Yu-Gi-Oh: Fake Card King

Chapter 211 Tianshendang

The body sleeps forever, but the soul is immortal.

Anubis, the god of death, has the duty to protect the souls of mummies buried in cemeteries from all the torment of this world.

However, because the "left arm of the sealed person" was extracted from the cemetery, its left arm was no longer protected by the God of Death. The intense pain caused the "Undead of Exodia" to scream in agony, and this time, Its left arm, which had lost its undead power, could no longer regenerate and could only howl like a defeated dog.

Undead of Exodia, Attack: 4300→5300

Kaiba Gozaburo, LP: 3000→2900

"Although Sok and we are on the same team for the time being, this deck and this card are really a bit creepy..."

Jonouchi folded his arms and thought hard with a headache: "If I meet him in the first round, how can I defeat this kind of monster that can't be killed and keeps getting stronger... Damn it, this is completely against the law. Game balance monster, what on earth did that guy from Pegasus think to design such a card, and I can’t even buy it..."

Next to her, Kyoko touched Jonouchi's arm with empty eyes and said, "The last sentence is what you really want to say, isn't it, Jonouchi?"

"...I'm totally impressed by you."

Jonouchi scratched his head and laughed twice, then looked at the ugly skeleton monster on the Sok field with great envy: "It would be great if I could also have a completely shameless monster with this kind of effect."


Oyo Yugi said with a helpless smile: "That kind of monster that destroys the balance, no matter how you think about it, it is not a card made by Mr. Pegasus, and even if it is sold on the market, it must be at a sky-high price, and it may even exceed the card of God. , Jonouchi-kun must not be able to afford it."

Jonouchi's face suddenly fell: "You are right... I am so poor..."


The phantom of the Pharaoh floating behind Yugi looked extremely solemn: "Each of Sok's martyrs is a very powerful and excellent monster. This one is especially difficult to deal with, because the condition for his resurrection is not destruction, but destruction. It will take effect as long as it is sent to the graveyard. Although the three phantom gods are powerful, none of them can completely kill it. If you want to deal with this monster, you must add targeted cards to the deck!"

"another me……"

Biao Yuxi looked at the Pharaoh for a long time, blinked his eyes, and suddenly said with a gentle smile: "You can win!"

The Pharaoh glanced at Biao Yuxi, looked at each other, and raised the corners of his mouth: "Do your best, partner!"

"Okay, my turn is over."

With a flick of his bow, Sok jumped back to his own field from the back of "The Undead of Exodia". Then he stretched out his right index finger and hooked it, arrogantly provoking: "Now it's your turn to challenge I launched an attack, Exodia!... Or are you too scared to punch me again after my left hand was ripped off?"

"I...will not lose!"

The scarlet light in the eyes of "The Undead of Exodia" became even more intense. He raised one arm to the sky, condensed an extremely wild and violent energy bomb and threw it towards Sok: "Dark Undead Ball!!!"

Suok was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned to the "Martyr Soul Eater" beside him and shouted: "Quick! Use your breasts to fire the ultimate destructive cannon!"

"Martyr Soul Eater" was dumbfounded and said with a blank look on his face: "I...I don't know how..."

"Modan, please let me go at the critical moment..."

Sok pushed "Martyr Soul Eater" away, clasped his hands together, raised it high above his head, condensed a huge orange energy bomb and threw it out: "Just eat my Ultimate Body's special move, Gaia Energy Cannon !!!”


Two destructive forces with different colors and completely opposite energy structures collided together, making a violent explosion!

"Martyr Soul Eater" was directly crushed and then reborn.

Its attack power has also increased again, reaching 5400 points. As for Sok's health, it is still unbeatable and infinite.

Except for its head, the entire body of "Exodia's Undead" was blown to pieces. However, due to the protection of the death energy, its body, except for its left arm, was reorganized again, and its attack power was also increased to 6300 points!

If the health points of both sides are not calculated, this battle will continue forever.

But the current reality is that Sock's health is infinite and can be used as he wants. Even if Gosaburo Kaiba only takes a hundred points of damage at a time, he will be tortured to death one day.

Now Gosaburo Kaiba finally understands what Sok means when he says "We have plenty of time to play slowly."

"Now it's my turn again, draw cards!"

Sock slowly pulled out a card from the deck, and was about to launch "Martyr's Painful Blow" to extract the "Sealed Man's Right Wrist" from Kaiba Gozaburo's graveyard to continue torturing him, but as if he had a telepathic connection, The moment this card was drawn, Sok suddenly felt a ripple in his heart.

Just like water droplets dripping on the lake, it is cool and touching.

Putting the newly drawn card in front of his eyes, Sok's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't expect to draw this card at this time!

In the world view of Yu-Gi-Oh, the card you draw is not decided at the beginning, but the card appears at the appropriate time based on the courage and bond of the duelist!

The writing is a miracle, and it is read as an ink card.

And the one that Sock just drew was the one newly printed on the duel boat last night!

"Oliha Gang·Tenshendang"!

The ink paper is still warm!

The colorful six-pointed star pattern on the card surface shines brightly, and the static card surface seems to have dynamic flows and ripples!

For a moment, Sock seemed to understand the intention of this card!

It is calling itself!

Call yourself to activate it!


Suoke raised the corner of his mouth: "In that case, then I will follow your wishes and end everything here!"

Slowly insert the newly drawn card into the magic trap card slot of the duel plate. At this moment, the ultimate god card known as the "strongest fake card" in the real world is finally revealed to everyone!

The six-pointed star exuding colorful divine light shines brightly!

The fluctuations that shock the soul continue to spread!

"I activate! Oriha Gang Tenjin Dang!!!"

Accompanied by the call of the evil god.

The name of this card resounded throughout hell and heaven in an instant!

[Oliha Gang Tenjin Dang, quick attack magic card, effect: After this card is activated, destroy all cards in the opponent's deck, hand, graveyard, and field and exclude them. Neither the activation nor the effect of this card will be negated. 】

The execution song of the Great Evil God sounded.

Sok opened his arms and smiled as arrogantly as he could: "According to the effect of this card, all cards in your deck, hand, graveyard, and field will be destroyed and excluded from the game!" The priority is the highest and the strength is the strongest! No card can resist its power, including the 'Undead of Exodia' on your field that has the resistance of 'not being destroyed by magic effects'!"

"Gozaburo, be banished to the end of the world along with everything you own! God's sanction!!!"

The irresistible hexagram's destructive light instantly defeated the "Oriha Gang's Barrier" that was the carrier of Gozaburo Kaiba!

The huge dimensional vortex directly sucked the "dead souls of Exodia" into it, and they were exiled!

Hand of cards! Card deck! Even the cemetery!

Everything ceases to exist!

Kaiba Gozaburo's soul was in pieces, but he seemed unaware, looking at everything in front of him with dull eyes, and murmured: "I...lost..."

I have some things to go out today, and I have another chapter to update in the evening. I can only wait until tomorrow for the additional update of Creation Rewards--

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