Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 192 The power of the secret ritual

So the Sun God tried his best to resist and refused to cooperate. He breathed fire and thundered, but he just didn't self-destruct and died with Sok.

After two strikes, Suoke also became angry.

He jumped onto the Sun God's neck, and Suok held down its bird's head and unleashed a blast!

After fighting for a long time and feeling dissatisfied, Suoke started to reach out and pluck out its golden feathers again!

Everyone below was stunned.

Even though he had just beaten a low-level monster, this was the first time he had seen a duelist fight with a phantom god live.

This is really a fight between gods!

Seeing that even the Sun God was being beaten by Suoke and moaning repeatedly, Tapirang Tianyin was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and his back was soaked.

Turning his head away stiffly, the corner of Tairiang Tianyin's mouth twitched and said: "Hey, the light of destruction...I suddenly don't want to take revenge..."

Saiou Takuma said expressionlessly: "It's too late to regret."

Accompanied by the Sun God's shrill scream, Sok had already pierced the "Soul Cutting Spear" into the Sun God's back, then handed it to the little penguin on his shoulder like a torch, and said with a hearty smile: "Here. , the turkey sashimi you want!”

"Oh!? Give it to me?"

Penguin blushed, rubbed his arms awkwardly and said, "Such an expensive turkey...are you proposing to me?"

Sok smiled and was about to speak.

But at this moment, black smoke suddenly rose from Malik's duel plate below, giving off a burning smell, and the illusion of the Sun God also disappeared at the same time.

Because the Sun God virtualized by the normal program was violently beaten by the plug-in process (Sock), which caused the duel disk operating system to be overloaded, and the motherboard chip finally burned out.

The little penguin explained the reason for Sok like an expert, and the turkey eating incident could only be left alone.

After everyone was shocked, Isono announced Sok's victory.

Sock did not take away Malik's Sun God, and just watched the medical staff carry Malik away.

His mind and body were both severely damaged, and he couldn't wake up for three or four days.

Soon, the draw for the next round of duels began, but after watching the duel between Sock and Malik, everyone felt heavy pressure.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if you face those martyrs who are extremely powerful and almost impossible to defeat, what is your chance of winning?

Kaiba and Yugi are slightly better, at least they still have a Phantom God in hand.

Jonouchi was completely speechless. The most powerful card in his deck was actually the "Time Magician" given to him by the game.

Watching the balls flying around in the lottery machine with great nervousness, Jonouchi silently prayed that he would not encounter Yugi and Kaiba holding the God Card.

Not long after, the results of the third round of draws came out!

And the result of the draw was just as Jonouchi expected!

The third game, Jonouchi Katsuya VS Saio Takuma!

Jonouchi was so excited that he almost cheered: "Oh! Great! He is the weakest one! Hahaha!"

Honda next to him slapped his forehead helplessly and said: "Please, Jonouchi... the weakest one is you, okay..."

"Stupid Honda!"

Jonouchi slapped his chest and yelled at Honda angrily: "Sir, I am one of the top eight in Duel City! Where is my weakness?"

Seeing that Jonouchi was angry, Honda quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, you should concentrate on the game. Come on, Jonouchi!"

"Hmph! You actually said that I am the weakest. I want to prove it to everyone..."

With fighting spirit burning in his heart, Jounouchi strode up to Saio Takuma, suddenly pointed at him and declared loudly: "Saio Takuma, this is a victory declaration! I will definitely win this game!"

Later, Yugi applauded: "You are so impressive, Jonouchi!"

Honda's eyes also lit up and he clenched his fists: "Oh! I haven't seen Jonouchi with such fighting spirit for a long time. When he puts on this posture for a one-on-one challenge, he has never lost except against Sok! ... Even though it was a fight It’s time…”

Saiou Takuma looked at Jonouchi expressionlessly and said nothing.

But even a fool could see the contempt in his eyes.

"Damn it, you are such a stinker with such a straight face!"

Jonouchi's teeth were itching with hatred, and with a straight face, he seriously challenged Saiou Takuma: "Don't underestimate me, Jonouchi! Listen carefully, Saiou Takuma! You will be on the tenth Defeated in my hands in three rounds!"

There seemed to be crows flying across the sky.

Saio pondered: "Idiot."

Seto Kaiba: "Mediocre."

As Jonouchi's companions, Honda, Yugi and others all felt a little blushing.

Kyoko was slapped on the forehead, and Kyoko said with a headache: "Such an inconsequential number of rounds... Jonouchi just wants to have fun with his mouth..."

"Within the city..."

Saiou Takuma looked at Jonouchi coldly and said expressionlessly: "I am the 'Light of Destruction' that can see through fate. The prophecy you announced is not even a joke."

"Hey, what kind of fate..."

Jonouchi frowned in disgust and said, "I've seen your deceptive tricks too many times. I don't believe in fate, but when it comes to luck, I'm pretty good!"

Saiou Takuma sneered: "We'll see."

Enter the sky duel arena, and after shuffling each other's decks, the duel officially begins!



Saio Takuma, LP: 4000

Jonouchi Katsuya, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the card!"

After Jonouchi drew a card from the deck, he inserted the card towards the duel plate with a very gorgeous gesture, and shouted loudly: "I want to play this card, come out..." But Jonouchi was just looking cool, and the card The card slot on the duel disk was not inserted! Before the monster could be summoned, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew his monster card away!

Damn it! ! !

Jonouchi exclaimed, and quickly a vicious dog pounced on the flying card to catch it. He lay on the guardrail with lingering fear, and said with cold sweat: "It was so dangerous...I almost lost these precious cards..."

Next, Suoke almost laughed out loud: "I always thought that I was the only one who could play the great husband. I didn't expect that today, a mediocre person could actually be as good as the young husband. What a talent."

calm down!

Concentrate, concentrate!

Jonouchi recited it twice in his mind, and finally calmed down the embarrassment just now. He carefully inserted the picked up card into the duel plate and shouted: "Then do it again! I will summon the 'Iron Knight-Giafrid' to attack. Say, then end the round!”

[Iron Knight-Giafrid, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1600, effect: When this card is equipped with an equipment card, that equipment card is destroyed. 】

Warriors covered in iron armor came to the field, fearless with sharp blades in hand!

Looking at the majestic Iron Knight, City Heart felt a little relieved: "The Iron Knight has 1800 attack points, so the enemy should not dare to take action rashly..."

Hearing Jonouchi's muttering to himself, Suoke, who even had three-star monsters in his deck with an attack power of 1,900, clicked his tongue and said: "1800 stations, I'm just living in a dream..."

"My turn, draw a card!"

Saiou pondered over it without even looking at what the drawn card was. He inserted it directly into the duel plate and said coldly: "Summon 'Arcane Power 1 - Magician' in attack position!"

[Power of Mystery 1-Magician, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1100, defense: 1100, effect: When this card is successfully summoned, reverse summoned, or special summoned, the card will be rotated once to obtain the following effects. Positive position: When a magic card is activated, this card's original attack power is doubled until the end of that turn. Reverse position: Each time a magic card is activated, the opponent recovers 500 basic points. 】

In an instant, a strange magician who looked like an alien appeared on the field where Saio was thinking!

And above the monster's head, a duel monster card is spinning!

Jonouchi looked at "Mysterious Power 1-Magician" and said blankly: "What kind of monster is this?"

"It's not a monster, it's fate..."

Saiou pondered and raised his lips with a sneer: "Jounouchi Katsuya, realize your weakness in the face of fate, and then surrender..."

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