Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 208 Infinite health

All the spectators were ejected by Oliha Gang's barrier.

No one can interfere with this duel now!


The green barrier light and shadow appeared on Kaiba Gozaburo's forehead. After an inexplicable red light flashed in his eyes, Gozaburo opened his arms and laughed proudly: "What a great power this is, what an incredible miracle! Only the last Only the winner can walk out of this 'Oliha Gang's Barrier'! But the loser will lose everything!"


Suok tried to hit the edge of the barrier with a punch. After the green light wall emitted violent fluctuations, it slowly returned to its original appearance.

But at the same time, Gozaburo Kaiba, who was laughing wildly across from him, suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground on his back as if he had been hit hard. He covered his heart in pain and kept twitching.

Suoke was stunned for a moment, and then tried to punch the green light screen of the barrier twice.

With each hit of the attack, Kaiba Gozaburo would let out a shrill scream, and even his originally solid body began to gradually become blurred.

"So that's it!"

Suoke suddenly clapped his hands and said: "I asked you, how can you, a dead person, talk, laugh, jump and jump? It turns out that your soul resides in the card 'Oliha Gang's Barrier'! That's why you did what you did just now He said that this card is your soul card, and when I attack the barrier, it's like hitting you!" At this point, Sok shook his head and sneered: "Tsk... So this is what you call eternal life. It's really The cheap ones are a bit pitiful, Gozaburo!"


The corners of Gozaburo Kaiba's mouth were bloodshot. He clutched his chest and gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to worry about it! I'm warning you, if you kill me, this game will never end, and you will never be able to escape from 'Oliha Goss'. Get out of the barrier! You'd better be more honest in the upcoming duel!"

"Hmph, you really deserve to be Kaiba's cheap dad. Even you have the same bad temper..."

Suok clasped his hands on his chest and sneered: "But if you want to bluff me, it's still ten thousand years too early! First of all, if you die, the duel will be automatically lost. I can go out directly. I will never If the situation you mentioned occurs, there is also a second point. I have roughly understood the strength of this barrier. Do you really think this thing can trap me, the evil god of the underworld, hahaha..."

Gozaburo Kaiba had cold sweat streaming down his forehead, but he still said stubbornly: "Stop talking nonsense, boy! I have never seen a precedent of violently destroying 'Oliha Gang's Barrier'. Just a guy like you, how could it be possible?" …”

Suoke sighed, shrugged his shoulders in a relaxed manner and said: "Whatever you think, but...even if I can't destroy the barrier, it's still very easy for me to beat you old scoundrel to death in the barrier. It’s completely closed, you don’t even have anywhere to run! After all, dark games also have a function to prevent violence and cheating. Your ‘whoever uses it will die the barrier’, besides cheating yourself, what is the use of it? ?”


Gosaburo Kaiba was sweating profusely: "...I actually forgot that this guy is a notoriously violent maniac!"

Seeing Sock clenching his fists and looking at him with evil intentions, Kaiba Gozaburo's nervous legs were shaking, and he said in horror: "You...what do you want to do!?"

"Don't be afraid, I have no intention of killing you with force, at least not yet..."

Sok glanced at the "Undead of Exodia" on Gozaburo Kaiba's field, and sneered: "Since this guy climbed out of hell after all the hard work and wants to take revenge on me, I don't care to give him a chance... …”

Kaiba Gozaburo was stunned: "What...what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand yet?"

The evil god's evil smile appeared on Suoke's lips, and he slapped his chest hard and said: "The evil god who killed him three thousand years ago is me! Hahaha..."


Before Kaiba Gozaburo could recover from the shock, Sock had already forced his turn to start!

"My turn, draw a card!"

Sok suddenly pulled out a card from the deck, then inserted a card from his hand into the duel disk, and shouted coldly: "The magic card 'Forbidden Summon of Martyrs' is activated! According to the effect of this card, I can start from the card Specially summon two monsters below four stars in the group!"

