Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 195 The Power of the Mystery 8-Power

Jonouchi was shocked: "Huh? Aren't the positive and negative effects fixed?"

But the game suddenly understood, clapped his hands and said: "That's right! Because it is the Hanged Man, his effect will be different from other 'powers of the secret'!"

"Hmph, it is indeed the vessel of the Nameless Pharaoh..."

Saiou pondered and sneered twice, pointed at the Hanged Man on his field and said: "Then, according to the reverse position effect of 'The Power of Mystery 12-The Hanged Man', once per round, at the end of my round, It can destroy 1 monster on your field, and you will be damaged by the attack power value of the destroyed monster... Katsuya Jonouchi!"

"So, the battle phase!"

Saiou pondered and shouted loudly, and said sternly: "Go to 'The Power of the Mystery 12 - The Hanged Man' and chop up all those unsightly lambs! Soul-destroying cutting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the strange figure of the Hanged Man suddenly disappeared from the field where Saiou was pondering, and instantly appeared behind Jonouchi, slowly extending his cold claws!

But at this moment, the covered cards on the Jonouchi field suddenly opened!

"Don't even think about it!"

Undaunted in the face of danger, Jonouchi waved his hand and said: "The trap card "Grave Robber" is activated! According to its effect, I can use a card from your graveyard!"

[Grave Robber, Trap Card, Effect: Select a magic card in the opponent's graveyard to activate. 】(comic version)


Saio thought for a moment, and then his eyes widened: "Do you want to..."

"That's right!"

Jonouchi smiled confidently, pointed at the duel plate that Saio was pondering and shouted: "The card I chose is the 'A of Swords' in your graveyard!"

Target locked!

The tomb robber armed with a small shovel easily dug up Saio Takuma's grave, stole a magic card from inside and ran away!

Green magic cards appeared on the field inside the castle and began to rotate!

The sharp sword that once cut through thorns for Saiou has now fallen into the hands of the enemy!

"Hey, these power cards of yours seem to match me very well..."

Jonouchi wiped his nose, and then shouted vigorously: "The effect of 'Sword A' is activated! Hey... the guy with a tuft of white hair on your head, you always like to talk about fate, so now it's your turn to stop and decide. It’s your own destiny! Come on! Let this magic card stop spinning and see who is more favored by the goddess of luck!”

This unlucky bastard!

Even though he still has so many monsters on the field, he is actually willing to risk his life by taking the risk of "Sword A"!

What a crazy gambler!

And since you are not the one using the Power of Mystery card now, you can't get the effect you want by cheating!

Saiou Takuma gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "...My power of destiny will not be lost to anyone! Answer my call, destiny! Stop!!!"

With the shout of "Stop", the "Sword A" on the castle field also stopped rotating.


It's actually the front!

Sok couldn't bear to look at it below.

You said that you, the Light of Destruction, are not good at using any deck. You have to use a gambling deck. You can forget about using a gambling deck. You still have to have sex with the God of Gamblers, which is simply a suicide attempt.

The guy in the city is actually not very strong at playing cards, but he is really the natural nemesis of the power of the Great Mystery!


Jonouchi clenched his fist and said excitedly: "It seems that the goddess of luck is still on my side! According to the effect of 'Sword A', all the monsters on your field will be destroyed! ... Although there is only one Hanged Man."

There was a chaotic "bang bang" sound, and the Hanged Man had been stabbed into a sieve by countless swords falling from the sky.

Broken and dissipated.


Saiou Takumi's hand holding the card trembled slightly because of anger, his originally calm attitude became manic, and his handsome face gradually became distorted: "My turn... is over..."

"It's my turn, draw the cards!"

Jonouchi pursued the victory aggressively, stretched out his hand and shouted: "Go, Saturn swordsman! Launch a direct attack on Saio! The Saturn sword dodges!"

The cute little swordsman trotted up to Saio Takuma. He raised his hand and the ten centimeter long iron sword in his hand pierced Saio's chest, cutting off 500 points of his health.

Saio Takuma, LP: 2300→1800

The situation has been completely reversed!

Saio's expression turned ugly!

If my health had been severely damaged just now, I might have felt better, but now I was slashed directly by a mortal bone monster with only 500 attack power. This was simply a humiliation!

"Jounouchi... Katsuya! I remember this name..."

"My turn, draw a card!"

Saiou gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the deck, and his pupils suddenly shrank violently: "I want to activate the magic card 'Pot of Desire' and draw two more cards from the deck!" After adding two cards in his hand, Saio pondered inserting one of them into the duel plate and shouted coldly: "Next, I will activate the magic card 'Death Sacrifice'! Depending on its effect, select 1~2 monsters from our graveyard to add to the opponent's." Special summons on the field, I can correspondingly reduce the number of sacrifices for the monster to be summoned!"

"And the monster I chose is...'Arcane Power 12-The Hanged Man'!"

[Necronomicon Offering, Magic Card, Effect: Select 1 to 2 monsters from your own graveyard and special summon them on the opponent's field (the form is determined by the opponent). The number of sacrifices can reduce the number of monsters specially summoned by this effect. 】

The strange figure hanging upside down slowly appeared in the city grounds, exuding an ominous aura.


Jonouchi looked at the Hanged Man and said blankly: "Even if you want to reduce the number of sacrifices, you don't have to leave such a powerful monster to me..."

"But it doesn't matter!"

Jonouchi immediately put this doubt behind his mind and shouted excitedly: "Then, the card starts to rotate to determine the effect. I want to reverse the position! Stop!"

The cards on the Hanged Man's head then stopped, and as expected, it was the reverse position Jonouchi wanted!

"Hey! This feels so good!"

Jonouchi was addicted to playing the Power of Mystery, and regardless of the game, he shouted loudly to the opponent Saiou Takuma: "Hey! Where did you buy these cards? After the game is over, I also want to buy two Zhang is added to the deck!"

"The lucky person who decides the right and wrong position at will is indeed very consistent with the card of the power of the secret..."


A sinister smile suddenly appeared on Saiou Takuma's lips: "If you lose, my light of destruction will drain all your luck and even your soul! You have no life left to buy these cards anymore, Jounouchi!!!"

"According to the effect of 'Dead Soul Sacrifice', I summon a five-star monster, no sacrifice is needed!"

The moth's face that Saio pondered suddenly became extremely ferocious, and his hair suddenly spread out like explosive hair: "The attack means summoning the 'Power of the Mystery 8-Power'! Destiny, listen to my call and wipe out all enemies for me. Right! Hahaha..."

[Power of Mystery 8-Strength, 5 stars, light attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 1800, effect: rotate the card when summoned, positive position: gain control of 1 monster on the opponent's field. Reverse position: Control of monsters other than this card on your field is transferred to your opponent. 】

A strange mechanical warrior appeared on the field where Saio was playing, and its red-gleaming mechanical eyes peered maliciously at the monsters on the field in the city!

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