Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 199 Roulette Spider

The laser swept across, and the last barrier in the city was finally broken.

There was nothing on the field, there was only one magic card in his hand that was completely useless, and he only had 100 health points left.

No matter how you look at it, there is no chance of victory in the city.

"Hehehehe... within the city..."

Saiou Takuma let out a morbid chuckle: "Although the scapegoat is a derivative, it will not be sent to the graveyard but will disappear directly when destroyed, so I cannot activate the effect of 'Arcane Power EX - Ruler of Light' from the graveyard. Choose a card and add it to your hand, but... look at how embarrassed you are!"

"You have no chance of reversal, no need to struggle anymore, just surrender to the power of fate, hahaha..."

After laughing wildly, Saiou Takuma suddenly widened his eyes and his pupils shrank violently!

"I will definitely win!"

Jonouchi lowered his head, and after taking a few rapid breaths, he regained his composure again.

Putting his hand on top of the deck, Jonouchi suddenly raised his head, his eyes as sharp as knives: "It's my turn, draw the cards!"

Saio was stunned and shouted angrily: "Why don't you give up!?"

"Because I want to win..."

"Because I can win!"

Jonouchi suddenly pulled out a card from the deck and drew a dazzling arc!

The blood is boiling and has become a raging fire. Even the fluctuations of light can't eclipse its edge with such strong momentum!

"This is my last bet, Saio!"

Jonouchi smoothly inserted the card he had just drawn into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "Activate the magic card 'Roulette Spider'! Let this final blow determine whether your destiny is stronger, or whether my luck can surpass everything." !”

[Roulette Spider, magic card, effect: After this card is activated successfully, you pay half of your health and force the monster with the highest attack power on the field to randomly attack any other monsters and players on the field. 】

As the magic card was activated, a spider with a pointer suddenly fell from the sky, tied the neck of "The Power of Mystery EX-The Ruler of Light", brought the two dragon heads together, and then covered its eyes!

Immediately, a roulette wheel appeared on the battlefield.

There are only two options, one is Jonouchi, the other is Saio pondering himself!

"The magic card 'Spider Roulette' is the last big gambling card I have left..."

Jonouchi faced this final choice calmly, even smiling: "Although activating this card requires me to bear the risk of halving my health, my current health is only 100 anyway, so even if it is halved, it doesn't matter... "

Jonouchi Katsuya, LP: 100→50

Saiou felt a chill inexplicably, and said in horror: "It's a gambling card again... What on earth do you want to do!?"

Jonouchi put his hands into his pockets and said in a relaxed and comfortable tone: "Nothing, the monster with the highest attack power on the field will have its eyes covered by the roulette spider, spin quickly, and then launch a random attack... and the target of the attack will , including players on both sides and all the monsters on the field... Humph, of course, except for your Light Dominator, there are only two of us. We both have a 1/2 chance, and whoever is hit will lose. , how about it, is it simple?"

"You...you crazy gambler..."

Saiou Takuma was trembling all over, and his face was contorted as much as humanly possible.

Just relying on this kind of shabby deck that is resigned to fate and will lose everything if it makes one mistake...

How could he qualify for the finals! ?

Why did he push me into a desperate situation! ?

The attack power of "Arcane Power EX - Dominator of Light" is 4000. No matter who it hits, the game is over!

This bastard who does whatever he wants with his luck!

The roulette spider began to spin rapidly, constantly intersecting between the castle and Saio Takuma.

Jonouchi winked at Saiou, squinted his eyes and said: "You are the one who made this roulette spider stop... Let me see if your so-called destiny can help you get the kiss of the goddess of victory. Come on!"

"This time, I will bet my life with you!"

Seeing Saiou pondering in cold sweat on the duel, Sok suddenly remembered something, turned to the little penguin on his shoulder and asked: "By the way, the effect of the reverse position of the Ruler of Light seems to be to reduce the attack power by 1000 points. Invalidate and destroy the effects of the cards targeting this card, right? If Saio had chosen the reverse position just now, would he have won now?"


The little penguin took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses from nowhere and put them on. He taught science like a teacher teaching students: "Although the 'Roulette Spider' in the city has not been implemented in the real world, its effects and magic are The card 'Earth Crush' is similar. It does not take the target, but selects monsters in a specific range. In other words, even if Saiou chose the reverse position just now, Roulette Spider will still be effective against it."


Suokexu said with eyes: "I don't understand what you are saying...but if someone dares to say something about being unsuitable when playing with me, I will definitely beat him."

"There's no reason why your luck should always be so good..."

Saiou pondered that the white light around him shone to the extreme, and even the space seemed to be distorted, and he roared angrily: "I am the light of destruction that can destroy the world! There is no way I will be defeated by a mortal! Destiny, answer my call! !!”


Everything came to an abrupt end!

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Saio looked at the arrow pointing directly at him with eyes wide open, the expression in his eyes was full of absurdity, contradiction and disbelief!


"it's me……"

The already dizzy "Power of Mystery EX - Dominator of Light" opened its two huge mouths sluggishly, spitting out two violent white lights, which sprayed directly on Saiou Takuma's body, causing him enough damage. !

Saio Takuma, LP: 0

The lights of destruction killed each other, and even Saio's soul was severely damaged!

I was originally planning to snipe Suok, but now I was defeated by a mortal bone in the first round!

What's even more frightening is that the city's luck that transcends fate makes the Light of Destruction even begin to doubt the meaning of its own existence.

Contradictory emotions collide and explode in my mind!

The light of destruction finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed out of Saiou Takuma's body crazily, turning into a mass of substance with scarlet eyes and a bloody mouth, constantly collapsing and then reorganizing!

"I am……"

"The light of destruction..."

"My mission... to destroy this world... to make the world... turn into light..."

The brain circuit of the Light of Destruction was short-circuited by constant self-denial, and suddenly went berserk, subconsciously flying towards the strongest dark power it could touch!


Suok raised his head and stared coldly at the light of destruction without moving.

Just when the demon of light was about to grab Sok's body and bite him to his heart's content, Sok finally slowly raised his hand and flicked his finger on the forehead of the light of destruction.

"Saobi, stand down!"

In an instant, a ripple spread across the entire venue!

The light of destruction is like being struck by lightning!

The soul and substance were separated and shattered in an instant, just like cotton being corroded by sulfuric acid and constantly rotting and melting!

The body of the Light of Destruction was still squirming unwillingly, desperately trying to swallow Sok into its belly, but its body was corroded smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Where there is light, there is darkness.

In contrast, if darkness still exists, light will never disappear.

The light of destruction will be reborn, but it will be who knows how many years later...

There is one more update, I will write it after I finish eating and take a nap--

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