[Forbidden Summoning of Martyrs, quick-attack magic card, effect: If the opponent has monsters on the field, but we have no monsters on the field, we will specially summon two monsters with four stars or less from the deck to play. 】

Kaiba Gosaburo was anxious, and shouted as if he wanted to give himself some psychological comfort: "It's useless! Because of the effect of 'Oliha Gang's Barrier', the attack power of 'Exodia's Undead' has been increased to 2300 Point! Four-star monsters can’t even resist, so they can only come out and die!”

"Oh? Really..."

Sock took out the deck from the duel plate, picked out two cards from it, inserted the two cards into the duel plate, and shouted sternly: "These are the two monsters I want to summon! Come out, Martyr· Hell's right hand, Thys'! 'Martyr Soul Eater'"!

The orange six-pointed star unique to the martyrs blooms at your feet!

The warm color contrasts sharply with Oliha Gang's barrier, like an old enemy!

The ugly skeleton monster and the warrior with a completely mechanized right arm landed on the Sok field, and the fighting spirit was boiling!

Martyr: Hell's right hand, Thies, attack: 1900, defense: 1700

Martyr Soul Eater, attack: 1400, defense: 1300


Kaiba Gozaburo had a bad premonition in his heart.

What kind of monster is that? Why have I never heard of it? ?

And why did "Oliha Gang's Barrier" start to tremble as soon as these two monsters appeared?

Is it fear or excitement? ?

"The effect of 'Martyr Hell's Right Hand This' is activated!"

Before Gozaburo Kaiba could think clearly, Sok's voice sounded again: "I offer this card as a sacrifice. Ignore the summoning conditions from the deck and specially summon a monster with 'Martyr' in its name. !”

"One of the three supreme gods of martyrs, the God of War who is looked down upon by hell, I hereby call your true name, come down - 'Martyr, God of War of Hell'!!!"

‘Martyr: Hell’s Right Hand This’ turned into a white light and rushed into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a thunder fell from the sky!

Accompanied by chants and demonic sounds from hell, a nightmare ghost and god holding two swords and wearing the armor of the god of war appeared!

Martyr·Hell God of War, Attack: Infinite, Defense: Infinite

Holding the divine sword and pointing directly at the sky, the dark face hidden in the magic armor emits a shocking phantom sound!

"Surrender! Or be destroyed!"

The absolute majesty makes all enemies bow down. This is the tyranny of the God of War!


Kaiba Gozaburo was horrified: "It's actually infinite!"

"Hmph, don't worry, Gosaburo, I won't let you die so happily..."

Sok raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Because of the effect of 'Martyr Hell War God', when he comes on the field, all the monsters on the opponent's field are changed to defense position, so you are lucky to save a life!"

Kaiba Gozaburo breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, my 'Undead of Exodia' will not be destroyed by the battle and can block this wave of attacks..."

"Hmph, originally I wasn't prepared to kill you instantly like this."

Sok slowly pulled out a card from his hand, inserted it into the duel disk, and said with a ferocious smile: "Then, the next step is the really interesting torture! The magic card 'Martyr's Painful Blow' is activated! According to this card's Effect, I offer the 'Martyr Soul Eater' on the field as a sacrifice, and you can choose a card from your hand or graveyard to add to my hand!"

Kaiba Gozaburo was stunned: "You want the card in my hand?"


Sok sneered and stretched out his hand: "I want the magic card 'Mysterious Chinese Cooking Pot' from your graveyard!"

Kaiba Gozaburo didn't react at first, but then he thought of an extremely terrifying thing and said in shock: "You...do you want to..."

"That's right!"

Suok laughed ferociously: "The 'Mysterious Chinese Cooking Pot' is activated! I will offer the 'Martyr Hell God of War' on the field as a sacrifice to increase my health..."

A huge pot suddenly appeared on the Sok field, put "Martyr Hell War God" in it, stir-fried it for five seconds, and then sprinkled it on Sok!

The endless vitality is shocking even if you look at it with the naked eye!

Sok Nenufa, LP: Infinite!

Rolling up his sleeves, Sok showed a malicious expression, grinned at the widest angle of his mouth, and said with a strange smile: "Come on, Exodia!"

"We have plenty of time to play slowly!"

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