The sun rises.

After a long night, the final decisive battle is finally coming.

Kaiba, who got up early, stood in the control room, looking across the sea at the artificial island gradually approaching from far away, and his mood began to fluctuate accordingly.

Artificial island "Alukar Torras"...

That artificial island was originally a dark center that existed as a base for Kaiba's military industry.

At the same time, it also brought huge wealth to Kaiba's adoptive father "Kaima Gozaburo", making it an important high-tech military industry for top capitalists.

After Kaiba seized the company and forced Gosaburo to death, he destroyed the Dark Center and applied all high technologies to the gaming field.

Revisit old places.

Even a person with a firm heart like Kaiba suddenly felt like he was in another world.

"Kaiba Gozaburo..."

Kaiba looked at the artificial island in the distance and whispered softly: "After the final decisive battle, your last remaining thoughts in my mind will sink forever along with this island..."

The duel boats are getting closer and closer to the artificial island.

Isono has already turned on the broadcast in the main control room, preparing to remind all duelists participating in the finals to prepare in advance.

But the moment he just picked up the microphone, the duel boat that had been flying smoothly suddenly began to shake violently!

Everyone in the room who was resting was awakened by the shaking, and Jonouchi was knocked off the bed to the ground!

Kaiba and Trojan almost fell down due to their carelessness.

After standing firm, Kaiba shouted to the driver in front of him coldly: "What's going on!?"

The pilot was sweating profusely and kept switching buttons on the console, trying to correct the course back to the original track: "Report... report to President Kaiba, for some reason, the duel boat's automatic navigation system suddenly changed the direction without authorization. route!"

"what is going on!?"

Kaiba frowned in displeasure and shouted coldly: "In that case, correct the course manually immediately!"

But before Kaiba finished speaking, the duel boat once again rocked more violently than before, and even the hull tilted hugely!

Kaiba immediately got angry: "Idiot! What on earth are you doing!?"

"Hug...I'm sorry, President Kaiba!"

The pilot was flustered, as if he had discovered something incredible: "I have been prohibited from operating by a higher authority, and now I am completely unable to control the duel boat!"


Kaiba shouted sternly: "This is impossible! There can be no one in Kaiba Company who has higher authority than me! Find a way to take back control immediately!!!"

The driver was almost crying: "But...but..."

"elder brother!"

At this moment, the wooden horse next to him suddenly raised his head and said to Kaiba with a horrified expression: "If there is really someone in Kaiba Company whose authority is higher than that of my brother, then there must be only..."

Mokuba didn't say the last name, but Kaiba knew who he was going to say!

Gozaburo Kaiba!

That soul who should have died was once the adoptive father of Kaiba, a big capitalist who stood at the top of Kaiba Corporation...


Kaiba narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Because of Gozaburo's abnormal death, the internal handover of the company's highest authority could not be completed... But at that time, in Kaiba Company, my authority was second only to Gozaburo, and I also I no longer care about a dead person..."

Mokura tightened Kaiba's arm and said in a trembling voice: "Brother...could he be the ghost of Gozaburo..."

"Hmph, that kind of weird thing is not worthy of belief. It is more likely that someone used hacking technology to crack the Haima company's firewall..."


Kaiba clenched his fist tightly, gritted his teeth and said in a ferocious voice: "It doesn't matter even if it is the ghost of Gozaburo who wants to come to me for revenge! He is no match for me when he is alive, how can he still want to stand up after he is dead!? Huh! He is It’s okay if the dead soul doesn’t appear, if it does… I’ll just kill him again!”

At this time, the door to the main control room was kicked open with a bang, and Sock walked in murderously wearing the same couple's pajamas as Penguin.

Kaiba, who was so imposing just now, was startled and nervously said to Sok: "You...what do you want to do!?"

Sok ignored him and strode directly to the console, looking left and right at the two pilots.

He took out a fruit knife from nowhere and chopped it on the console with a "crack" sound. His face looked ugly as if he wanted to kill someone: "Who drove the airship just now?"

The two pilots were so frightened that they knelt on the ground with a "pop" and cried for mercy.

"Do you know that I was dreaming just now and playing games with Celestial Beast..."

Sok's face was so gloomy that he was about to shed tears: "Do you know, Celestial Beast? She is the beauty who wears very revealing clothes and is known as the king of Digimon books... I played chess with her and almost got hard... Bah! I almost got hard... I won, but the spacecraft shook and woke me up..."

"No...I'm so angry now..."

Sok reached out and pulled out the kitchen knife on the console, knocked it twice with a bang, and said murderously: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

The two drivers cried blindly at that time.

He turned to Kaiba looking for help, but he saw that Kaiba had turned his head to the side stiffly, not even daring to fart.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be splashed with blood, at this moment, the pattern on the main screen of the control room suddenly disappeared, and a young man with green hair appeared on the big screen!

A sneer appeared on the green-haired boy's lips: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Seto! My name is Naia, and I am..."

But before he finished speaking, Suoke, who was in anger, raised his hand and threw the fruit knife violently!

"It's your third aunt!"

The sharp blade passed right through the middle of the green-haired boy's nose, shattering the display screen and causing electric sparks to flash continuously.

On the other side of the screen, Naia looked at the big screen that suddenly turned into snowflakes with a confused look on her face. She reached out and took a few pictures, wondering if she was in the sea and that's why the signal suddenly went out?

Thinking of this, Naia immediately used his thoughts to drive the underwater fortress he possessed to rise rapidly!

At this time, the duel boat Rikaiba finally explained the current situation to Sok.

And Suoke finally remembered an original TV plot that Little Penguin told him some time ago - the Naia chapter.

Speaking of which, the green-haired kid just introduced himself in this way...

Huge waves rolled, and a fortress many times larger than the duel boat floated to the surface!

Sock looked down through the glass window and said in a loud voice: "Kaima Gozaburo is rich. The cost of building this kind of fortress is at least tens of billions of dollars. He is actually stupid enough to use so much money to build himself a Undersea coffin, no wonder I didn’t fight you, the president, in the end.”


Kaiba heard Sok muttering to himself and was shocked: "You said the fortress below is Gozaburo's coffin!? Could it be that... the duel boat lost control, is it really Gozaburo's ghost that is causing trouble!?"

"A more scientific explanation can be called brain wave legacy."

Suok clapped his hands, looked at the fortress below, and sneered: "This old guy dares to disturb my dream, I think he doesn't want to live anymore!" After that, Suok punched the glass in front of him and flew away. go out!

Putting his hands together, a ball of beating dark energy gradually condensed in Sok's hands!

"Look at me!"

"Darkness annihilates light!!!"

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