Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 188 The Phoenix

"According to this fake card...ah, I'm sorry, I mean, according to the special effect of this evil god card 'The Coming of the Evil God', I can normally summon it without a sacrifice."

Suok coughed slightly and almost revealed his secret: "The attack power and defense power of 'Evil God, Incarnation of God' are the monster with the highest attack power on both sides plus 100, so it can never be faced head-on. The strongest evil god ever defeated!"

"What!? There is such a terrifying monster that cannot be defeated!"

Malik was startled, gritted his teeth and looked at his field: "The monster with the highest attack power on the field right now is my 'Fast Attack Vampire Maggot'. In other words, Sok's Evil God has an attack power of 600!"


"Wait a minute, it's only 600!?"

Malik suddenly came to his senses, pointed at Sok with a wild laugh and said: "Hahaha... don't make people laugh so hard, Sok! My 'quick-attack vampire maggot' has a defense power of 1200, and your evil god can't beat it! Ridiculous! It’s so ridiculous!”

Hearing Malik's laughter, everyone in the audience was stunned at the same time!

Indeed, the Evil God's ability is indeed terrifying, but if there is a monster on the opponent's field with higher defensive power than attack power, even the Evil God is completely helpless!

Did Sock miscalculate, or...

"Heh heh heh... Malik, you are the one who is ridiculous!"

Sok draws a card from his hand and inserts it into the magic trap area, and then puts a monster on the battlefield: "I will offer a cover card covering the field as a sacrifice, and special summon 'Martyr Hell Leader' '! Come out, the strongest general under the Hell God of War, fight for me and destroy everything!"

[Martyr·Hell Leader, 10 stars, dark attribute, attack: X000, defense: , the attack power of this card is the number of cards in the opponent's hand * 1000 points. 】

The orange six-pointed star suddenly fell from the sky and kept spinning.

From there, an ultimate warrior wearing pure black nightmare armor emerged!

Suok glanced at the newly appeared warrior with a grin, and said slowly: "The attack power of 'Martyr Hell Leader' is determined by the cards in the opponent's hand, so now his attack power is 2,000 points! ... And because monsters with higher attack power appeared on the field, the attack power of 'Evil God Avatar' also changed accordingly..."

Martyr·Hell Leader, Attack: 0→2000

Evil God Avatar, attack: 600→2100

Malik's distorted face showed a slightly surprised look, but he was not panicked: "It has a similar effect to Osiris... but the attack power is determined by the opponent's hand, which is a big flaw..."

"Stop talking nonsense and take advantage of the move!"

Sok waved his hand and shouted sternly: "Go! "Evil God Avatar", destroy that disgusting maggot! Soul-breaking!"

"Evil God Avatar" heard Sok's order and immediately transformed from a ball of black balls into a long-haired girl holding a huge scythe. With a slight wave of the scythe in her hand, a black cutting energy immediately shot towards The "quick-attack blood-sucking maggots" charged away!

The harsh sound of breaking through the air was getting closer and closer. Malik faced the evil god's attack, and his face was filled with crazy joy: "Hahaha...Sock, you were fooled! At the moment when the evil god attacked, my ambush card Also activated at the same time..."

Sok sneered: "Are you stupid, Malik! I have already said that the evil god is at the same level as the sun god, which means that magic and trap cards are all ineffective against my evil god!"

"No, my ambush card does not target the evil god..."

A cover card on Malik's field opened, revealing a bright green!

"The magic card 'Left Arm Compensation' is activated!"

[Left Arm's Compensation, Magic Card, Effect: Send all cards in your hand to the graveyard, select a magic card from the deck and add it to your hand. 】(comic version)

Malik sent all the cards in his hand to the graveyard, and after drawing another card from the deck, he smiled wildly at Sock and said: "Hahaha... How about it, Sock! Now I only have one card in my hand. , so the attack power of the two monsters on your field will be reduced by one thousand points!"

Martyr·Hell Leader, Attack: 2000→1000

Evil God Avatar, attack: 2100→1100

The evil god's sickle slash struck the 'quick-attack blood-sucking maggot', but the disgusting maggot was unharmed, but Sok's health dropped by 100 points.

"Hmph, that's not all..."

After seeing that Sok failed to attack and instead suffered damage, Malik felt particularly comfortable. He smiled grimly and turned over the card he had just added to his hand, showing it to Sok: "The card I chose to add to my hand is this one... ...'Resurrection of the dead'! As long as you wait until my turn, the divine fire of the Sun God will burn everything on your field, even the evil god!"

"Oh, good job, Malik..."

Sok did not feel frustrated at all because of the total failure. Instead, he said to Malik with interest: "In the face of such a fierce offensive from me, you can still be completely prepared. It is indeed the key to Pharaoh's recovery of his memory." Knife stone'..."

"I cover two cover cards and the round ends."

Sok inserted two cards from his hand into the duel disk, sneered at Malik and said: "Okay, call the Sun God, Malik!"

"You don't need to tell me, I will do the same!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

With his tongue sticking out, Malik inserted the cards in his hand into the duel plate as stiffly and weirdly as a zombie, his whole body trembling with excitement: "The magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' is activated! God who sleeps underground, come back to life as a phoenix. ! Let this world feel the horror of despair! Hahaha..."

The ancient language sounded, and along with Malik's singing, the immortal sun god turned into a firebird that burned everything and resurrected from the cemetery!

"Advent! Winged Dragon of the Sun God!!!"

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God]

10 stars, divine attribute, phantom beast tribe

attack:? ? ? ? ,Shou:? ? ? ?

Effect: When this card is normally summoned, you must free 3 monsters on your field to be summoned. At this time, the attack power and defense power of this card are the total attack power and defense power of the sacrificed monsters. You can sacrifice a monster on your side of the field, and this card will increase that monster's attack power. You can pay the base points until it becomes 1, and the attack power and defense power of this card will be increased by the paid value. When this card exists in the graveyard, you can only use "Resurrection of the Dead" to revive it, pay 1000 life points, and destroy the opponent. All monsters on the field. 】

At the same time, the Sun God is a high-level god at the pinnacle. He not only has the resistance common to phantom gods, but can also ignore the special abilities of lower-level gods.

The flames are scorching.

Even the "Evil God Avatar" on the Sok field sensed the aura of his old enemy and transformed into a black magic flame bird!

After listening to Malik's chant of manipulating the Sun God with his eyes closed, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Sok's mouth.


I can also understand the ancient priest’s writing!

"Hmph, did you see it, Sok! This is the Phoenix form of the Sun God!"

Malik licked his lips greedily and said with blue veins on his face: "In this form of the Sun God, as long as I pay a thousand health points, I can burn all the monsters on your field, regardless of their attack power. How high, or what kind of resistance it has... Card effects belong to the rules, but God... is above the rules, hahaha..."

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