Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 204 Kaiba Gozaburo

Tiny darkness pulsed in Thok's hands.

Using this dark flame as the starting point, the overwhelming dark energy wave directly engulfed the fortress, blasting directly from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea, blasting the entire fortress until not even a grain of ash was left!

In an instant, there was only one color left in the world!

That is the terrifying darkness that brings everything to nothing!

The sea burned by dark energy could not close for a long time. Looking down, you can directly see the dark seabed thousands of meters below the sea level!

Naia hasn't even officially appeared yet, and she's already completely finished.

Clapping his hands, Sok flew back into the duel boat that had just been blown away by the strong air current.

Seahorse, wooden horse, game, apricot...

A group of melon eaters who had just arrived and saw Suok casually blowing through the sea were almost frightened.

They knew that Sock was a good fighter, but his weakness limited their imagination.

I thought that Sock could only consciously dodge bullets like in the movies, but it turned out that he just casually threw a nuclear warhead!


The nuclear warhead is not as powerful as his!

Have you ever seen an atomic bomb that can blow through the sea? ?

When they saw Suoke coming back, everyone was in awe, not even daring to take a breath.

In the past, they didn't understand why a big capitalist like Haima was afraid of a little gangster like Sok, but now they finally understand...

As soon as he returned to the duel boat, Suok saw a group of people looking at him blankly, like a group of idiots. No one said a word for a long time, and they blocked the door so that Suok could not get out.

After waiting for a while, it still happened, and Sok finally became impatient.

He reached out and took out a machine gun from his back. Without saying a word, Suoke fired it into the sky and said angrily: "Look at your second cousin, you are such a big watermelon! Get out of here!"

A group of people were so frightened that they ran out of the cab. There were still people outside who had not squeezed in just now. They kept asking what was going on inside and whether a horror movie was playing.

Putting away the machine gun, Sok put his hands on his hips and said arrogantly to Kaiba: "Hey, President! I helped you kill Gozaburo and his biological son. Just be reluctant, I'll give you one billion, and I'll go after this competition is over. Do you have any objection to your company raising money?"


The corner of Kaiba's mouth twitched: "If you want me, even Kaiba Company will be given to you..."

Suok nodded with satisfaction, then hooked his little finger at Isono next to him: "Hey, mustache, come here!"

Being directly called by name, Isono wanted to die, but he still had to nod and bend forward, rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Sok, what are your orders..."

Sock pondered: "Then, if I lose in the finals..."

Before Sock could finish his words, Isono slapped his chest and assured loudly: "That doesn't exist! Mr. Sock, you will definitely win! I am the referee. Even if you lose, I will award you the win!"

Suoke was acting the same way: "Then if they are not convinced..."

A cruel look flashed across Isono's face, and he took out a small pistol from his jacket pocket: "Whoever dares to be dissatisfied, I will kill him on behalf of Mr. Sok!"

"Well, well said!"

Suok nodded with satisfaction: "Then it's settled, go and prepare two breakfasts for me..." At this point, Suok turned to the little penguin who was still dozing on his shoulder and asked. Said: "Madam, what do you want to eat in the morning?"

The little penguin rubbed its sleepy eyes with its little arms and shook its little tail behind its buttocks: "Well... I want to eat small dried fish and drink Kuoluo... I want ice, I want a big bottle..."

Sock turned to Isono and said, "Just two normal breakfasts will be enough. Send them to my room right away."

Isono nodded repeatedly: "No problem! It's a trivial matter!"

Due to navigation interference, after about half an hour of system correction, the duel boat finally got on track and arrived at the final battle site.

Artificial Island - "Alukar Torras"

A group of hungry duelists got off the airship. Only Sok had an egg in his hand and was still chewing it in his mouth.


Jonouchi pointed at Sok and shouted angrily at Kaiba: "Hey! Kaiba! Why do you all have breakfast, but we are hungry!"

Kaiba glanced at Jonouchi and said coldly: "Just to correct me, only Sokke had breakfast, and he had a double portion. If you have any opinions, you can always ask him."


Jonouchi's face suddenly fell: "You...don't encourage me to do such terrible things. I don't want to provoke that kind of monster..."

The wooden horse next to him sighed: "You don't have to be unbalanced Jonouchi, that was originally breakfast I secretly prepared for my brother and I, who knows..."

The world is like this. It is not about scarcity but about inequality.

There was nothing Sock could do, he was already in the category of a monster, and no one dared to say anything despite being a bit privileged.

Now that he heard that the president of Kaiba Company, who was both a normal person, was treated the same as he, a commoner, Cheng Zhi felt much more comfortable.

"It's just that I didn't have breakfast. It doesn't matter to a real duelist!"

Jonouchi looked up at the Duel Tower not far away, and said excitedly with fighting spirit: "I feel it! I feel it! I seem to feel that my gambling soul is burning!"


Looking around, Yugi hesitated and said: "This island is full of ruins..."

Perhaps because Yugi defeated him in a duel, Kaiba, although unwilling to accept it, recognized Yugi's strength, so he did not cynicize Yugi like Jonouchi, but explained very plainly: "The ruins here can be said to be The remains of my adoptive father - 'Kaiba Gozaburo'. His military and industrial empire once spread all over the world, and this is the capital of his empire..."

When I get the title of Duel King at the top of the tower, it will prove that I have surpassed everything of that man...

That was the plan.

But I didn't expect that I would lose to someone other than Sock in the preliminaries...

Kaiba glanced at Yugi's unassuming face and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Muto game!

The once cowardly young man had unexpectedly become a strong man who surpassed himself...

Kaiba didn't say the next few words, he just shook his head and led everyone towards the duel tower.

Except for Peacock Dance and Isis, no one dared to get close to Suoke.

But Sock didn't care about this anyway.

As he walked and looked around at his surroundings, Sok frowned slightly.

Although it is an uninhabited island, isn't it a bit eerily quiet here?

Walking outside the duel tower, the weird atmosphere became more intense.

Finally, at the moment when the duel tower door opened, the source of all this appeared!

A middle-aged man in a red suit stood in the center of the first floor of the Duel Tower with his back to the people who had just entered the tower. It was obvious that he had been waiting here for a long time.

The familiar figure turned around, revealing a familiar face that shocked Kaiba!

Gozaburo Kaiba!

It turned out to be the man he watched die with his own eyes!

"Well done, Seto!"

Kaiba Gozaburo looked directly into Kaiba's eyes, with a slightly ferocious smile on his lips: "The fact that you are here means that you have defeated Naia... Although Naia is my biological son, I have always believed that being The one I adopted from the orphanage is even better!... Now it has been proven that Naiya is no match for you!"

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