Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 189 Martyr·Hell Demon

Crossing his arms, Malik once again chanted the ancient and mysterious mantra.

The flames around the Phoenix rose to the sky in an instant, burning the entire sky covered by the dark game!

Malik Isildar, LP: 4000→3000

"O God! Burn the evil god to ashes!"


The sun bird burning with divine fire soared into the sky, and then fell like a meteorite, as if it was about to engulf the world in flames!

"Hmph... It's rare for the Sun God to show up, so I'll just give you another big gift, Malik..."

Just when the Phoenix was about to burst into Sok's field, Sok suddenly waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Activate the trap card!"

Malik smiled wildly and said: "It's useless, it's useless! God is not affected by trap cards at all! Are you so panicked that you even forgot this, Sok!!!"

"No, my trap card does not target gods..."

The same words as what Malik just said rang out, and Sok grinned and pointed his thumb at the trap card that had just been opened: "The trap card I want to activate is 'Martyr's Interdimensional Travel'!"

[Martyr's Dimension Travel, Trap Card, Effect: This card can be activated after the opponent's Special Summoned Monster is successful. We can select a monster from the deck that is two stars higher than the opponent's Special Summoned Monster to ignore the summoning conditions. Special summon to our field (maximum 12 stars). 】

"Since you specially summoned the Phoenix Phoenix this round, so..."

Suok's eyes suddenly widened, and the smile on his lips became more arrogant: "I can ignore the summoning conditions from the deck and specially summon a level 12 monster!"


Malik was startled, and then said in disbelief: "How is it possible!? There should be no single 12-star monster in this world! How could you..."

"Humph... Malik, you are so naive..."

Suoke's shoulders slowly shrugged, and suddenly he let out a roar that shook the world: "ZZ Youth Hall, nothing is impossible!!! Follow my call, trample the heaven and earth, the devil sleeping in hell, I am here to call you His real name!”

"Come down! The last of the three supreme gods of martyrs!"

"Martyr Hell Demon!!!"

【Martyr·Hell Demon

12 stars

Divine attribute, phantom beast clan, attack:? ,Shou:?

Effect: Remove 'Obelisk's Titan Soldier', 'Osiris' Sky Dragon', and 'Sun God's Winged Dragon' from our deck, hand, and graveyard from the game. This card will It can be specially summoned. The attack power and defense power of this card are the sum of the attack power of all monsters on our field, in our hand. Every time I sacrifice a monster on the field, this card increases the attack power of that monster. The summoning of this card cannot be invalidated. This card will not be the target of magic, traps, or monster effects. After this card is successfully summoned, all cards on the opponent's field are destroyed. Each destroyed card will inflict 1000 points of health damage to the opponent. This At the end of the second round of card summoning, it is sent to the graveyard. 】

A golden dragon with a huge body that covers the sky descends from the sky!

When I raised my head, I couldn't see the whole thing at a glance!

Just a sharp dragon claw is almost several times larger than a duel boat!

This is……

Martyr·Demon of Hell!

Feeling the power of the Hell Demon, Sok opened his arms and said to Malik: "First of all, the 'Martyr Hell Demon' will not be the target of the card effect! So your god Phoenix..."

"Still valid!"

Malik sneered in a deep voice: "The effect of the Phoenix is ​​to destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field without taking the target, so your Hell Demon will still be burned!"

"Tsk, you know quite a bit. I was planning on talking nonsense to you..."

Sok raised his eyebrows and sneered: "But it doesn't matter, 'Martyr Hell Demon' has a second effect. When he appears, he can destroy all the cards on your field, and each one will bring you 1,000 points. HP damage! The level of 'Martyr Hell Demon' is 12, which means that this effect is also effective on your Sun God Phoenix..."

After saying that, Suok raised his hand and shouted: "Demon God of Hell, use your supreme power to punish God! Super energy destruction thunder!"

The power gem on the left arm of "Martyr Hell Demon" began to glow, and suddenly, a dazzling light shot up into the sky!

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned white!

The magic thunder and heavenly punishment fell, destroying the heaven and the earth!

"It's useless! It's useless!!!"

The golden eyes on Malik's forehead emitted a fierce golden light, and his whole person was blurred and distorted unsteadily: "The Sun God who turned into a phoenix has the ability to be immortal this round! Any attacks, effects, everything, are all invalid! The sword of thunder can never penetrate the armor of flames!"

Suoke also roared: "Then give it a try!"

Thunder and lightning intertwined with flames, baptizing the entire battlefield!

Everything on Malik's field was destroyed, but he still had 1,000 health points left.

All three monsters on Sok's field also disappeared, and their health points remained unchanged.

Obviously, the effect of the Phoenix was not Malik's own nonsense. The effect of "Martyr Hell Demon" only effectively destroyed the "Fast Attack Vampire Maggot" and another cover card on Malik's field.

Although the Sun God was also eliminated due to level suppression, the damage was not calculated.

"Ha ha……"

Malik covered the scars on his body caused by the thunder explosion, and gasped with twitching lips: "Asshole...bastard...you monster...you have obviously been burned by the Phoenix...why are you still safe..."

Suoke sneered and adjusted his hair: "Are you blind? Didn't you see that my hair was messed up by the phoenix?"


Malik spat lightly, then gritted his teeth and gasped: "Although the damage was unexpectedly heavy, you have finally killed all those troublesome monsters on the field... Next, it is the Sun God's turn to counterattack! Be prepared to be beaten. Are you ready for the blood sacrifice, Sok!!!"

"...killed them all?"

"Hmph... Malik, open your eyes and take a closer look!"

Sok clenched his fists, raised his head and shouted: "After my companion is killed by the enemy, the god sleeping in my deck will wake up! Use his absolute will and power to wipe out all enemies for me! Because the gods on our field will wake up!" All the monsters have been destroyed, so... come! One of the three supreme gods of martyrs, the 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness', is summoned!"

"Attack power, infinite!!!"

The Archangel, God of War, waving sharp wings, descended from the sky. Her figure was both beautiful and powerful.

The holy light dispelled the darkness, and the sacred spear burst out with shocking divine light.

That symbolizes her soul that will never surrender and never die!

The spear in his hand was pointed directly at Malik. The sacred face of the Archangel of Nothingness showed a hint of chilly coldness. He slowly opened his mouth and said word by word: "Justice, execute!"

Extremely strong momentum swept the entire audience instantly.

Malik was shocked by the aura of the Archangel of Nothingness, and his joints were trembling constantly: "Ju... is actually infinite!"

"I have an infinite deck of cards. If I use them all, I won't scare you enough to make you bleed."

Sok raised his head and glanced at the holy and pure Archangel of Nothingness, and then said coldly to Malik: "According to the effect of 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness', when more than three monsters on our field are destroyed, this Cards can be specially summoned from the deck, are you ready to wake up? Malik!"

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