Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 190 Sweep the fuck away


Malik was suddenly shocked and said: "So that's it! That's why you deliberately summoned the 'Martyr Hell Demon' and it was destroyed by my phoenix!"

"Yes, but unfortunately it's too late."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Sok's mouth, and he pointed at Malik's head and shouted: "Hurry up and announce the end of the round, Malik! In the next round, my Archangel of Nothingness will cut off your head!"

The tremendous pressure prevented Malik from showing that disgusting smile on his vein-protruding face.

After all, we are facing a single monster with infinite attack power, and no one can easily deal with it.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Malik half-squinted his eyes and thought to himself: There is no card in my deck that can defeat monsters with infinite attack power head-on. Even if I use the Sun God, only the ability of the Phoenix can be effective. …

However, now I only have 1,000 health points left, which is no longer enough to activate the phoenix!

"Now, everything depends on this card in your hand!"

Malik inserted the last card in his hand into the duel plate and shouted coldly: "The magic card 'Angel's Alms' is activated! According to the effect of this card, I can draw three cards from the deck and discard two! "

[Angel's Alms, Magic Card, Effect: Draw 3 cards from the deck, then select 2 cards from your hand and discard them. 】

"Hey, it seems my luck is not too bad..."

Malik's disgusting smile came back, his eyeballs protruding and he said with a ferocious smile: "I threw the 'Lava Demon God of Love' and 'Executioner-Meshura' in my hand into the graveyard, and then activated the card I just drew. The magic card that arrived - 'God-given treasure card'!"

Damn, it’s this one again!

In the first part, did everyone have one copy of this thing?

Before Sok had time to curse, Malik on the opposite side had already replenished his hand and inserted a card from the newly drawn hand into the duel plate: "I haven't normal summoned this turn, so I want to normal summon 'Greedy'. The food dragon' is in attack position!"

[Voracious Dragon, 4 stars, water attribute, attack: 1900, defense: 700, effect: When this card is successfully summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned, you will recover 1000 basic points. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, you will take 2000 points of damage. 】

Malik, LP: 1000→2000

"Hmph... In this way, the phoenix can bloom on the battlefield again and burn everything to ashes..."

Malik stuck out his tongue and licked his lips sickly, took out another card from his hand, inserted it into the duel plate, and said with a ferocious smile: "Then, because of the 'executioner-Mo' who was just sent to the cemetery by the 'angel's charity' With Shuro's effect, I can directly activate the trap card - 'Torture Wheel' from my hand!"

[Executioner-Mashura, 4 stars, dark attribute, attack: 1600, defense: 1200, effect: During the round when this card is sent to the graveyard, the owner of this card can activate a trap card from his hand. 】

[Torture Wheel, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: As long as this card exists on the field, the designated opponent's 1 monster cannot attack, nor can it change its position. Every time you reach your preparation phase, this card inflicts 500 points of damage to the opponent. When the designated monster leaves the field, this card is destroyed. 】

As the "Torture Wheel" was successfully launched, a huge wheel that looked like a dinosaur skull suddenly appeared behind the Archangel of Nothingness!

Rusty chains tightly cuffed the hands and feet of the Archangel of Nothingness.

There is even a clear smell of blood on the wheels covered with sharp thorns!

Suok raised his head and looked at the good figure outlined by the Archangel of Nothingness due to being chained, as well as the inexplicable extra wild charm. He raised his eyebrows and whistled loudly: "Hey, beauty, wait a minute. Now that the duel is over, do you want to go have a bowl of spicy hotpot together? I’ll treat you, it’s six yuan, so you’ll be satisfied!”

The Archangel of Nothingness, who was tied to the wheel, rolled his eyes at Suoke angrily and turned his head away, not bothering to talk to him.

The little penguin sitting on Sok's shoulder pulled Sok's collar pitifully, pointed at himself with his small arm and said: "I only eat five yuan, can you accompany me..."

"What did you say, madam?"

Suok smiled heartily, reached out and patted the little penguin on the head and said: "How can I treat you to such cheap food? When the sun god comes out later, I will catch it and take it home. Can we eat turkey sashimi tonight?"

The little penguin drooled at that moment and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay!"

The corner of Malik's mouth twitched across from him.

The atmosphere that was supposed to be tense and exciting was ruined in an instant.

You are still playing a dark game now, could you please be more serious? You are smiling so happily that I have no sense of accomplishment at all!

"Disgusting guy..."

Malik gritted his teeth and inserted a card in his hand into the duel disk. His face twisted and he shouted angrily: "Then, I will activate the magic card 'Magic Stone Mining'! According to the effect of this card, I discarded two cards in my hand and removed the cards from the graveyard. 'Resurrection of the Dead' is once again added to the hand!"

[Magic Stone Mining, Magic Card, Effect: Discard 2 cards in your hand, select 1 Magic Card in your graveyard to activate. The selected card is added to the hand. 】

Malik inserted the "Resurrection of the Dead" that he had just taken out from the cemetery into the duel plate, and sneered with a ferocious voice: "Humph... let me tell you clearly, I will cover the 'Resurrection of the Dead' on the field, and in the next round , no matter what kind of monster you send out, I can guarantee absolute safety... Just like this, slowly, be tortured to death by the torture wheel, Sok! Hahaha... My turn is over."

"My turn...Due to the effect of 'Martyr Archangel of Nothingness', I cannot draw cards during the card drawing phase, but..."

Suoke looked at the six cards in his hand and suddenly smiled: "Thanks to your God-given treasure card, I drew this card that I have never used before... Ah, I really miss it, that time with me in junior high school. It was an unforgettable time for the students to scan each other’s faces…”

Malik instinctively sensed something was wrong: "You...what did you draw?"

Sock slowly inserted a card from his hand into the duel disk and said word by word: "Duel City VIP7 exclusive card, the magic card 'Harpy's Feather Sweep', activate! According to the effect of this card, I can destroy all the magic and trap cards on your field!"


Malik looked down in horror at the "Torture Wheel" and the covered "Dead Resurrection" on his field, thinking something was wrong in his heart!

If the resurrection of the dead is destroyed, the Sun God will not be able to appear!

If the Torture Wheel is destroyed, the Archangel of Nothingness will unblock and bind!

By then, it's all over!


Although the timing is bad, there is no choice!

Malik's eyes suddenly turned sharp and he shouted angrily: "Before you destroy my deck, I want to activate the magic card 'Resurrection of the Dead' covering the field! 'Harpy's Feather Sweep' will only destroy the card, but not Negates the effects of magic, so I can still special summon the 'Winged Dragon of the Sun God' from the graveyard!!!"

With a swipe of a feather, all two magic and trap cards on Malik's field were destroyed.

But the sun god sleeping in the cemetery once again burst into flames on Malik's battlefield, facing off against the Archangel of Nothingness!

"Martyr Archangel of Nothingness" also regained his freedom and immediately threw the spear in his hand!

Before Malik could recite the incantation to control the god, he suddenly saw the sun god who was still in the form of a ball being pierced by a spear! No matter how he calls, he will be indifferent!

The Winged Dragon of the Sun God, Attack: 0!

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