Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 198 Road to Heaven

"I used to be superstitious about fate, until I met Jonouchi..." - Saio Takuma

"I used to be superstitious about science, until I met a mediocre person..." - Seto Kaiba

The coin bounced twice on the ground, then rolled far away until it reached Saiou Takuma's feet.

The proud smile on Saiou Takuma's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a kind of panic as if he had seen a ghost!


It’s not heads or tails, the coin really stands up! ! !

The scene was boiling in an instant!

Everyone let out breathtaking cheers and screams, and even the usually cold-faced Kaiba opened his mouth in shock!

"You guessed it! You guessed it!"

Yugi and Kyoko hugged each other excitedly and cheered: "Jounouchi is great, he really guessed it right!"

"How can it be repaired?"

Honda was so moved that he almost cried: "I can be guessed by him this way. This guy from Jonouchi... is really..."

"so amazing!!!"

"you you……"

Saiou Takuma felt panic and despair for the first time in his life. He took two steps back in fear, not even daring to look into Jonouchi's eyes!

Different from Sok's physical blow, this time it was a mental shock caused by the instant collapse of his faith!

The original stubborn belief was crushed into ashes in a second, and the rejection that even doubted the meaning of his own existence almost made Saio's brain explode!


How could such a thing happen!

Isn't fate already determined? ?

Isn’t the meaning of the existence of the Light of Destruction just the fate of returning everything to nothingness! ?



"boom"! ! !

"Power of the Mystery 18-The Moon" disappeared into ashes, and disappeared with it, as well as the faith that the Light of Destruction had never doubted!

"You...who are you!?"

Saiou thought about it, his whole body was trembling with fear, and the white light on his body gradually became dim and distorted: "Why can you transcend fate and even create impossible miracles! Answer me!!!"


Jonouchi's eyes were slightly dazed, and then he became more determined: "Because I am a 'duelist'... Cards have souls. If you believe in your own deck and believe that it will bring you victory, then they will definitely Will respond to you and awaken miracles!”

Saiou's pupils gradually became blurred as he pondered: "It... turned out to be such a ridiculous reason... just because of this, my faith... my destiny..."


Jonouchi sneered: "You said that fate has been determined for a long time. In fact, I don't believe that stuff at all. I think anyone who has studied should have heard of the theory of 'parallel universes', right? Maybe in another time and space, this world The uncle will have a blonde beauty as his girlfriend, hehe..."

I don't know why, but when Peacock Wu heard these words, she suddenly felt something in her heart.

But then he shook his head in a funny way. This kind of reckless teenager was not his type. In his eyes, he was just a child...well, except for Sok.

Jonouchi folded his hands in front of his chest and said proudly: "So, I think those who will be deceived by your theory of fate are probably elementary school students who have never read books! Then, my turn is over and it's your turn. , white-haired bastard!"

Next, Yugi and the others laughed dryly, not knowing what expression to make.

You get zero marks in exams every day, so you have the shame to say that others haven’t read...


Saiou had begun to doubt his life, but when he thought of the three cards covered in his field, Saiou's eyes began to look crazy again!

"Within the city..."

"If you can really transcend fate, then try knocking down my last trump card...my turn, draw a card!"

Saio Takuma roared and pulled out a card from the deck, inserted it into the duel plate without looking at it, and roared: "Activate the magic card 'Offer for the Dead'! I will use this card to destroy your field." The 'One Hit Kills the Attendant'!"

[An offering to the dead, a quick attack magic card, effect: Destroy 1 face-up monster on the field. Skip your next card drawing phase. 】

As this card was activated, suddenly, a huge whirlpool appeared on Saio's field, and a dark claw stretched out from it, dragging the "One-Hit Kill Samurai" into the darkness and crushing it.


Jonouchi blocked the flying debris with his arm: "Even if my monster is destroyed, there are still no monsters on your field, and you can't draw cards in the next round. I only need to draw a monster with an attack power of 900 to win. !”

"Oh? Is it really nothing..."

A sneer appeared on Saiou's distorted face: "I still have three cards covering my field. Don't you want to know what they are used for!?"


Cheng Zhixin was shocked: "These cover cards have not been activated, I almost forgot! Now that he mentioned it, could it be..."


Saiou Takuma opened his arms and laughed wildly with an extremely happy expression: "Next, the ace sleeping in my deck is about to wake up. Feel the despair, Jounouchi!!!"

"The magic card 'Left Arm Compensation' is activated!"

Saiou thought about opening the card covered on the field and shouted sternly: "According to its effect, I can throw all the cards in my hand into the graveyard and select a magic card from the deck to add to my hand! ... But because of my current hand The number of cards is zero, so I can directly choose a magic card to activate without discarding it!"

"This is the final ending, within the city..."

“Because there is ‘Mystery Power 18-Moon’ in the graveyard, the magic card ‘Road to Heaven’ is activated!!!”

"Because there is 'Arcane Power 8-Power' in the graveyard, the trap card 'Soul Road' is activated!!!"

“Because there is ‘Arcane Power 1-Magician’ in the graveyard, the trap card ‘Material Road’ is activated!!!”

[Road to Heaven, Magic Card, Effect: There are 7 or higher monsters in your graveyard with "Power of Mystery" in their names that can be activated. Send 1 "Path of Material" and "Path of Soul" each to the Graveyard on your side of the field, and Special Summon 1 "Arcana Power EX - Ruler of Light" from your hand, deck, or graveyard. 】

[Soul Path, Trap Card, Effect: There are 5-star or 6-star monsters in your own graveyard with "Power of Mystery" in their names that can be activated. 】

[Material Road, Trap Card, Effect: There are monsters with "Power of Mystery" in their names below 4 levels in your own graveyard that can be activated. 】

"I will send these three cards on the field to the graveyard. Come out, the final song of fate, the emperor who controls all light..."

"'The Power of Mystery EX-The Ruler of Light'!"


[Power of Mystery EX - Dominator of Light, 10 stars, light attribute, attack: 4000, defense: 4000, effect: The effect of "Road to Heaven" can only be specially summoned. The card is rotated when summoned. Positive position: When the opponent's monster is destroyed in battle and sent to the graveyard, you can select 1 card from your graveyard and add it to your hand. That card cannot be activated this turn.

Reverse position: When an effect targeting this card is activated, this card's attack power is reduced by 1000, and the opponent draws 1 card. The activation of that card is invalidated and destroyed. 】

The dark, two-headed demonic dragon descends on Saio's battlefield!

That terrifying and chaotic face is just like the contradiction and denial of the Light of Destruction!

"Destiny has chosen the right position, everything is over, within the city..."

Saio Takuma suddenly waved his hand in an extremely twisted posture: "Crush the last scapegoat in the castle! The light of destruction!!!"

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