actually, you guessed wrong. The card on my field that you used as a counterattack trap to guard against is actually..."

"Activate the trap card 'Apophis' Incarnation'!"

[Incarnation of Apophis, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: After this card is activated, it is specially summoned in attack position in the form of a monster card (Demon type, Dark, 4 stars, Attack 1600/Defense 0). (This card has the attribute of a trap)]

Tairiang Tianyin looked coldly at the snake-headed warrior who suddenly appeared on Licid's field, and said with concentration: "Oh, it's a trap card that can turn into a monster. It looks quite impressive, Licid..."

"After the incarnation of 'Apophis' Avatar' is activated, it will specially summon an integrated warrior on our field! And... I covered two of them on the field!"

After saying that, Licid drew another card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted: "The next is the third card! With the special effect of 'The Temple of the Royal Family', I can use the trap card to cover the card." I activate this trap card during this turn, so I now have three 'Apophis' Incarnations' on my field!"

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