Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 200 Destruction

"Third match, winner: Jonouchi Katsuya!"

Isono loudly announced the result of the game.

The medical team that was already on standby also carried Saio Takuma onto a stretcher with ease and sent him to the infirmary.

In fact, there was originally no medical team for this competition, but after learning about Sock's participation, Kaiba immediately arranged a special medical room and asked the best hospital in Domino Town to send a professional medical team.

After all, as long as Sock is participating in a game, the lives of other contestants are likely to be in danger.

No, three of them fell down just in the preliminaries.

There is no need to draw lots for the last game, leaving only Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba as byes.

Due to the appearance of Sok in this time and space, the intersection between them has never had any collision since the first incident of seizing the Blue Eyes White Dragon.

But as if they were destined, when the two stepped onto the duel field and faced each other tit for tat, they suddenly felt a strange sense of fate.

It was as if this duel had been going on for thousands of years.

"Muto Game..."

Seto Kaiba clasped his hands on his chest, looked down at Yugi, and said coldly: "A few days ago, a woman showed me something ridiculous..."

For some reason, Muto Yugi immediately thought of the stone slab he saw when he went to the art museum on a date with Kyoko last week, and blurted out: "Is it the duel between the magician and the white dragon in ancient Egypt three thousand years ago?"

"Oh?...Do you know that too?"

Kaiba sneered twice: "It's good to know, I think it must be that woman who called you there for the so-called fate, right?"

An Yuxi shook his head and said attentively: "Ms. Isis only appeared after I arrived at the art museum. I think it is no coincidence that I will go there."

"It doesn't matter if it's a coincidence or not!"

Kaiba clenched his fists, waved his hands suddenly, and shouted sternly: "The so-called fate of three thousand years ago, that kind of rotten thing that should have been buried by history is definitely not the reason why I am standing here today! What is going on now is to use the card of God and The Duel City Knockout Tournament where the title of Duel King is a bet!!!”

"Listen carefully to me, Muto Yugi!"

Kaiba raised his head and shouted arrogantly: "There is only one winner in this game! Only I can defeat everything, step on the remains of many losers and pick up the glory shining in the sky! Then win the title of 'King' !”

The auras of the duelists collide and fight with each other!

Although the competition has not yet begun, the strong murderous aura that belongs to the duelists has already spread throughout the entire venue!



The duel on the top of the duel boat was in full swing, and almost everyone gathered there, paying attention to the last victorious duelist.

At the same time, in the dark corridor inside the duel boat, the shadow of a dark-skinned man wearing a white robe and a white scarf wrapped around his head flashed from the mirror.


Isis sat in front of the hospital bed of Malik and Licid, constantly recalling the dark history of her childhood in her mind...

Once upon a time, the heavy fate almost overwhelmed both myself and Malik.

Malik even bears the human tragedy of patricide for this.

Such a fate, and the Pharaoh who arranged such a fate...

Is it really worth being loyal to the Isildar family even if they risk their lives?

I broke the promise of the tomb-keeper clan and handed over the thousand-year artifact to Suok instead. I don’t know whether it was right or wrong...

"You failed to fulfill your duty as a tomb-keeper, Isis..."

At this moment, a dull and indifferent voice suddenly came from behind Isis: "In order to complete the Pharaoh's three thousand years of trials and bury the final darkness, the tomb guard family should give everything..."

"who is it!?"

Isis turned around suddenly and saw Xia Di standing behind her!

In an instant, Isis recognized the familiar face in her memory. It was precisely because of his misleading that Malik was resentful of the Pharaoh. From a boy who longed for freedom, he became the "grinding factor" for the Pharaoh's return to the underworld. Knife stone”!

"I am already a soul and should not have appeared. However, your series of betrayal of the Pharaoh made me have to come forward to eliminate you..."

Before he finished speaking, the Millennium Key on Xia Di's chest was already glowing with dazzling golden light!

Isis subconsciously wanted to resist and fight back, but when she put her hands on her neck, she realized that she had given the thousand-year jewelry to Sok!

Having lost the thousand-year artifact, she is no longer able to stop Xia Di's mind control!

The soul room was disrupted in an instant, Isis's pupils suddenly dimmed, and her whole body fell weakly on the chair, like a doll that had lost its soul.

Now he is at the mercy of others!

Xia Di gave her a cold look, but did not immediately kill her. Instead, he walked to Malik's bed and reached out to pick up the duel plate placed beside his bed.

Pulling out the card deck, Xia Di looked through it for a while and pulled out a card.

Looking back, Xia Di placed the Thousand-Year Scale in front of Isis and said coldly: "The Thousand-Year Scale can be used to judge a person's life-long sins, and it is perfect to use it to bury your soul that has been stained by darkness. …”

Isis still sat there with dim pupils, without any reaction.

But Xia Di still picked a feather from the turban, placed it on the right side of the Millennium Scale, and began to execute the trial of Isis.

The thousand-year scale emitted a dazzling light, and the empty end sank to the bottom in an instant!


A golden light appeared in Xia Di's hand and materialized into the Spear of Judgment used by the Sun God to execute heretics.

Xia Di held the Spear of Judgment tightly, raised her right hand high, and then stabbed it down suddenly!

But in the midst of this electric light and flint, when the sharp thorn was only one millimeter away from Isis's chest, a big hand like a pair of iron pincers suddenly appeared and stuck Xia Di's arm tightly, making it impossible for him to move any further. !


A terrifying voice that made Xia Di's hair stand on end and would never be forgotten for the rest of his life sounded from behind him: "What do you want to do to my little wife?"

Turning around suddenly, Xia Di saw the terrifying figure in the darkness, like an evil god!

Suoke's cold eyes seemed to freeze his soul!

The most direct fear from the spiritual level surged into his heart. Xia Di did not hesitate to turn into nothingness and run away like last time!

He also has the mission of delivering the Sun God into the hands of the Pharaoh. No matter what, he cannot die here!

But just as his figure faded, he was immediately popped out of the world of the dead!

Xia Di was horrified and didn't know what was happening.

Why did my invincible escape skills fail at this time! ?

"Hmph, do you think I will let you escape again?"

The shadow of the "Cemetery Watcher" appeared behind Suok, blocking the passage between the living world and the underworld. He sneered: "Tapirian once destroyed your body, and today, it is my turn to destroy your soul." Not only to protect the important chess piece Isis, but also to save the meddling Hassan when I face off against the Pharaoh..."

When Xia Di was about to die, he finally understood Sok's true identity and lost his voice: "You...it turns out you are..."

Before Xia Di could pronounce his real name, Suoke's right hand was already in front of him and he shouted coldly: "Destroy!"

A moment!

Xia Di's heart shook violently!

Countless purple lights completely entangled him!

After a shrill scream.

Xia Di's soul was completely torn into pieces, turned into bits of starlight, and melted without a trace!

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