Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 210 Torture

Swaggeringly returned to his own field, Sock had no intention of returning the scepter to "Martyr Soul Eater".

He drew two cards from his hand and inserted them into the duel disk. Thok raised his eyebrows and sneered: "I ambushed two cover cards and ended the round! Now it's your turn, old man! Hurry up and let your 'Exodia' Come attack the undead, hahaha!"

Only then did Kaiba Gozaburo recover from the shock.

He really couldn't understand how a living person could beat virtual duel monsters wantonly? With one punch, he knocked away the "Wraiths of Exodia" weighing several thousand tons... Doesn't his hand hurt?

Kaiba Gozaburo's face changed color, and he was constantly struggling in his heart.

Want to attack?

Although attacking now can defeat the "Martyr Soul Eater", it can be resurrected immediately and increase its attack power by 1000 points! Then in the next round, if Sok activates the effect of "Martyr's Painful Blow", the attack power of "Martyr Soul Eater" will suddenly increase to 4400 points!

Sok's health is infinite and he can waste it as he pleases, but he only has 3000 health left, so he can't take a few hits.

Thinking of this, Kaiba Gozaburo was very reluctant, but he could only swallow his anger for the time being.

"My turn, draw cards..."

After Kaiba Gozaburo slowly drew a card from the deck, he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I won't do anything this round, and it will end like this..."

"Want to escape from the battle? What a wishful thinking!"

Before Gosaburo finished speaking, Suoke suddenly waved his hand, opened the ambush card on the field, and shouted coldly: "At this moment, I am going to activate the trap card 'Final Assault Order'! According to the effect of this card, All monsters on both sides of the field must remain in an attacking state! Stand up and let me see your backbone, Exodia! If you don't even have the courage to punch me, why did you crawl out of hell! ?”

[Final Assault Order, Continuous Trap Card, Effect: As long as this card exists on the field, both monsters must be in an attacking state. 】

Kaiba Gozaburo said inexplicably: "What's the point of provoking a duel monster? I am the duelist who decides whether it attacks or not..."

But before he finished speaking, he saw the eyes of "The Undead of Exodia" glowing red, and he actually took the initiative to cancel the defense display and stood up!

"I...I won't lose..."

"I want revenge on you..."


After the thunderous roar, the "Undead of Exodia" launched a direct attack without Gozaburo Kaiba's order!

Jumping up, "The Undead of Exodia" suddenly punched, pointing directly at Sok!

The endless death energy entangled, and the hatred that had accumulated for three thousand years finally broke out at this moment. Its powerful fist style and unstoppable courage almost changed the color of the world!

"Well done!"

Facing such a terrifying monster, Suoke didn't show any fear on his face. He shouted loudly, jumped up, and punched straight up!


The two fists hit each other, and there seemed to be lightning and thunder, the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon lost their light!

In the center of that intersection, strong and sharp opposing airflows spread out and fluctuated like knives. Even with the obstruction of Oliha Gang's barrier, everyone felt frightened and the hairs on their bodies stood up!

Gozaburo Kaiba, who was in the barrier, was unlucky. With the continuous impact of the airflow, his whole body was flying around in the sky like a kite with a broken string.

The huge iron fist of "The Undead of Exodia" was pressed against Sok's fist. Even a fool could tell that "The Undead of Exodia" had an absolute advantage, but...

After a brief lull in time for five seconds, the right arm of "The Undead of Exodia" directly shattered into pieces and shattered into powder!

At the same time, the "Martyr Soul Eater" on the Sok field also shattered instantly and floated in the air.

"I... already possess a true immortal body..."

"The Undead of Exodia" flashed red in his eyes and made a dull buzzing sound: "I will never... be defeated by you again..."


Along with this roar, a newbie wrapped in death energy grew out of the broken right arm of "Exodia's Undead"!

Undead of Exodia, Attack: 3300→4300

Soknenufa, LP: Infinity

Gozaburo Kaiba, who just got up from the ground, almost collapsed. The monster card did not obey the command and attacked randomly, so he didn't say anything. The aftermath of the attack blew him up and flew around in the sky like his grandson. But you are like this What's the point of attacking? Suok's health has not decreased at all!


"The effect of 'Martyr Soul Eater' is activated!"

Suok sneered, clenched his fist and shouted: "When he is sent to the cemetery, he can be resurrected immediately and increase his attack power by 1000 points! Fight for me again, my undead warrior!!!"

The orange six-pointed star suddenly lit up, and the broken skeleton body crawled out of hell again!

Martyr Soul Eater, attack: 2400→3400

"Next, it's my turn!"

Suok's pupils suddenly shrunk, he grinned, and said with a ferocious smile: "Because 'Martyr Soul Eater' launched an attack in the last round, I can't draw cards this round... But it doesn't matter! At this moment, I activated Due to the effect of the permanent magic card 'Martyr's Painful Blow' on the field, I offer 'Martyr Soul Eater' as a sacrifice, and choose a card from your graveyard to add to my hand!"

"Martyr Soul Eater" was once again sent to the cemetery, and then reborn. Its attack power reached a terrifying 4400 points, which has exceeded the current attack power of "The Undead of Exodia"!

But the important thing is not this, but...

Sock was as condescending as an evil god. He pointed at the left hand of "The Undead of Exodia" and laughed wildly: "Due to the effect of the 'martyr's painful blow', I will remove the 'sealed person's body' from your graveyard." "Left Wrist" is added to the hand, depriving "Exodia's Undead" of its ability not to be destroyed by monster effects! Hahaha... Feel the pain like being skinned by cramps, Exodia!!!"

As the "Left Arm of the Sealed One" was extracted from the graveyard of Kaiba Gozaburo's Duel Disk, the left hand of "The Undead of Exodia" also immediately lost the blessing of the power of death and changed from darkness back to its original dark yellow color!


Kaiba Gozaburo lost his voice and said: "How do you know that the power of 'The Undead of Exodia' comes from the five parts in the cemetery!?"

"Hum hum……"

Suok raised the corner of his mouth and smiled strangely: "Not only do I know this, but I also know exactly the role of each component in the cemetery... I want to know why I don't just put it as 'will not be destroyed in battle' Extract the 'Sealed Exodia' ability?... Because I want to slowly torture this Egyptian messenger who dares to challenge the majesty of the great evil god, Gozaburo!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Suok's face suddenly became cold, and he roared angrily: "I will launch the attack on behalf of the 'Martyr Soul Eater'! Take the attack, the ancient dead souls that should have been annihilated three thousand years ago!!"

Shocking black light erupted all over his body, and Sok jumped up and instantly moved behind the "Undead of Exodia". With endless dark power, he pressed its head heavily to the ground, splashing countless smoke and dust!

Holding the left hand of "Exodia's Undead" tightly with his left hand, Sok raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly in an extremely soft tone: "Enjoy the painful torture, Exodia..."

Immediately afterwards, Suok exerted force and tore off its entire left arm!

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