Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 196 Time Magician

Saiou Takuma's face gradually began to twist, and his facial muscles kept beating: "Okay, Jonouchi, stop the rotation of the cards and decide your fate!"

"Why are there so many weirdos today..."

Jonouchi was a little fussed by Saiou's appearance, and then he imitated Saiou's behavior and made an extremely wet chin expression in anger: "Do you think you are the only one who can do it? Look, I can do it too. !”

Everyone below was speechless.

Covering his head, Honda said with a headache: "That big idiot in the city, what can I compare to this!"

Shizuka cheered for Jonouchi very innocently: "Brother is so handsome!"

"Hey, of course!"

After receiving Shizuka's praise, Jonouchi raised his nose proudly, confidently pointed at the "Secret Ritual Power 8-Power" on the Saio Pocago field and said: "Stop!"

The card stopped rotating. This time, even though Jonouchi didn't declare what position he wanted, "Mystical Power 8-Power" still gave an inverse position that was favorable to Jonouchi!

But it's no use!

Saio thought that the white light on his body was even worse, and once again changed the front and back positions of the cards!

"The positive positioning effect of 'Power of Mystery 8-Strength' is activated!"

Saiou made a fist with one hand and yelled: "Choose a monster on the opponent's field, and then gain control of that monster! And the monster I want to choose... is of course the 'Power of the Mystery' that was just resurrected on your field. 12-The Hanged Man'!"


Only then did Jonouchi wake up from the happiness that Yan Yi had just brought to him, and said in shock: "Could it be that you resurrected such a powerful monster to my field just for this effect!?"

"Hmph...it's too late to realize now!"

Saiou opened his arms and said with a ferocious smile: "Come back to me, 'The Power of the Mystery 12 - The Hanged Man'!"

Before he finished speaking, the Hanged Man who was originally on the field inside the castle suddenly disappeared and appeared on the field where Saio Takuma was, emitting an even weirder light!

"Battle phase!"

Saiou's pupils shrank violently, and his distorted face roared: "Go! 'The Power of Mystery 12 - The Hanged Man' attacks the 'Saturn Swordsman', and cuts the soul! 'The Power of Mystery 8 - Strength' attacks the Scapegoat !Power hook!"

The powerful attack will destroy the monsters on the field in the castle in an instant!

The extra damage really hit Jonouchi's body, making him almost cry out in pain!

Jonouchi Katsuya, LP: 100

What an unbridled amount of health.


The attack worked, and Saiou Takuma laughed wildly: "Jounouchi! Now you only have 100 health points left. If you touch it lightly, you will lose! There are only three animals left on the field with 0 attack power and cannot be used as sacrifices. The scapegoat of Pin, it seems your good luck can only end here, the power of fate is destined to rule everything! Hahaha..."

Jonouchi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Hey, my health hasn't returned to zero yet, so I still have a chance to make a comeback... Just watch it carefully, Destiny Stick!"

"Oh? You haven't given up yet?"

Saiou raised his eyebrows arrogantly and said: "Humph... Then, I will add another cover card, and the round is over... But you should still remember the effect of 'The Power of the Mystery 12-The Hanged Man', right? Inside the castle... When the round enters the end phase, I can destroy a monster on your field, and then you will be damaged by the attack power of the destroyed monster!"

Jonouchi smiled: "My luck is really good. The attack power of the scapegoat derivative is 0. Even if it is destroyed, I will not be harmed... I escaped, Bagaya Road! (Stupid Villager)"

A sharp claw popped out of the Hanged Man's body and chopped up the scapegoat.

The city's 100 health points remained untouched at all.

"Indeed, even I am amazed by your luck..."

Saiou thought about the danger and laughed twice: "But now I have an absolute advantage in the situation. Soon I will be able to eliminate all the scapegoats you use as a barrier. How should you deal with it, Jonouchi!"

"You don't know the outcome until the end of the game. Isn't that the fun part of Duel Monster Cards?"

"My turn, draw a card!"

Jonouchi cheered up, and an inexplicable momentum burst out from his whole body. He pulled out a card from the deck and inserted it into the duel plate smoothly. He shouted: "Here comes my ace! I want to summon the 'Time' magician'!"

[Time Magician, 2 stars, light attribute, attack: 500, defense: 400, effect: Effect: Make half of the fate determination, if successful, destroy all monsters on the opponent's field. If you fail, all monsters on your field will be destroyed. You will then take damage equal to half the total attack power of your monsters destroyed by this effect. 】

A monster that looked like an alarm clock came out of the card, flew into the sky and waved the staff in his hand.

On the staff, a pointer kept rotating between the skull pattern and the Chinese character "dang"!

Jonouchi raised his head, his eyes full of determination: "Please, time magician, let a miracle happen to reverse the situation!"

"Damn it, it's a gambling card again!"

Saio thought that he didn't need to look at the result anymore. He just heard Jonouchi say this, and he should know that the outcome of the final spin would be...


Jonouchi shouted excitedly: "Great! Hit!"

Regarding this result, after seeing Jonouchi's super luck, everyone took it for granted, and he was the only one who was as excited as anything.

"Damn face dog..."

Suok picked his nose with a look of displeasure on his face and said, "Which time did you miss?"

The time magic was activated successfully!

The destructive space-time storm directly crushed all the monsters on Saio Takuma's field into pieces!

But now, although all the monsters on Saio's field have been destroyed, the Time Magician's attack power is only 500. Jonouchi still doesn't dare to attack directly with it, so he can only end his turn in defense position.

"My turn, draw cards..."

Saiou Takuma's face was about to drip with black water, and he gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the deck.

But when he saw the card he drew, he suddenly froze.

After a long time, Saiou suddenly burst out into a terrifying and twisted hideous laughter!

"Hahaha... fate, fate! In the face of fate, all struggles are as ridiculous as clowns!"

Saio Takuma suddenly inserted the drawn card into the duel disk, and hissed at Jonouchi with a sly smile: "The magic card 'Choice of Destiny'... is activated! According to the effect of this card, you can choose from my hand. Randomly select a card, and if it is a monster card, you can specially summon it to our field... However, now I only have one card left in my hand, so your good luck can no longer be used... "

After saying that, Saio Takuma suddenly inserted the last card in his hand into the duel plate and shouted sternly: "Come out, 'Mysterious Power 18-Moon'!"

[Power of Mystery 18-Moon, 8 stars, light attribute, attack: 2800, defense: 2800, effect: Effect: Rotate when summoned, positive position: During your own preparation phase, you can put 1 "Moon" on your field. "Token" (Angel type·Light·1 star·Attack/Defense 0) is specially summoned. Reverse position: During your end phase, select 1 monster on your field, and transfer control of that monster to your opponent. (If the opponent does not have enough space on the field, destroy the selected monster)]

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