Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 209 This is a substitute attack

Infinite health!

How to fight this?

Even if "The Undead of Exodia" could continuously increase his attack power, and Thork stood still and let him fight for a year, he still wouldn't be able to defeat Thork!

Everyone at the scene was stunned to see this scene, a scene that could never be repeated in the history of duels, and their hearts were filled with shock!

With the strength of Sok's deck and his unlimited health, who else can defeat him! ?


Kaiba Gozaburo was sweating profusely, and was constantly thinking about countermeasures in his mind: "Now it seems that the only way to win is to make this kid's deck be exhausted first! But because of myself, I activated the 'Bitter Choice' , so now I have 29 cards left in my deck, and this guy has 31 cards left in his deck. No matter what, I will finish the deck first..."

It’s over!

There is absolutely nothing we can do!

Even if you use the immortality ability of "Exodia's Undead" to survive until the last round, you will still lose!

What should we do to eliminate infinite health points? ?

"Hmph, isn't it a little early to be depressed?"

Sok sneered twice, raised his eyebrows and said: "My turn is not over yet! The 'Martyr Soul Eater' that was sent to the cemetery because of the permanent magic 'Martyr's Blow' has the ability to be resurrected infinitely. And the ability to keep getting stronger!”

[Martyr Soul Eater, effect: When this card is sent to the graveyard, it can be specially summoned to play and increase its attack power by 1000 points (this effect can be superimposed)]


"Your unwilling soul made a self-righteous evolution, but in the end, it only gained the same ability as my vanguard army. How sad!"

Sok reached out and took out the "Martyr Soul Eater" from the cemetery, reinserted it into the duel plate, and shouted coldly: "Resurrection, my immortal warrior! With your unyielding backbone, wipe out all enemies for me. !”

Following the call, the orange six-pointed star summoning array lit up again, constantly impacting "Oliha Gang's Barrier"!

The skeleton warrior holding the scepter once again returned to Sok's battlefield!

Martyr Soul Eater, attack: 1400→2400

It has exceeded the attack power of "The Undead of Exodia"!

"You can actually be resurrected infinitely!?"

Jonouchi said in shock: "Isn't this monster just like the 'Undead of Exodia', a cheating monster!?"

"Not only that, Jonouchi-kun!"

Next to him, Muto Yugi looked solemnly at the activated magic card on Sok's field, and said solemnly: "The ability of this monster to be infinitely resurrected and enhanced can also cooperate with the continuous magic card on Sok's field to achieve A terrifying chain! Every round, Sock can not only take away a card from the opponent's graveyard or hand, but 'Martyr Soul Eater' can also additionally increase the attack power!"

"This combination is far stronger than the 'Wraiths of Exodia'!"


Tairiang Tianyin also narrowed his eyes, secretly calculating the possibility of winning against this combination, but found that the winning rate was almost zero!

The only way he wants to win is to summon the Chaos Phantom as soon as possible and directly inflict 10,000 health points of damage to Suok!


Can you hold on for that long?

Now even the Light of Destruction has been easily eliminated by Sok. Even if he wins the game, he will probably lose his life...


This time, let’s admit defeat for now and consider contacting the mastermind behind “Oliha Gang” to see if we can join forces with him to deal with Sok.

Thinking of this, Tairiang Tianyin had already made up his mind.

If Gosaburo Kaiba fails, then he will suddenly rise up and rescue him, and then ask about the so-called Oriha Goss!

"Although 'Exodia's Undead' is in defensive position, even attacking will have no effect, but..."

Suok raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sinister smile: "Look at my bad temper. With this big turtle shell here, I feel unhappy even if I don't cut it a few times! So... the attack of 'Martyr Soul Eater' ! Magical illusion light!"

Following Sok's order, the 'Martyr Soul Eater' immediately raised the scepter in his hand and prepared to attack.

But at this time, Suoke suddenly reached out and called out to him: "Wait a minute, come here first!"

It was obviously a monster phantom simulated by the virtual illusion system, but the "Martyr Soul Eater" actually stopped the attack in a humane manner, turned around and nodded, came to Sok's side and knelt down on one knee. I don't know where. There was a rough sound like sandpaper being rubbed.

"Lord Sok, what are your orders?"

Sok reached out and took the magic scepter of "Martyr Soul Eater", shook it in his hand, nodded with satisfaction and said: "The weight is just right, lend me this thing, and I will return it after the duel is over." for you."

"Martyr Soul Eater" responded obediently and stepped aside to make way for Sok.

Immediately afterwards, Sock turned to Isono and shouted: "Hey, mustache referee! I will attack on behalf of the monster. It should be okay, right?"

Isono was confused at that time.

In so many years, this is the first time I heard of a duelist making such a request.

However, given that Sock had already had an impressive record of beating the Sun God with his bare hands before, Isono was not so frightened that his jaw dropped like last night.

Everyone is already used to it.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Isono smiled dryly and said: "...If you like it, Mr. Sok, of course it's no problem."

"That's no problem!"

Sok sneered, rolled up his sleeves, and walked towards "The Undead of Exodia" with his stick in hand.

Anyone at the scene who knew a little bit about Suoke could basically guess what he wanted to do next.

They were already covering their eyes and couldn't bear to watch any more.

Only Gozaburo Kaiba, who had never seen the world, scratched his head in confusion and said: "What on earth do you want to do...and how did you get the duel monster's weapon in your hand..."

Thokri ignored him, walked up to the defensive "Wraith of Exodia", cupped his hands and said, "Melee mage, Gandalf will add some points, please give me some advice!"

Before Kaiba Gosaburo could figure out who Gandalf was, Thok's eyes had already flashed a golden light, and he shouted sternly at "The Undead of Exodia": "Lower your head!"

Following Sok's loud shout, "The Undead of Exodia" was immediately restrained by a circle of inexplicable golden light. After a violent convulsion of his body, his huge body couldn't resist bending down and lowering his head. !

Without saying a word, Sock shook his hand with a stick!

"I'll beat you to death! I'll beat you to hell!"

The scepter hit "Exodia's Undead" all over the body. Every time it hit, "Exodia's Undead" would let out a violent scream. It waved its fist and wanted to resist, but before it could wait, Swinging out his fist, Sok had already hammered the "Wraith of Exodia" into the sky with a backhand punch, and then fell heavily to the ground, splashing a lot of smoke and dust!

Undead of Exodia, Attack: 2300→3300

Because after a battle, the attack power of "Exodia's Undead" has also been improved.

Although this was a good thing, Gozaburo Kaiba always felt an indescribable sadness in his heart when he looked at the "Ghost of Exodia" who was beaten with a stick on the field and his nose was bruised and swollen.

There is one more chapter, maybe a little late

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