Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 206 A Bitter Choice


Kaiba Gosaburo roared, and immediately several mechanical flying claws flew out from the wall behind him, clamping down on Sok's limbs!

Then the chains behind the four flying claws suddenly tightened, directly lifting Suok up in the air!

Everyone exclaimed for fear that Sock would also be restrained and would no longer be able to resist Kaiba Gosaburo.

Tapirang Tianyin snorted coldly: "A bunch of idiots are making such a fuss. Do they really think that kind of thing can lock a monster like him?"

Everyone then remembered the terrifying record of Sokki's attack on the sea this morning, and felt relieved, but they all mourned for Gozaburo Kaiba.

Have a good journey, hero.

"Ha ha……"

Kaiba Gosaburo gasped and got up from the ground, looking at Sok with hatred in his eyes: "You guy, you actually attacked me when I wasn't prepared! Ahem...I'll let you know right away, what will happen if you piss me off? What!"


Sock looked at Kaiba Gozaburo with interest: "What, do you want to commit suicide and let me get into a lawsuit?"

"Hey, this annoying tone is somewhat familiar..."

Kaiba Gozaburo patted his head and suddenly remembered: "That's right! No wonder your appearance looks familiar to me... Your boy's name is Soknenufa, right?"

Suoke asked curiously: "Do you know me?"

"Hmph, the name is like thunder..."

Kaiba Gozaburo sneered: "Not only did you blatantly cheat in the All Japan Duel Monsters Competition, but you also beat the referee and the audience in public, and threatened and intimidated Pegasus... There are not many bastards like you in the world, but... ..." At this point, Kaiba Gozaburo glanced at Kaiba coldly: "The information about you that concerns me the most is not the trivial matters, but the banditry of the big capitalists who have repeatedly blackmailed Domino Town! If the information There is no doubt that among them, the Haima Group should have suffered the most heavy losses..."

Kaiba snorted coldly and turned away without answering.

However, Suoke said with great interest: "Since you know about my extortion of those capitalists, you should also know how powerful I am?"

"Catching bullets with bare hands? Huh! It's just a trick!"

Gozaburo Kaiba said with a proud smile: "No matter how strong a person is, he can never be stronger than the torrent of steel! Now that you are caught by me, this is the best proof!"

"Seto! You incompetent loser!"

Kaiba Gozaburo's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he shouted sternly: "Where was your courage in forcing me to death back then? Not only did you lose to him again and again, but you were blackmailed by him again and again. This is the retribution for you giving up Kaiba's military industry and switching to the gaming field. ! If those powerful weapons are still in your hands, where is the room for such a madman to be arrogant!?"

"Tsk, the smelly old man is old, but his heart is quite wild."

A weird smile suddenly flashed across the corner of Suoke's mouth. The magic fire burned off the flying claws that clamped his limbs, and slowly fell to the ground. His clothes suddenly flew up without wind!


Gosaburo Kaiba said in horror: "The materials of these flying claws are made of the hardest alloy. How could you break free!?"

The majestic and terrifying aura suddenly erupted!

Without answering Gosaburo's question, Suoke sneered and stretched out his hand, activated the duel disk on his arm and said: "To deal with an old guy like you, there is no need to play cards with you, but... you said you were Feng Dazi. order to snatch the Three Illusion Gods? In other words, you should have that card in your deck..."

"Oliha Gang's barrier!"

The soul card in the deck was revealed by Sok. Gozaburo Kaiba was shocked and said with a gloomy face: "You seem to know a lot of things..."

"Indeed, I know more than this cannon fodder like you!"

Sok suddenly inserted the deck of cards into the duel plate and said with a ferocious smile: "Come on, old man! Let me see how powerful the legendary 'Oliha Gang Barrier' is! Hahaha..."

"Damn it, the target of my revenge is Seto! I don't have time to waste time here with you!"

Kaiba Gozaburo quickly took several steps back and shouted loudly at the robot warriors surrounding Sok and others: "Except Seto, kill them all!"

The command was launched successfully!

The eyes of the dozens of mechanical warriors suddenly glowed red, and they raised their heavy weapons to shoot indiscriminately!

But at this life-and-death moment, Sok stretched out his hand and pointed back, and suddenly there was a burst of intense light. Then, all the mechanical warriors stopped their current movements, and the red light in their eyes gradually dimmed!

This is exactly the special ability of the trap card "Flash Bomb".

[Flash bomb, trap card, effect: When the opponent's monster directly attacks the player, all the opponent's monsters are "blocked" and cannot use cards in their hand. 】(Duel City Edition)

However, based on this alone, it was obviously impossible to permanently imprison the mechanical army, so next, Sok stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

A thunder resounded through the sky, and the originally clear air gradually became filled with clouds and mist. Purple raindrops fell on all the mechanical warriors, corroding all their circuits and weapons to the point where they could no longer be used.

This time, the magic card "Magic Mist Rain" used only by demons was used.

The power of Sok's moves is astonishing. It doesn't matter if he kills Kaiba or Yugi, but what if he accidentally kills Peacock Dance and Isis too.

Although he is an evil god, he still has some final conscience.

Therefore, at this time, it is more appropriate to use the special abilities of cards flexibly.

After taking care of all the mechanical warriors, Sok raised his hand and sent a shock wave to Kaiba Gozaburo. The violent impact even knocked out his gastric juice!


Kaiba Gozaburo covered his mouth and fell to his knees, his whole body twitching.

However, Suok had no sympathy at all, and just sneered: "Now you know why Kaiba can't do anything to me, old guy!...Okay, stand up for me quickly, pick up your duel disk, and use your 'Oli' Ha Gang's enchantment will make me happy, hahaha..."


Kaiba Gozaburo stood up unsteadily while holding his stomach: "Now that things have come to a point, it seems that I can only deal with you first..."



Kaiba Gozaburo, LP: 4000

Sock, LP: 4000

"I'll attack first and draw the cards!"

Gozaburo Kaiba trembled and pulled out a card from the deck, then inserted a card from his hand into the duel plate, gritted his teeth and shouted: "The magic card 'Bitter Choice' is activated! According to the effect of this card, I pulled out a card from the deck Choose five cards to display, and you choose one of them to add to my hand!”

[Bitter choice, magic card, effect: Choose 5 cards from your deck and show them to the opponent. The opponent chooses 1 card among them. Add 1 card chosen by the opponent to your hand, and discard the remaining cards to the graveyard. 】

"And the five cards I gave are these!"

In an instant, five bright beams of light shot up from the ground into the sky, and five orange-yellow cards appeared on Kaiba Gozaburo's field!

Which is exactly:

"The Right Foot of the Sealed One"

"The Left Foot of the Sealed One"

"The Right Wrist of the Sealed One"

"The Left Wrist of the Sealed One"

"Sealed Exodia"!

When Kaiba, Yugi and others who were watching saw these five cards, they were all shocked and said: "What!? Those cards are..."

"That's right, it's Exodia!"

Kaiba Gozaburo looked at Sok fiercely and let out a harsh and ferocious laugh: "From the information I received, you were famous in the duel monster card world for cheating on 'Exodia' and killing it in one go. Today, it is most appropriate to use this guy’s soul to bury you, Sok!!!”

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