Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 205 The king will appear


The shock on Kaiba's face only flashed across his face, and he quickly regained his composure and said in a deep voice: "You should have been confirmed dead by the hospital..."

What! ?

Everyone present was shocked.

already dead?

Does that mean the person standing here now is a ghost? ?

"Oh? Didn't Naia explain it to you..."

Kaiba Gosaburo raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then sneered: "I am indeed dead, but in order to take revenge on you, I crawled out of the abyss of hell again, Seto! I have enough time to do it. Slowly torture you, hum hum…"

Having said this, Kaiba Gozaburo suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers!

In an instant, many mechanical warriors loaded with heavy weapons suddenly emerged from the originally empty ruins!

The icy-cold firepower launch port is aimed at everyone, and as soon as Kaiba Gozaburo gives an order, everyone present will be blown to pieces!

I see!

Suoke looked coldly at the dozens of murderous weapons around him, and he understood clearly.

No wonder no seabirds dared to fly to the island. No wonder I clearly noticed something was wrong, but didn't feel the breath of life ambushing me.

It turns out that the real trap is these mechanical armies!

"Gozaburo...what exactly do you want to do?"

Although life and death could only depend on Gosaburo's thoughts, Kaiba remained calm and calmly shouted: "If you want revenge, I'll be with you at any time! But before these mechanical monsters open fire, I can definitely kill you first. !”

With firm words and unquestionable confidence, Kaiba's heroic side was finally revealed to everyone for the first time!

Even Jonouchi, who had always disliked Kaiba, felt that at this moment, Kaiba was extremely handsome.

"Hmph hum... Not bad spirit, Seto..."

Kaiba Gosaburo clasped his hands behind his back, not caring about Kaiba's threat, and said slowly: "You were like this back then, ruthlessly taking Kaiba Company from my hands... But sadly, the five big guys who once helped you seize power , but your end is so tragic now... The reason why I say you are better than Naiya is precisely because your cold-bloodedness is so similar to mine, hahaha..."


Kaiba frowned: "You keep mentioning this name, who is he?"

"No need to pretend to be stupid anymore, Naia's sniper attack was arranged by me."

Kaiba Gozaburo shouted coldly: "I know that you can defeat the underwater fortress and come here. You must have suffered a lot and tried your best. Although Naia is not as good as you, she is not an easy character to deal with. After all, he is me His biological son!"

Biological son?

Kaiba's eyes narrowed slightly, and he remembered the face of the green-haired little boy that appeared on the big screen of the duel boat just now.

Is that Gosaburo's biological son?

But that guy doesn’t look very old...

As if seeing through the doubts in Kaiba's mind, Gosaburo slowly said: "It's natural for Naia to maintain that young appearance, because he died in a car accident as early as ten years old... I will give him his body." All the memories were copied to the super computer as a continuation of his life, but it is not a real life after all, so I adopted you again...Seto!"

Kaiba was stunned, and then keenly grasped the key point in Gosaburo's words: "That's it! So, you are obviously a dead person, but now you actually appear, you also stored the memory in the computer and created it. Mechanical puppet!?”

"Hmm...hahaha! Seto, your mind is still so flexible!"

Kaiba Gozaburo put his hands behind his back and said with a ferocious smile: "But your guess is wrong!... Indeed, after I died, I also considered transferring memories to a computer like Naia did, but after all I couldn't Make sure that the me who survives in the computer is the real me, or is it just a copy of my memory... Just when my soul was about to return to the underworld, a certain big shot appeared!"

Kaiba frowned slightly: "Big shot?"

"That's right! Even compared to the financial resources of Kaiba Company, he is still a big shot with an absolute advantage!"

Kaiba Gozaburo suddenly showed crazy piety on his face, and laughed loudly: "He is the president of Paradis Company - Dazi! It is he who gave my soul eternal life! Real immortality! That's why I can appear here today In front of you, I will take back everything you have ever taken away from me! Hahaha..."

Paradis Corporation—the largest and most powerful company in the world!

It is powerful and has powerful economic reserves that rival the entire United States. It is powerful enough to blackmail the presidents of major countries and control the direction of the world's stock markets!

Compared with it, Haima Company is just an immature child!

"Seto! On the order of Lord Tatsu, seize the three phantom gods!"

Gozaburo Kaiba raised his right arm, and suddenly a duel disk appeared on his arm: "Years ago, you defeated me in chess, my most proud game! Today I will use your best duel monster card to take revenge. Let you understand that the gap between you and me is as big as heaven! If you lose, you must not only hand over the Three Fantasy Gods and Kaiba Company..." At this point, Kaiba Gozaburo's expression suddenly turned cold.

"...I still want your life!"

Everyone shuddered when they heard the gloomy and murderous words.


Kaiba snorted coldly and started the duel disk without fear: "I will never lose to anyone in duel!"

But before Kaiba could finish his words, Suoke was pulled away from him by the president who was acting cool behind him.

"Go away, salted fish!"

Suoke strode forward, glanced at Haima, who was pushed to his knees by him, and said in a strange tone: "You are already in the top eight, why are you still bragging? Stand aside and see for yourself how I can bring this old man together." The walking sticks are all on sale!”

Having said that, regardless of the look on Kaiba's face that he wanted to die, Sock pointed at Kaiba Gozaburo and shouted loudly: "Hey! You old immortal, you are too late! He knelt down in the first round, why don't I do it?" How about playing with you?"

Seeing Suoke take action, everyone who had been threatened by gunpoint breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The plug-in is online, this wave is stable!

Kaiba Gozaburo narrowed his eyes dangerously and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Suoke raised his head arrogantly and hummed arrogantly: "I am your father!"

The faces of Kaiba and Trojan next to them turned dark at the same time.

Mom Dan, another generation younger!

As soon as he finished speaking, Suoke suddenly remembered that the man in front of him was Haima's father. Wasn't what he just said just a disguised form of saying that he was Haima's grandfather?

How can that work?

How much you suffer!

So Suoke quickly explained to the seahorse beside him: "President, don't be too conceited. We all have our own opinions."

Kaiba didn't dare to get angry, so he could only say "Yeah" with a livid face.

But Gosaburo Kaiba, who was opposite him, was furious and roared: "How brave are you! How dare you take advantage of me!?"

Dare you talk back?

Suoke's eyes turned cold, and without saying a word, he raised his leg and kicked Kaiba Gozaburo away. Then he teleported to Kaiba Gozaburo's side, raised his foot to step on his head, and pointed at the little penguin on his shoulder. Kaiba Gozaburo said: "Come on, call mom."


The little penguin blinked blankly, and awkwardly took out his piggy bank from behind and shook it: "It's so sudden, I haven't prepared a red envelope yet..."

After finally shaking off a few coins, Penguin reluctantly handed the coins to Kaiba Gozaburo, his little face feeling extremely distressed.

"Then, I'll give you 10QB..."

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