Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 186 The Ultimate Dark Game

Seeing that Malik was beaten so badly, Taira Amane and Saio Takuma, who had escaped unharmed, looked at each other and swallowed slightly.

Saiou Takuma asked with his usual expressionless face: "Are we going to help him?"

Tapirang Tianyin shook his head without even thinking: "No! The power of the three phantom demons has not been fully awakened yet. We cannot have a head-on conflict with Suok yet... at least wait until I summon the chaos phantom demon..."

Saiou pondered and glanced at Suoke, who was still beating Malik violently: "But you have just offended him. I'm afraid you will be the next one he wants to beat."


The corners of Tairiang Tianyin's mouth twitched: "Otherwise, I can apologize later..."

In this way, these two guys, who were obviously Malik's strategic partners, watched helplessly as Malik was almost beaten to a pulp by Sock, and they did not dare to go up and help.

Even supernatural monsters like them didn't dare to start a fight, let alone the group of mortals next to them.

I could only hear the screams of Li Gemalik, as if they were slaughtering a pig.

"I'm not afraid of you!... Ouch!"

"I'm going to kill you!...Ouch!"

"Asshole! I'll show you the power of my thousand-year-old tin staff!"

In an instant, the thousand-year-old tin staff on Malik's waist suddenly glowed!

"Be my puppet! You idiot!!!"

"mind control!!!"

Golden light enveloped Sok's whole body!

Malik, who was already bruised and swollen, laughed proudly, sniffing his nose and saying: "Stupid... idiot, you know how powerful I am! Now you have been brainwashed by me and become someone who can be manipulated by me..."

But before he finished speaking, Sock took off his size 42 leather shoes and breathed on Malik's size 55 face with a "pop"!

"Laugh! Make you laugh!"

"You deserve it if I hit you, you will be miserable if I hit you!"

The sound was so loud that it hurt just to hear it.

Li Gemalik's face was so swollen that he couldn't even speak fluently. He could only babble out a few loud words, and his expression seemed to be begging for mercy...

With a flash of light in his hand, Sok used Goblin's secret medicine to cure him. He wanted to hear how he regretted his mistakes!


Just after Malik was cured, two terrifying words popped out of his mouth!

"You dirty, despicable...ahem..."

Everyone at the scene was shocked. It was the first time they saw someone being beaten like this and still being so cocky!

Kaiba was secretly ashamed after seeing it, and had to call Malik a man in his heart. It was a pity that his family had a big business and couldn't be as cool as him.

Suoke also sneered, reached out and snatched the thousand-year-old tin staff from Malik's waist, pulled out the sharp awl and said with a ferocious smile: "I'll stab you to death!"

The weak Malik kept breathing heavily and made a final struggle angrily: "The dark game...start!"

Black smoke instantly filled the entire duel arena, wrapping Sok and Malik inside!

The dark duel field has been laid out!

"Hahaha! Despicable bastard!"

Malik laughed proudly and said: "Once the dark game starts, the outcome can only be determined by a duel! If you cause direct harm to my body, you will immediately be swallowed by the darkness because of the foul! No matter how powerful you are , there is no way it can withstand this endless darkness!"

Suok stretched out his hand to test the sturdiness of this dark game. He sneered and raised his eyebrows and said, "Many people used to be very confident in their dark games, including your personality. In the end, I didn't slap you until your mouth was crooked." ...But since you want to play, then I can reluctantly play with you. Who wants my brother-in-law to love you, hahaha..."

After saying that, Sock immediately turned back to Isono and shouted: "Hey! Mustache! Malik and I are coming for the second game. Do you have any objection?"

Isono was almost scared to death by Sok's cruelty. How could he dare to say no? He nodded desperately and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! You can fight with whoever you want, even if you want to win the championship directly, it's okay, haha Ha ha……"

The corner of Kaiba's mouth twitched twice, as if he had something to say.

But Suoke's eyes turned cold and he shouted: "Whoever dares to object, I will blow his head off!"

Kaiba didn't dare to speak at this time, so he could only cough lightly and take it as his acquiescence.

On the duel field, Tairiang Tianyin and Saio Takuma had already known each other and retreated early. In order to prevent Sok from getting angry again, they also acted as good guys and helped Lixide get down.

Entering the duel arena, Malik was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

Staring at Sok with hatred, the veins on Malik's face protruded and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot: "Sock... the humiliation you brought me, I will double it back to you! This is the ultimate dark game. , the door to hell has been opened..."

Sok scratched his head, why did he feel like he was seeing a Digimon.

"In this dark game, both of us will bet our own living souls!"

Malik's entire face was distorted, as if there was another face on his face that was constantly arrogant: "The dark game is absolutely fair. The loser will be swallowed by the darkness, and the damage suffered during the duel will also be lost." It will truly reflect on the body and bring pain to the player!" At this point, Li Gemalik sneered, pointed at the ghost shadow of the soul that emerged behind him and said: "And my sacrifice is this guy!"

Malik's main personality was kidnapped by darkness and floated unconscious in the sky.

At the same time, the monster hidden in the darkness also extended its tentacles to Suok, trying to draw out another soul from Suok's body and place it at the place of sacrifice.


The moment those tentacles touched Sok, they suddenly felt like being struck by lightning!

They all shrank back into the darkness in horror as if they were electrocuted!


One of Malik's eyes was half-closed, and the other eye dilated and trembled crazily: "The placement of the sacrifices actually failed!?"

"Hey, Malik, did you do something wrong..."

Sok slapped his chest with one hand and said with a ferocious smile: "The activation or execution power of all dark games in this world comes from my endless darkness. This is my authority, how could it be used by you instead? , and then imprison my soul? Hahaha..."

"I am the most powerful evil god in the underworld, and no one can be above me..."


When the great evil god's true name was called out in the dark space, the originally stable space gradually began to shake and twist.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to print a ferocious face, emitting a sinister black air.

Suddenly, the demon face opened his eyes, revealing scarlet linear pupils!

The soul of Liger Malik felt like a heavy blow. The scapegoat that was originally placed on the sacrificial table was now rejected by the darkness!

In an instant, Malik seemed to understand something. He suddenly lowered his head and looked at his heart!

Immediately afterwards, the distorted face turned pale with shock!

There, an orange six-pointed star was suddenly spinning!

My soul has been locked...

If you lose, you will no longer be allowed to use the outer personality to replace the sacrifice, but the inner personality that started the dark game will be destroyed!

The corners of Sok's mouth raised, and he looked coldly at the horrified and twisted expression of Gmalik on the other side, clenching his fists.

So, this is the final move.

After he eliminates Li Gemalik, his agreement with Isis will be reached.

And at that time, the final decisive battle is about to come...

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