Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 202 Oliha Gang·Tian Shendang

Isis was stunned for a moment, and her eyes dimmed obviously: "You...are you married?"


Suoke nodded repeatedly: "We are very loving."

Isis sighed softly and forced a smile: "Is she beautiful?"

Suoke thought for a long time: "...I don't know, but it's quite cute."

"I see……"

Isis nodded silently, reached out to hold Sok's hands, and put them against her heart: "... I wish you happiness."

Suoke grinned: "Isn't that of course!"

After saying that, Sok's body turned into white light, flew out of Isis's heart, and returned to his own body.

Isis felt the remaining warmth in her hands and looked at the direction where Sok disappeared for a long time without saying a word. But at this moment, a room quietly appeared in her heart. The pattern engraved on the door was exactly the same as before. Sok's god-like back...

If I could have known you then...

How nice it would be...

Back in the real world, the showdown between Yugi and Kaiba has come to an end.

The winner was, as expected, Muto Yugi.

Tsk tsk, the president is so pathetic.

I spent a lot of money for half the game, but ended up kneeling in the first round.

In this way, the top four in this finals have been decided, namely: Amane Taira, Sok Nenufa, Katsuya Jonouchi and Yugi Muto.

On the way, he met Kaiba and others who had returned from the game and were about to go back to their room to rest. Sok greeted Kaiba enthusiastically: "Hey! President of the top eight! Good evening!"

With a dark face, Kaiba pretended not to hear and walked past, returned to his room and closed the door tightly.

Through the door, you can hear the sound of banging on the table inside.

It's no wonder that he was unhappy. Even Jonouchi had made it to the semi-finals, but he, who had always looked down on Jonouchi's luck in gambling, was eliminated in the first round. This kind of gap was really hard to accept.

Being afraid of comparison in everything is fatal.

After Sok asked Isono for a room again, and after leaving, Jonouchi whispered to Yugi: "Hey, Yugi, I suddenly discovered that compared with Kaiba, actually... Sok is pretty good, no matter you are poor or Rich, no matter you are strong or weak, he will beat you without fail, unlike that guy from Kaiba, who looks down on others..."

Yugi laughed dryly, wondering if Jonouchi had been beaten too many times by Sok and was feeling emotional.

But they are all annoying, and Sock is at least very straightforward. He never cares about who the other person is when he hits him...

It's getting late.

Everyone went back to their rooms and had a temporary truce.

Sok lay on the bed, his consciousness entering the system.

First, he bought a wave of gift packs without hesitation, then opened the task interface of "Collecting Millennium Artifacts" and sent in the Millennium Scale and Millennium Key that he had just snatched from Xia Di.

Six thousand-year artifacts have been collected, leaving only the last thousand-year building block on Muto Yugi's body.

At this time, most of the originally dark reward puzzle card had been illuminated, and Suoke could probably see clearly what the pattern on it was.

In fact, without looking at it, Sock had already almost guessed the specific content of this card.

"The Great Evil God of the Underworld·Slate"

The special counterfeit card unique to ZZ Youth Hall in his previous life was also the first monster with infinite attack power that Sok bought for 50 cents in a bag.

Thinking about it this way, perhaps from that time on, he had already formed a fate with the Great Evil God.

The effect of the original card is that if you collect seven different Millennium Artifact Cards and the lost Millennium Artifact Slate on the field or in the graveyard, you can release the infinite power of the Great Evil God of the Underworld, destroy all the cards in the opponent's hand, and directly win.

But the reward card given by the system has only one line of effect.

"When the Pharaoh gathers the three illusory gods and meets certain conditions, he will open a hidden copy and release the true power of the great evil god."

What does it mean?

In other words, right now, I have not fully mastered the full power of the Great Evil God of the Underworld?

As for the hidden copy of Sok, you can probably guess that it should be the Egyptian chapter of the last chapter of the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh.

In order to pave the way for himself in advance and complete the opening conditions, Sok took the initiative to lose Osiris to Yugi, and deliberately asked the gods participating in the trial to take away the Sun God and hand it over to Muto Yugi.

As for the soul agreement that Kaiba and Isis signed with themselves, it was also preparation for hiding the copy.

Kaiba is the reincarnation of the priest Seth three thousand years ago, and Isis is the reincarnation of the priest Isis three thousand years ago. Although the contract was signed between them who existed in this world, as long as the souls are the same, it can still be valid even three thousand years ago!

There are two traitors at the beginning, so how do you win the Pharaoh?

Suok sneered triumphantly, and while he was thinking about how to get his ass slapped on the ground by the Creator God of Light, suddenly a dazzling data stream flashed through the eyes of the little penguin on his shoulder.

Obviously there is new content passed from this world to this side!

Suoke was overjoyed and asked the little penguin enthusiastically: "Is there a new gift pack in Duel City, or is it V14?"


As the little penguin spoke, he took out a blank card from behind his buttocks and handed it to Suoke: "My dear, your last planning opinion on 'PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' was adopted by Mr. Ma, and the rewards have just been distributed."

Sok looked at the blank card in Penguin's hand with great disappointment, scratched his head and said: "Isn't there a purchase in this card system? I still have a bunch left..."


Little Penguin waved his hands repeatedly and explained: "This blank card is different from the ones sold in the system. It only exists in the form of a card temporarily. Its real name should be 'A Wish'!"

"A wish!?"

Suoke was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "Can I get an apartment in the Forbidden City?"

The little penguin was sweating profusely: "...This wish is only valid in the Yu-Gi-Oh World."


Suok was greatly disappointed: "I was just wondering why Mr. Ma suddenly became so generous. I am invincible in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and I still want a feather..." But halfway through the sentence, Suok looked at the blank card in his hand, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes. Bright!


Speaking of wishes, there is one!

Holding the blank card in his hand, Sok closed his eyes and thought about what the card looked like.

Gradually, the originally blank card glowed with green light.

A dazzling six-pointed star pattern appeared in the center of the card!

The fluctuations that shock the soul continue to spread!

The little penguin next to him leaned his head over and was shocked by Sok's wish!

"Oliha Gang Tenjin Dang!"

[Oliha Gang Tenjin Dang, quick-attack magic card, effect: Ignore all the opponent's effects, destroy all cards in the opponent's deck, hand, graveyard, and field, and exclude them from the game! 】

It’s actually this shameless fake card!

The green light gradually dissipated, and Sock blew the hot air from the card surface, treating it like a treasure and adding it to his deck.

Little Penguin has already told Sock everything about the original plot of the Yu-Gi-Oh animation.

So in the near future, there will be a Dazi using the Oliha Gang deck, and Sok already knows about it.

Hum hum……

Oriha has three boundaries, right?

Even if I look like a god, I'll give you a crooked look!

The little penguin bit his little arm and said with a complicated expression: "I can already imagine that after you draw this card tomorrow, Pharaoh and the others will look confused..."

The night sinks like water.

After sorting out their decks, the duelists slept peacefully.

But they certainly could not have imagined what would be waiting for them tomorrow...

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