Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 193 The Duelist Due to Luck

"The fate is determined..."

Saiou Takuma looked at the castle with cold eyes and said slowly: "Good luck and misfortune are the pros and cons of the same thing, but no matter what you choose, you will eventually embark on the path arranged by fate..."

Jonouchi blinked blankly: "Huh?"

"Heh... with your mind, it may be a bit difficult to understand..."

Saiou Takuma smiled scornfully, pointed to the "Mysterious Power 1-Magician" on his field, and said to Jonouchi: "Similar to the martyr in Sok's deck, I have all the cards in my deck." Dual-faced' Secret Power series, the effect of each card is determined by the forward and reverse positions of the top rotation..."

"Alright, Katsuya Jonouchi!"

Saiou pondered and narrowed his eyes, his body glowing with a faint white light: "Now it's up to you to shout stop and decide your next fate!"

"Although I don't know what the situation is, when it comes to gambling luck, I am quite confident!"

Jonouchi clenched his fists and shouted with fighting spirit: "The 1/2 chance of winning is really great. I will definitely draw the right position! Stop!!!"

Following Jonouchi's shouts, the "Mysterious Power 1-Magician" card position on Saio Takuma's field finally stopped!

As expected, it’s the right location!


Jonouchi laughed proudly: "How about it, a magic stick with a tuft of white hair on its head! Master, am I very lucky? Hahaha..."

Saiou was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "You are indeed lucky, but I want to explain that the effect of this card's position is beneficial to me..."


Jonouchi's face suddenly fell: "Isn't it right!?"

Kyoko and others below also had headaches and sighed: "What on earth is that guy in the castle thinking? He got carried away without waiting for someone to explain the effect. It's really..."

"The positive position effect of 'Mysterious Power 1-Magician' is activated!"

Saiou thought about his contempt for Jonouchi even more: "When a magic card is activated during the round, until the end of this round, the original attack power of this card will be doubled... Then, the magic card 'Sword A' will be activated! , the attack power of 'Mystery Power 1-Magician' is increased!"

Power of the Mystery 1-Magician, Attack: 1100→2200

Jonouchi was shocked and said in shock: "Oh no! The attack power has exceeded that of my Iron Knight!"

"It's not wrong, and it's more than that..."

Saio Takuma sneered, pointed at the spinning magic card that just appeared on the field and said: "Before the battle phase, I want to activate the effect of 'Sword A'... Well, as you can see, this card is related to 'Secret' It's the same as "Power of Instrument 1 - Magician". You need to shout stop to determine the forward and reverse positions to determine the effect. Come on, Castle!"

[Sword A, magic card, effect: When this card is activated, rotate to determine the effect. Positive position: destroy all monsters on the opponent's field, reverse position: destroy all monsters on our field,]

"Damn it, since the positive position has a positive effect, then I will choose the reverse position this time!"

Jonouchi clenched his fists and shouted with great force once again: "Stop!"

The magic card stopped rotating, and as expected, Jonouchi said it was in the reverse position again!

"Hahaha! I guessed it right!"

Jonouchi was so excited that he almost jumped up on the spot: "The monsters on your field will be destroyed because of this. You really deserve it, hahaha..."

Saiou Takuma frowned and looked at the reverse position "A of Swords" on his field, feeling shocked and confused.

what happened……

Obviously, according to the future observed by fate, "Sword A" should be in the right position, but now...

Without any time to think about it, Saiou gave a sharp shout, and the white light around him suddenly shot up into the sky like a substance!

At the same time, the magic card "Sword A" that had originally determined its effect was reversed again and became its correct position!


Jonouchi said in surprise: "Didn't it stop just now? Why did it start turning again..."

Nonsense, of course they cheated!

Sok below is too lazy to listen to such stupid words. With your IQ, you are a chicken god of gambling.

"I underestimated you just now, please allow me to say sorry..."

Saiou Takuma's long hair gradually floated, and the white light became more and more dazzling: "And now, my power of destiny has reached its strongest, I will use my strongest state to fight you, are you ready, Jonouchi Katsuya!”

Jonouchi slapped his chest fearlessly and hummed: "Come here on horseback!"

"The effect of 'Sword A' is activated!"

Saio Takuma shouted sternly: "Destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field! Then 'Mysterious Power 1-Magician' launches a direct attack on Jonouchi! Alkaline magic!"

Countless swords fell from the sky and directly cut the iron knights in the city into sieves!

Immediately afterwards, the ugly alien-like puppet closed its hands and pushed forward three black smokes that directly pierced Jonouchi's body!

Jonouchi Katsuya, LP: 4000→1800


With a groan, Jonouchi clutched his chest and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it...it's only the first round and it's so miserable...now it's my turn, draw a card!"

Pulling a card from the deck, Jonouchi picked a monster and put it into the duel plate, shouting loudly: "I summon 'Rocket Warrior' to come on and attack your...that messy magician! Go ahead, Rocket Impact!"

[Rocket Warrior, 4 stars, light attribute, attack: 1500, defense: 1300, effect: During your own battle phase, this card will not be destroyed by battle, and the battle damage to you when this card battles becomes 0 . When this card attacks a monster, the attack power of the attacking monster is permanently reduced by 1500 after damage calculation. 】(comic version)

Following Jonouchi's order, Rocket Warrior directly transformed into an invincible rocket form, sprayed out, and opened a big hole in the belly of 'Mystical Power 1-Magician'!

Saio Takuma, LP: 4000→3600

"Well done, Rocketeer!"

Jonouchi wiped his nose, took a stance, inserted a card into the duel plate, and said with a proud smile: "Then I'll cover another card and end the round! It's your turn, Destiny Stick!"

"My turn, draw cards..."

After Saiou Kazuo drew a card from the deck, he did not continue any other operations. Instead, he looked steadily at Jonouchi, who was standing opposite him dueling with him, with a solemn look on his face.

Being able to peer into the shattered light of destiny can see the different talents inherent in each person.

Now that the power of destiny has been raised to the highest level, in the field of vision invisible to others, there is an extremely rich golden air around Jonouchi that tightly wraps around him!

That was fate's favor for him!

What a favor!

A duelist with luck!

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