Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 187 Infinite Replacement of Martyrs

"Bastard... Even if the darkness can't swallow you, then at least the pain should be inevitable..."

The veins in the corners of Malik's eyes kept pulsing. He pulled out five cards from the deck with a weird and twisted gesture, and shouted sternly: "Then, the dark game begins!"



Malik Ishdar, LP: 4000

Sok Nenufa, LP: 4000

"My first strike, draw a card!"

Malik's eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He suddenly pulled out a card from his hand, slapped it into the duel plate, and summoned an extremely ugly and disgusting monster!

"Come out! I summon the quick-attack vampire maggots!"

[Quick attack vampire maggot, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 500, defense: 1200, effect: This card can attack in the first round. After the attack ends, send a card from your hand to the graveyard. This card is changed to defensive expression. 】

Malik's fingers twisted weirdly, and he pointed at Sok, and said with a ferocious smile: "The quick-attack blood-sucking maggots have a quick-attack effect, and can attack you in the first round! ... Hum, Sok, accept the pain of darkness! Cranial nerve strangulation!"

Following Malik's order, the ugly monster immediately opened its big mouth full of tiny teeth and rushed towards Sok crazily!

If it were an ordinary person, in such a weird atmosphere, I would probably panic!


Malik is now facing the invincible evil god Sok who dominates all darkness!

At the moment when the "quick-attack blood-sucking maggot" was about to bite Sok's body, Sok punched the blood-sucking monster back with a backhand!

"Fuck you!"

The "quick-attack blood-sucking maggots" rolled on the ground several times, rolling in pain. After a long time, they huddled together in a dejected manner, shivering all over.

Sok, LP: 4000→3500

Although Sok's health was deducted, Malik was not happy at all.

Malik rubbed his eyes desperately, and Malik was stunned.

Because who the hell can tell me what happened just now?

A group of spectators below were also collectively confused. This was the first time they had seen someone defeat a virtual monster in a duel!

However, Peacock Wu had seen Sok's duel in the Duel Kingdom, and was not surprised at all. Instead, he blinked his right eye at Sok on the stage, and showed his thumb with his bare hand: "Here you go, the legendary exclusive physical duel! Well done. Beautiful, Sock!”

Suok also adjusted his hairstyle and said proudly: "It's funny, wait and see me beating the Sun God live for your enjoyment."

Peacock Dance pinched her hands and whistled: "Come on, I'll call for you!"


Malik looked angrily at Sock across from him, and then at the "quick-attack blood-sucking maggot" that was constantly twitching on his field. He thought to himself: Now it seems that it is unrealistic to torture this guy with dark games, but okay As long as the situation is not so bad that it is irreversible, the damage that should be done will still be calculated... Although it is a pity, it is not too difficult to deal with...

After thinking about it, Malik drew a card from his hand and sent it to the graveyard. He said in a cold voice with a distorted face: "Now, I want to activate the second effect of 'Quick Attack Vampire Maggot'. I choose a card from my hand and send it to the graveyard." When entering the graveyard, you can change this card to defense position..."

Looking at the yellow card that he sent to the graveyard, a strange smile appeared on Malik's lips.

Hehe, Sock...

Do you know how terrible it is that the sun god sleeps in the cemetery?

As long as I draw that card again, everything will be completely destroyed in an instant!

"Okay, I'll add two more cover cards. The round is over and it's your turn!"

"My turn, draw cards."

Sok drew a card from the deck, thought for a while, and suddenly shouted: "I want to activate the magic card 'Liberation of the Soul' from the card in my hand! According to the effect of this card, I can put up to five cards in the graveyard Excluded from the game!”

Malik was stunned for a moment, then panicked: "Oh!? No...it can't be...my sun god...!"

"Oh, it's really the Sun God who was sent to the cemetery."

The corner of Sok's mouth raised slightly, he stretched out his index finger towards Malik and shook it, and said with a evil smile: "I'm sorry to deceive you so easily, but with your IQ, it would be a pity not to trick you. …”

For a moment, the expression on Malik's face was extremely exciting. It turned red and green for a while, and finally turned dark. His face was twisted with hatred and he gritted his teeth and said: "...you!"

"What am I? If I didn't add 'Liberation of Souls' to my deck, your ancestral tomb exploded, and all the eighteen generations of ancestors jumped out to say hello to you. If you dare to speak rudely again, I will fight you in a real-person duel right now." High or low!"

Sok sneered three times, took a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel plate, shouting: "I want to activate the magic card 'Martyr's Infinite Replacement'! According to its effect, I can choose any card from the deck. Add the card to your hand!"

[Martyr's Infinite Replacement, Magic Card, Effect: You can choose a card from the deck and replace it with this card, and then shuffle the deck. 】

"God, come down!"

Sok picked out a card from the deck, inserted it into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "I want to summon the 'Evil God, the Incarnation of God'! Come to my field and fight for me again, the second largest in the underworld. My supreme evil god—Avatar!!!"

Evil God·Incarnation of God, 10 stars, attack:? ,Shou:?

In the intense darkness, the black sun set, the earth withered, and all living things decayed.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


Malik raised his head and looked at the black sun in disbelief. His eyes were filled with bloodshot shock and he said: "That figure is like the sun god, that terrifying thing is no different from the sun god, what is that..."

The audience below also looked up at the black ball hanging in the sky, feeling at a loss.

"What kind of monster is that..."

Kaiba stared at the sky intently, pondering in his heart: "I can feel the earth-shattering pressure in that black ball, and the majesty that only God can exude... By the way! There is a copy of the Giant in Sok's deck. Divine Weapon and Sky Dragon, then could this one be the last imitation card of the Phantom God..."

"The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"


Muto Yugi next to him vetoed decisively: "The Sun God is the totem and supreme god believed by the ancient Egyptian people. It symbolizes light, warmth and growth. It can never be in such a state full of darkness and evil!"

"Hmph... you are right, the nameless Pharaoh..."

"The evil god Avatar... is the black sun that is opposite to the sun god. If Ra symbolizes growth, then Avatar means destruction..."

Suok clasped his hands on his chest and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Not only does it have the same level of godhood as the Sun God, but it also has terrifying power that surpasses the Sun God!... Malik, you seem to be using the Sun God's control. I'm proud of you, now let me see it!"

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Malik's crazy face was already dripping with sweat, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Since it is an evil god of the same level as the Sun God, its appearance should also require three sacrifices. Why can you directly summon it to enter the scene!? "

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