Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 201 I want you to go out and play

With the authority of the Great Evil God of the Underworld, it couldn't be easier to erase a soul floating in the world.

There was a clear "bang bang" sound, and the thousand-year key originally hanging on Xia Di's chest fell to the ground.

But the Sun God Card, which was also taken away by Xia Di, disappeared.

After bending down to pick it up, Suoke picked up the Millennium Scale and took off the feather on the right end.

According to ancient Egyptian legends, when a human soul is judged, 42 gods will watch the trial and supervise whether it is fair, and Anubis, the god of death, will directly control the entire process.

Anyone who attempts to interrupt the judgment before it is completed will be destroyed by the gods.

It's a pity that the person standing here today is the Great Evil God of the Underworld who is even higher than the gods!

Suok raised his head and shouted coldly at the gods in the sky that were beyond the reach of mortals: "Get out of here!"

In an instant, the originally inexplicably solemn air became gentle again, and the solemn atmosphere of the trial also disappeared in an instant.

The trial was suspended and the Millennium Scale gradually dimmed.

Putting away Xia Di's two thousand-year-old artifacts, Sok stretched out his hand to straighten Isis' body and put his finger on her forehead.

In an instant, Suoke's consciousness had reached Isis's heart.

It was a dark and damp underground temple.

The young Malik, with his hair standing on end, picked up the thousand-year-old tin staff and stabbed it into the heart of his biological father!

The young Isis was imprisoned by the power of the thousand-year-old tin staff, and could only watch this human tragedy happen. No one could express the pain and sorrow in her heart.

Then the scene changed and everything returned to before the tragedy happened...

"I said you must go, sister!"

Malik sat on the bed and lost his temper like a child: "I'm going crazy underground! I must go out and see the outside world!"


Isis didn't know why, but suddenly there was an inexplicable sadness in her heart: "Otherwise, let's forget it... It will be troublesome if my father finds out, because it violates the rules of our clan..."

"But I really want to see the scenery outside..."

Malik held Isis' little hand, his face full of longing: "Please, sister! Just this time, okay? Never again!" But when he said this, Malik suddenly saw two lines of tears falling from Isis's cheeks. Sliding down, what a sad face it is...

"elder sister……"

"Why are you crying?"

I see.

Suoke, who was floating above Isis' heart, suddenly realized.

This should be what Xia Di did with the Millennium Key, making Isis punish her by repeatedly repeating this sad memory.

Trapped in the world of memory and reincarnated incessantly, I saw my loved ones killing each other again and again but could do nothing.

It seemed like the fate of the bloody tomb-keepers who were nailed to the stone slab.

That is an abyss more terrifying than despair.

Look no further!

Sok jumped down in front of Isis, preventing the same mistake from happening again.

Isis stared blankly at Sok, who looked like a god descending to earth, his whole body shimmering with blazing divine light and incomparable aura. Countless forgotten memories in her mind flooded into her mind at this moment!

Li Gemalik killed his father...

Revenge against the Pharaoh...

The ultimate trial...

Switching to the camp of the Great Evil God...

And, endless reincarnations in this memory world...

I remembered everything!

"You...who are you!?"

Little Malik looked nervously at the sudden appearance of Sok: "Why did you suddenly show up at my house!?"

Sok smiled kindly at Malik, then reached out and lifted him up, pressed him down on the bed and slapped his butt hard twice: "Go out and play! Go out and play! I want you to go out and play!"

"Did you write your homework!? Did Pleasant Goat read it!?"

"You don't have the guts to go out and wander around. What will happen if you are discovered? Don't you have some idea in mind!?"

"It doesn't matter if you're dead. If my little wife is injured, I won't hang you on a high-voltage wire and stab you in the butt with a stick!"

Malik was about to cry.

I was provoking someone, I was just lying at home, and a burly man rushed in out of nowhere, held me down and beat me wildly!

His little buttocks were spanked so badly that Malik screamed and called for help from Isis: "Sister, save me!"

Before Isis could recover, Malik was slapped twice on the back of the head by Sok.

"Save you! Save you!"

"With my physique, if she came to save you, wouldn't she be asking for death!?"

"You didn't tell her to run away, but you pushed her into the fire pit. You didn't know how to think about others. I'll beat you to death for being such a bastard!"

Isis was originally concerned about whether Sok would hurt Malik, but just by listening to Malik's furious screams, she knew that Sok's attack would still be serious, so she did not stop Sok, but sat aside. , looking at the young Malik silently with tears and a relieved smile on his face.

Malik really cried his eyes out this time.

Even his sister didn't help him. It was a lifetime of bad luck that he met such an unreasonable bastard. He was still a child!

After beating him for a long time, Sok stretched out his hand and stuffed it into the quilt for Malik.

Just as Malik was about to run out, he received another slap on the head.


Malik was immediately honest.

He huddled up in the quilt timidly, not daring to move for fear of being beaten again.

Turning around, Suoke was about to say something to Isis when he suddenly felt a small and weak body throw into his arms.


Suok was so frightened that he immediately raised his hands, turned his head to his shoulder and explained loudly: "Madam, it's none of my business! This is really not my initiative..." But before he finished speaking, Suok suddenly reacted coming!

This is Isis's memory world. She is only consciously attached, and the little penguin is still outside!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Suoke lowered his eyes and said, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Isis wiped away her tears and raised her head, smiling sweetly: "Let me hold you for a while...it's so good to see you...it's so good..."

The tragic reincarnations again and again almost broke her soul, but this time, she finally found support and extended a helping hand to her in the abyss of despair.

Suoke was stunned: "I have never seen you smile before, and I thought you couldn't smile at all."

Isis didn't answer, but just held Sok's arm a little tighter.

The surrounding environment gradually began to change, the imprisoned memory fragments were released, Isis's body gradually returned to the appearance of an adult, and the heart that had been disrupted by the Millennium Key finally returned to its original shape.

Letting go of her hand, Isis took two steps back and looked at Sok.

The reserve of traditional women means that she is destined not to be as passionate as peacock dance, but the deep affection hidden in her eyes is difficult to hide from others.

Suoke felt uncomfortable when he saw it. He turned his head and coughed twice and said: "You don't need to thank me, because this is a part of the plan, and it is also a trap deliberately set by Xia Di. I didn't expect him to I'm so sorry for showing up so soon, Ms. Isis!"

"So that's it..."

Isis paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "No matter what... I just want to help you."


Even though it was clear that he was using her, why didn't she get angry or angry?

Suoke was sweating profusely and said, "Can you please don't look at me like that? My yellow-faced woman is outside. Is it going to be difficult for her to see me when I go out later?"

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